Friday, March 04, 2011

UrbanVoice- Somleing TiKrong - Wednesday March 9

Dear all,

Phnom Penh is developing faster than ever. Where a heritage building sits today might be the location of a glitzy new hotel tomorrow. Communities are displaced to make way for development projects. Some centrally located green spaces are increasingly used by the public, but the city continues experiencing flooding and traffic jams.

Who keeps track of what is going on? Who can have a say on how the city develops?

Why not you?!

UrbanVoice is an exciting new project that tracks developments in the urban space on an online, interactive map. We are looking to organisations and individuals to take part in the project on both a long and short term basis.
Please come along to Baitong on Wednesday March 9 at 6pm to learn more!

Hope to see you there,

The UrbanVoice-Somleing TiKrong Team

For more information, please e-mail 

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