Monday, March 07, 2011

Artist Talk | Kong Vollak | Thu, 10 Mar, 6:30-8:00pm | Sa Sa Art Projects at The Building

Who:     Kong Vollak

What:    Talk and discussion about his work

When:   Thursday, 10 March 2011 from 6:30-8:00pm

Where:  Sa Sa Art Projects at The Building (see map)

Following on from the second 'Pop-Up Art Space' which took place Saturday 26th February near the Night Market (Phsar Reatrey), Kong Vollak invites you to participate in a talk and discussion with him about his practice, and his recent experience of working live in a public space.

For the second Pop-Up Art Space, Vollak created new charcoal drawings and photographs from his on-going series which feature both old and new buildings around the capital.

This live process was filmed and the results were simultaneously projected onto a wall. Vollak invited the people of Phnom Penh to participate.

Vollak's work is rooted in his own experience of living in the city. He explores its changing physicality and probes the social and environmental impact of a new landscape.

'(Re)-drawing the city' aimed to blur the boundaries between public and private space and pose questions about the impact of a changed aesthetic in an urban environment.

Pop-up Art Spaces is a new series of art events curated by ArtXprojects. Once a month they will appear in new and ingenious places around Phnom Penh inviting audiences to explore and perceive their city in new ways led by contemporary artists. For more information visit


The talk will be done in Khmer and English.


For more information please contact:
Natalie Pace at or +855 (0)92 289 164, or

Kate O'Hara at or +855 (0)92 953 567

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.