Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Seeds of Awareness [Film]

Dear Friends and Family,

This film has been a project that has been three years in the making. It was a collaborative effort which I helped produce and I am very, very happy with the results.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the journey it took me on to see this film to fruition. Thanks to all who supported this process. Much gratitude and countless merits to all who donated time, talent and effort.

I hope it inspires you to sit a 10-day Vipassana course, or inspires you to bring your children and young people you know to learn the practice of Anapana Meditation.

Here's the link:

Please share with as many people as you feel would appreciate it!

All metta,
Lisa (Elizabeth) Chey

Experience for yourself:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Manuscripts at CCF Phnom Penh - Wed 6:30 PM March 30th

Cambodia's Manuscripts 
Safeguarding and Showcasing a Written Heritage 
By M. Leng Kok An
Presentation in Khmer with simultaneous translation in English and French 

Threatened with extinction in the early 1990s, the Cambodian corpus of manuscripts engraved on latania leaves has been the focus of a meticulous safeguarding and restoration operation directed by the École française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) for the past 20 years. Thousands of manuscripts have thus been preserved throughout the Kingdom before recently being digitized and put on line with assistance from the government of Singapore and UNESCO. Mr. Leng Kok An, an associate of Professor Olivier de Bernon within the EFEO's Fonds pour l'Edition des Manuscrits du Cambodge (Fund for Manuscript Publication in Cambodia), will introduce this daunting memory conservation project.

With the Support of the Singapore fund in trust with UNESCO


Friday, March 25, 2011

Equity TV: Gem mining & Titanium Mining in Koh Kong

Dear Viewer,

Please find the attached release for the upcoming Equity Weekly Show, broadcast every Sunday after national news (around 8h00 + PM) on National Television T.V.K. and rebroadcast on Mondays at Noon.

This week in our show 181:

Topic 1 – Gem mining (Main Story)

Topic 2 – Titanium Mining in Koh Kong (Feature)

We hope you will find our show of interest and welcome your contributions and feedback.

For more information about our program or to watch past program, please visit :

If you wish to review some of our previous shows online, you can find all our clips on

If you wish to share your comments on our shows, please go to or message to 012 345 867

Thanks for your attention,

Equity Programs

A UNDP / TVK Initiative

Phnom Penh: Japan Donation Drive

From: Kitajima Saori <>
Date: Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 2:25 PM
Subject: [cambodiaparentnetwork] Pray for Japan - donation drive on Sun (3/27)

Dear all,

Volunteers from Japanese NGOs Network in Cambodia (JNNN) will hold a donation drive this Sunday (27 March) near Wat Onalom (near Amanjaya and Bougainvilla hotels on the riverside) for 9:00-11:00 in response to the earthquake that hit eastern Japan on 11 March.

Please come and join us!
Donations are welcome, but just leaving a message would be an encouragement for those in dire situations right now...



"Pray for Japan x Japanese NGO Network in Cambodia"

Date:   9:00-11:00 on Sunday March 27, 2011
Venue:  In front of Wat Onalom (near Amanjaya and Bougainvillier Hotel on the riverside).

Main activities:

- Collection of donations
- Collection of messages for the victims
- Sales of "Pray for Japan" T-shirts at USD 2.5 (USD 1 will go to the donation)
- Performance by a marching band by Cambodian high school students
-Presentation of the photos of the affected areas and NGO activities on the ground

An earthquake of magnitude 9.0 hit eastern Japan on 11 March. The number of death and the missing is over 24,000, and the tragic toll is expected to rise further. Even two weeks after the dreadful disaster, food, water, electricity, fuel, and means of communication remain all scarce commodities for many of the survivors in emergency shelters. The livelihoods in extensive areas in eastern Japan are virtually shattered.

WHY DO WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT?—Why 'Pray for Japan' in Cambodia?

As Japanese NGOs working in Cambodia, we wish to put together voices and support from Cambodian people and deliver them to the people of Japan. Japan has a long history of supporting Cambodia. We hope this event will further strengthen the friendship between the two countries. The messages will be sent to people in the disaster-hit areas through NGOs, as well as posted on various internet sites.

WHERE WILL YOUR DONATION GO?—NGO Relief Fund for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Your valued contributions will save lives and restore livelihoods of the people affected by the disaster. We partner with Japanese NGOs actively engaged in emergency and recovery assistance through JANIC (Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation,, a network organization coordinating the financial support for NGOs assisting the disaster victims. All the donations made at this event will be used to support 28 NGOs through the "NGO Relief Fund for Japan Earthquake and Tsunami" administered by JANIC.

