Friday, March 25, 2011

Phnom Penh: Japan Donation Drive

From: Kitajima Saori <>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 2:25 PM
Subject: [cambodiaparentnetwork] Pray for Japan - donation drive on Sun (3/27)

Dear all,

Volunteers from Japanese NGOs Network in Cambodia (JNNN) will hold a donation drive this Sunday (27 March) near Wat Onalom (near Amanjaya and Bougainvilla hotels on the riverside) for 9:00-11:00 in response to the earthquake that hit eastern Japan on 11 March.

Please come and join us!
Donations are welcome, but just leaving a message would be an encouragement for those in dire situations right now...



"Pray for Japan x Japanese NGO Network in Cambodia"

Date:   9:00-11:00 on Sunday March 27, 2011
Venue:  In front of Wat Onalom (near Amanjaya and Bougainvillier Hotel on the riverside).

Main activities:

- Collection of donations
- Collection of messages for the victims
- Sales of "Pray for Japan" T-shirts at USD 2.5 (USD 1 will go to the donation)
- Performance by a marching band by Cambodian high school students
-Presentation of the photos of the affected areas and NGO activities on the ground

An earthquake of magnitude 9.0 hit eastern Japan on 11 March. The number of death and the missing is over 24,000, and the tragic toll is expected to rise further. Even two weeks after the dreadful disaster, food, water, electricity, fuel, and means of communication remain all scarce commodities for many of the survivors in emergency shelters. The livelihoods in extensive areas in eastern Japan are virtually shattered.

WHY DO WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT?—Why 'Pray for Japan' in Cambodia?

As Japanese NGOs working in Cambodia, we wish to put together voices and support from Cambodian people and deliver them to the people of Japan. Japan has a long history of supporting Cambodia. We hope this event will further strengthen the friendship between the two countries. The messages will be sent to people in the disaster-hit areas through NGOs, as well as posted on various internet sites.

WHERE WILL YOUR DONATION GO?—NGO Relief Fund for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Your valued contributions will save lives and restore livelihoods of the people affected by the disaster. We partner with Japanese NGOs actively engaged in emergency and recovery assistance through JANIC (Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation,, a network organization coordinating the financial support for NGOs assisting the disaster victims. All the donations made at this event will be used to support 28 NGOs through the "NGO Relief Fund for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami" administered by JANIC.

We are in the process of setting up a bank account. The details will be passed on later.

Please come and join us to support the people of Japan.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Telephone: 012-589-514 (mobile) / 023-221-802 (at NGO Hearts of GOld)


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