Sunday, March 06, 2011

Nerd Night | 3.07

To: Fellow Comrades of the Nerdgentsia:

Join arms with us as we celebrate the
Revenge of the Nerds

*nerd night| 3.07*

Inspired by the world renowned Pecha Kucha
presentation format, Nerd Night is an exhibition of local talent and ideas.
Each presentation is short and sweet: 20 slides, 20 seconds each slide. Topics
are not themed. You might know some of the presenters, but chances
are you have never seen this side of them before. Nerd Night is a
chance for you to get
a quick glimpse into the life, work and interests of the people in the Phnom
Penh community. Rapid fire presentations, music and drinks make Nerd Night a

All Nerds, and featuring:

*-John Weeks*, leading Phnom Penh comic artist on quick drawing
*-Kimang Gibbs*, Cambodian-Kiwi fitness expert on her journey from super
geek to fitness freak
*-Kurata Hironobu*, owner of Kurata Pepper, on the art of pepper
*-Sithen Sum*, Cambodian director, on bringing back the golden age of
Cambodian cinema
*-Hugo Rainey*, lover of wildlife, on African sounds
*-Berko Berkavitch*, British polymath, on the power of embarassment
*-**Eléonore Iriart*, muse of wanderlust, on adventure travel

Score Sports Bar and Grill, No. 5 St. 282, at Wat Langka (between St. 51 and 57)

*When*: 8:30 pm; 8-10 pm Nerd Night Happy Hour

**In a triumph of brain over brawn, geeks over jocks, chess club over
football club, NERD NIGHT is taking over the largest sports screen in
Phnom Penh.

For Nerd updates and documentation, join the Nerd Night
"like" our Page
accept your invitation!/event.php?eid=133686370033104
and email to be put on the mailing list
or nominate speakers!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.