We are in the process of setting up a bank account. The details will be passed on later.

Please come and join us to support the people of Japan.

For further inquiries, please contact:
Telephone: 012-589-514 (mobile) / 023-221-802 (at NGO Hearts of GOld)


Sunday, March 20, 2011

nerd night | 3.21


As seen in the papers!
Phnom Penh's Very Own
Latest, Greatest
nerd night | 3.21

Inspired by the world renowned Pecha Kucha presentation format, Nerd Night is an exhibition of local talent and ideas.  Each presentation is short and sweet: 20 slides, 20 seconds each slide.  Topics are not themed.  You might know some of the presenters, but chances are you have never seen this side of them before.  Nerd Night is a chance for you to get a quick glimpse into the life, work and interests of the people in the Phnom Penh community. Rapid fire presentations, music and drinks make Nerd Night a must!

All Nerds, and featuring:

-Greg Bloom, on his adventures with writing for Lonely Planet
Rachel Faller, on how to stay chic and eco-friendly in Phnom Penh
Amanda Bloom, on her personal nerdy musings on life
Kate Liana, on yoga in and away from the city
Uch Sarom, fiery, provocative Khmer gender specialist
Ruben Cortes, economist, teacher, adventurer
Todd Brown, filmmaker, observer, funny man

Brasserie Durga, No. 94 St. 130, on the eastern edge of Central Market

8:30 pm; 8-10 pm Nerd Night Happy Hour - $1 tapas and two for one drinks!

Because we promise you the Mondays of your lifetime.

For Nerd updates and documentation, join the Nerd Night Group, "like" our Page, accept your invitation, and email to be put on the mailing list or nominate speakers!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Call for Proposals to Convene a Symposium Pertaining to Southeast Asia

The Asian Studies Centre at St Antony's College invites proposals from post-doctoral researchers and graduate students to organise and host a one day symposium on a theme that focuses on countries in Southeast Asia or else adopts a comparative approach that includes two or more SE Asian countries alongside other countries that are relevant to the main theme. Ideally the symposium should have wide relevance and should appeal to an audience that would include both Asianists and non-Asianists.

Suggested topics could include-:

·         Nation-building

·         Migration and citizenship

·         Consumerism

·         The Middle Classes

·         Responses to Natural Disasters

·         The environment

·         Ethnic minorities

·         Population – e.g. fertility decline, ageing, gender relations

·         Education

·         Experiences of 'Development'

·         Civil society

·         The Internet and New Media

·         ASEAN and security issues

·         Other topics are welcome

SE Asian Countries include: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (Peninsular & East), East Timor, Indonesia, Brunei, East Timor, the Philippines, Singapore

The workshop must be held during either MT or HT 2011-2012. 

The proposal should be 1-2 A4 pages and should include the following:

1.       Three to four paragraphs that outline the thematic focus and rationale for the workshop

2.       A tentative list of proposed speakers and the areas on which they would talk – please indicate where the proposed speakers are based as this will have implications for the travel costs.

3.       Please ask your supervisor to submit a brief character reference on your behalf.

The proposal and the reference are to be emailed to by Friday, 6th May 2011. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by Friday 27th May 2011. 

If your proposal is selected, the Asian Studies Centre will arrange the following:

  • A workshop venue free of charge
  • A £1400 contribution to the travel and accommodation costs of participants.
  • Administrative support

If your proposal is selected, the ASC administrator will work with you in the early planning stages to ensure that the scope of the project fits within the budget.

Please address enquiries to


Kirsty Norton
Asian Studies Centre Administrator
St Antony's College
Oxford  OX2 6JF
Tel: +44 (0)1865-274559
Office Hours:-

Tue & Thu 09:30-16:00

Wed & Fri 09:30-15:00

Closed on Monday's


Monday, March 07, 2011

Artist Talk | Kong Vollak | Thu, 10 Mar, 6:30-8:00pm | Sa Sa Art Projects at The Building

Who:     Kong Vollak

What:    Talk and discussion about his work

When:   Thursday, 10 March 2011 from 6:30-8:00pm

Where:  Sa Sa Art Projects at The Building (see map)

Following on from the second 'Pop-Up Art Space' which took place Saturday 26th February near the Night Market (Phsar Reatrey), Kong Vollak invites you to participate in a talk and discussion with him about his practice, and his recent experience of working live in a public space.

