Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Manuscripts at CCF Phnom Penh - Wed 6:30 PM March 30th

Cambodia's Manuscripts 
Safeguarding and Showcasing a Written Heritage 
By M. Leng Kok An
Presentation in Khmer with simultaneous translation in English and French 

Threatened with extinction in the early 1990s, the Cambodian corpus of manuscripts engraved on latania leaves has been the focus of a meticulous safeguarding and restoration operation directed by the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) for the past 20 years. Thousands of manuscripts have thus been preserved throughout the Kingdom before recently being digitized and put on line with assistance from the government of Singapore and UNESCO. Mr. Leng Kok An, an associate of Professor Olivier de Bernon within the EFEO's Fonds pour l'Edition des Manuscrits du Cambodge (Fund for Manuscript Publication in Cambodia), will introduce this daunting memory conservation project.

With the Support of the Singapore fund in trust with UNESCO


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