Thursday, March 17, 2011

Call for Proposals to Convene a Symposium Pertaining to Southeast Asia

The Asian Studies Centre at St Antony's College invites proposals from post-doctoral researchers and graduate students to organise and host a one day symposium on a theme that focuses on countries in Southeast Asia or else adopts a comparative approach that includes two or more SE Asian countries alongside other countries that are relevant to the main theme. Ideally the symposium should have wide relevance and should appeal to an audience that would include both Asianists and non-Asianists.

Suggested topics could include-:

·         Nation-building

·         Migration and citizenship

·         Consumerism

·         The Middle Classes

·         Responses to Natural Disasters

·         The environment

·         Ethnic minorities

·         Population – e.g. fertility decline, ageing, gender relations

·         Education

·         Experiences of 'Development'

·         Civil society

·         The Internet and New Media

·         ASEAN and security issues

·         Other topics are welcome

SE Asian Countries include: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (Peninsular & East), East Timor, Indonesia, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, Singapore

The workshop must be held during either MT or HT 2011-2012. 

The proposal should be 1-2 A4 pages and should include the following:

1.       Three to four paragraphs that outline the thematic focus and rationale for the workshop

2.       A tentative list of proposed speakers and the areas on which they would talk – please indicate where the proposed speakers are based as this will have implications for the travel costs.

3.       Please ask your supervisor to submit a brief character reference on your behalf.

The proposal and the reference are to be emailed to by Friday, 6th May 2011. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by Friday 27th May 2011. 

If your proposal is selected, the Asian Studies Centre will arrange the following:

  • A workshop venue free of charge
  • A £1400 contribution to the travel and accommodation costs of participants.
  • Administrative support

If your proposal is selected, the ASC administrator will work with you in the early planning stages to ensure that the scope of the project fits within the budget.

Please address enquiries to


Kirsty Norton
Asian Studies Centre Administrator
St Antony's College
Oxford  OX2 6JF
Tel: +44 (0)1865-274559
Office Hours:-

Tue & Thu 09:30-16:00

Wed & Fri 09:30-15:00

Closed on Monday's


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