For the second Pop-Up Art Space, Vollak created new charcoal drawings and photographs from his on-going series which feature both old and new buildings around the capital.

This live process was filmed and the results were simultaneously projected onto a wall. Vollak invited the people of Phnom Penh to participate.

Vollak's work is rooted in his own experience of living in the city. He explores its changing physicality and probes the social and environmental impact of a new landscape.

'(Re)-drawing the city' aimed to blur the boundaries between public and private space and pose questions about the impact of a changed aesthetic in an urban environment.

Pop-up Art Spaces is a new series of art events curated by ArtXprojects. Once a month they will appear in new and ingenious places around Phnom Penh inviting audiences to explore and perceive their city in new ways led by contemporary artists. For more information visit


The talk will be done in Khmer and English.


For more information please contact:
Natalie Pace at or +855 (0)92 289 164, or

Kate O'Hara at or +855 (0)92 953 567

CCF: Vernissage ce soir - 19h opening March 07, 7pm


Sunday, March 06, 2011

Nerd Night | 3.07

To: Fellow Comrades of the Nerdgentsia:

Join arms with us as we celebrate the
Revenge of the Nerds

*nerd night| 3.07*

Inspired by the world renowned Pecha Kucha
presentation format, Nerd Night is an exhibition of local talent and ideas.
Each presentation is short and sweet: 20 slides, 20 seconds each slide. Topics
are not themed. You might know some of the presenters, but chances
are you have never seen this side of them before. Nerd Night is a
chance for you to get
a quick glimpse into the life, work and interests of the people in the Phnom
Penh community. Rapid fire presentations, music and drinks make Nerd Night a

All Nerds, and featuring:

*-John Weeks*, leading Phnom Penh comic artist on quick drawing
*-Kimang Gibbs*, Cambodian-Kiwi fitness expert on her journey from super
geek to fitness freak
*-Kurata Hironobu*, owner of Kurata Pepper, on the art of pepper
*-Sithen Sum*, Cambodian director, on bringing back the golden age of
Cambodian cinema
*-Hugo Rainey*, lover of wildlife, on African sounds
*-Berko Berkavitch*, British polymath, on the power of embarassment
*-**Eléonore Iriart*, muse of wanderlust, on adventure travel

Score Sports Bar and Grill, No. 5 St. 282, at Wat Langka (between St. 51 and 57)

*When*: 8:30 pm; 8-10 pm Nerd Night Happy Hour

**In a triumph of brain over brawn, geeks over jocks, chess club over
football club, NERD NIGHT is taking over the largest sports screen in
Phnom Penh.

For Nerd updates and documentation, join the Nerd Night
"like" our Page
accept your invitation!/event.php?eid=133686370033104
and email to be put on the mailing list
or nominate speakers!

Friday, March 04, 2011

UrbanVoice- Somleing TiKrong - Wednesday March 9

Dear all,

Phnom Penh is developing faster than ever. Where a heritage building sits today might be the location of a glitzy new hotel tomorrow. Communities are displaced to make way for development projects. Some centrally located green spaces are increasingly used by the public, but the city continues experiencing flooding and traffic jams.

Who keeps track of what is going on? Who can have a say on how the city develops?

Why not you?!

UrbanVoice is an exciting new project that tracks developments in the urban space on an online, interactive map. We are looking to organisations and individuals to take part in the project on both a long and short term basis.
Please come along to Baitong on Wednesday March 9 at 6pm to learn more!

Hope to see you there,

The UrbanVoice-Somleing TiKrong Team

For more information, please e-mail 

Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Dear Friends of Meta House!

Tonight (Wednesday, 2nd March) from 6PM we open Jaya Krishnan's beautiful exhibition "KHMER COLOR FIELDS" at Art Cafe with a special FREE concert by "KANDRIM" musicians from Thailand (8PM).

The earliest Khmer music form is preserved in Thailand's provinces S'ren, Srisaket and Buriram, home to millions of ethnic Khmer. Cultural resurgence among Thailand's ethnic minorities is most visible in the area of popular culture. Kandrim also undergoes a transformation from its folk music origins into a commercialized folk-rock genre. The musicians came a long way to perform at Meta House. Please give them a warm welcome.

Malaysian Jaya Krishnan attended Kuala Lumpur College of Arts from 1974 to 1979. He lives in Ottawa/Canada since 1979. Growing up in a tiny town in Malaysia 50 years ago, his life was a constant struggle. Jay's interests these days is exploring human conditions and the environment with affectionate empathy. Phnom Penh's hustle and bustle, sounds and sights have inspired him to produce new works in Cambodia.

We hope to see you tonight.
Best, Nico Mesterrharm/Director



Danish director/artist Jan Krogsgaard is the driving force behind the Oscar-nominated docu-drama BURMA VJ 92008, 84 mins). Watch this moving film at Meta House, which tells the story of the 2007 protests in Burma by thousands of monks. Following the screening, Jan Krogsgaard will hold a Q&A.

Nicolaus Mesterharm <>
Date: Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 12:05 PM
Meta House Phnom Penh
#37, Sothearos Blvd.
Tel. 010 - 312 333





Vandy Rattana's work straddles the line between strict photojournalism and artistic practice. Building on this tension in The Bomb Ponds, we look to the differing practices of artist An-My Lê' and photojournalist James Nachtwey. While Lê' questions how far back she can step and still make a contemplative image about war, Nachtwey feels a responsibility to step forward with his camera into the actual violence of war. Lê speaks of beauty, Nachtwey of the decisive moment. Curator and Director of SA SA BASSAC Erin Gleeson will briefly introduce some thoughts and texts concerning aesthetic concerns in photographic practices on war before screening the following:

An-My Lê': 29 Palms/ art:21, episode #136                    10 minutes

A brief look into the practice and intentions of An-My Lê' as she discusses her photographic and film series made at Twentynine Palms, a U.S. Marine Air Ground Combat Center that serves as the final training before departure to Iraq.

"I wanted to approach the idea of war in a more complicated and more challenging way…looking at the landscape of war." - An-My Lê'

The War Photographer by Christian Frei, 2001              90 minutes

A film documenting the photographic practice and philosophy of James Nachtwey, one of the world's renowned war photographers.

"In a way, if an individual assumes the risk of placing himself in the middle of a war in order to communicate to the rest of the world what is happening, he is trying to negotiate for peace. Perhaps that is the reason why those in charge of perpetuating a war do not like to have photographers around. " – James Nachtwey


You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

Hi this just testing

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

MMMMMMMMarc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

MMMMMMMMarc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

test one more

Vandy Rattana's work straddles the line between strict photojournalism
and artistic practice. Building on this tension in The Bomb Ponds, we
look to the differing practices of artist An-My Lê' and photojournalist
James Nachtwey.




Vandy Rattana’s work straddles the line between strict photojournalism and artistic practice. Building on this tension in The Bomb Ponds, we look to the differing practices of artist An-My Lê’ and photojournalist James Nachtwey.

1-------Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

Tuesday, March 01, 2011


You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

Hi this just testing
You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

Fwd: Fwd: Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd





Vandy Rattana's work straddles the line between strict photojournalism and artistic practice. Building on this tension in The Bomb Ponds, we look to the differing practices of artist An-My Lê' and photojournalist James Nachtwey. While Lê' questions how far back she can step and still make a contemplative image about war, Nachtwey feels a responsibility to step forward with his camera into the actual violence of war. Lê speaks of beauty, Nachtwey of the decisive moment. Curator and Director of SA SA BASSAC Erin Gleeson will briefly introduce some thoughts and texts concerning aesthetic concerns in photographic practices on war before screening the following:

An-My Lê': 29 Palms/ art:21, episode #136                    10 minutes

A brief look into the practice and intentions of An-My Lê' as she discusses her photographic and film series made at Twentynine Palms, a U.S. Marine Air Ground Combat Center that serves as the final training before departure to Iraq.

"I wanted to approach the idea of war in a more complicated and more challenging way…looking at the landscape of war." - An-My Lê'

The War Photographer by Christian Frei, 2001              90 minutes

A film documenting the photographic practice and philosophy of James Nachtwey, one of the world's renowned war photographers.

"In a way, if an individual assumes the risk of placing himself in the middle of a war in order to communicate to the rest of the world what is happening, he is trying to negotiate for peace. Perhaps that is the reason why those in charge of perpetuating a war do not like to have photographers around. " – James Nachtwey

Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd

Marc Pollack Exhibition at Meta House, March 5, 6-8 PM

 You are invited to an exhibition of paintings by

Marc Pollack

Saturday, March 5, 6-8 PM

Meta House
Sothearos Blvd


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.