Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Book on Cambodia


Khmer Women on the Move - Exploring Work and Life in Urban Cambodia
Author: Annuska Derks
Publisher: University of Hawai'i Press, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822-1888
ISBN: 978-0-8248-3270-4

[From CamNews Email Group]

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spectacles de contes

misc images


Ti Nah?

sorry but this time no english version: our correspondant can not
stop to celebrate the khmer new year... poor guy, imagine, forced to
celebrate 3 time the new year in few month... he was just recovered
from the chinese new one ... and he had to face the splashing and
puffing khmer celebration... so anyway enjoy the pictures... and do
not worry the guilty one will be punish hardly,
we think to send him to cover the fertility festival in preh veng...
So,now is time to get read of your old pig and catch a brand new rat...
happy new year... and tchoul mouy...

He bien desolé mais noyés sous une avalanche de paperarasses
obscures, de tractations tortueuses, et d'invitations protocolaires
nos correspondants qui n'en finissent pas de fêter la nouvelle année
khmere, n'ont assurement pas pu faire correctement leurs devoirs...
mais je voudrais vous y voir, moi... Vivre dans un pays ou l'on doit
endurer les festivitées de nouvel an trois fois par an... nous nous
remettions à peine du nouvel an chinois(qui n'avait pas été triste)...
qu'on repart dans l'arrosage et les bombardements de talc de l'année
du rat cambodgien...
c'est normal qu'on veillisse si vite?? enfin ceci explique sans doute
la distorsion temporelle qui vous sépare de ces infos...mais, ne vous
inquiétez pas les coupables seront promptement chatiés et surtout les
cochons de l'année finissante... allez tchoul mouy... et bonne année
quand même...

Digital Citizens Meet-Up II

Dear all,

Last month we had a small meet-up at a cafe and talked about mobile Internet, Microsoft expansion in Cambodia, and One Laptop Per Child, among other things. Take a look at this:

If you are in town this Sunday (May 4th, 2008), please show up for another informal get-together at T & Coffee (Wi-Fi avaiable). We also have two visitors (Erik Mobrand and Hyejin) from Singapore joining us.

We'll take a look at some of the most popular Web services: Twitter, Fring, Skype, Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, and YouTube.  Why are these Web services taking off worldwide? How users can make the most of any of the service? [Any other topics you'd like to add?]

* When: Sunday (May 4th, 2008) at 2pm
* Location: T & Coffee on Monyvong Boulevard (facing Wat Koh school)

Give me a call or text me if you can't find the venue or will be late (still welcome). You're encouraged to bring your tech-savvy friends along.

Tharum Bun
Musings from Cambodia
Contributing Author

Monday, April 28, 2008

Art and Peace

Art and Peace

Dear Friends,
I would like to present Java Café & Gallery's latest event featuring the debut of emerging Cambodian artist, Sa Veasna, who is using his talent as a call for peace from leaders around the world:

"In the name of artists, I have created this work as an appeal to leaders as well as citizens to clearly see and understand the difficulties and miseries left behind by war, and I want all leaders in the world to consider this: 'We leaders, should stop war!' I want all the leaders to resort to other means to seek solutions through discussion, tolerance and understanding toward each other. Only then will the world be at peace."

WhAt is it good foR?

Opening 6 – 9 pm, Thursday, May 1, 2008

At Java Café & Gallery, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Featuring paintings and peace advocacy

Ka-set: Daily newsletter

1 - Site d'information sur le Cambodge et les Cambodgiens, en khmer et en français
Lettre d'information par courriel du 28/04/2008
កាសែតៈ ជាវែបសាយសារព័ត៌មានអំពីប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា និង ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា ដែលផ្សាយជាភាសាខ្មែរ និង​ ភាសាបារាំង
ព័ត៌មានតាមសាអេឡិចត្រូនីចប្រចាំថ្ងៃៈ ២៨/០៤/២០០៨






Des empreintes digitales pour débarrasser le Cambodge de la corruption


Dans son dernier rapport, l'organisation Transparency International classe le Cambodge à la 151e place dans son échelle des pays les moins corrompus aux plus corrompus, ce qui range le royaume parmi les derniers de la classe, sur 163 pays listés. Le projet de loi anticorruption, qui fait parler de lui depuis 1994, n'a toujours pas été examiné par les députés cambodgiens, bloqué au Conseil des ministres. La Ligue de la société civile cambodgienne de lutte contre la corruption, un collectif d'une cinquantaine d'ONG locales, a lancé dans le pays une pétition pour pousser à l'adoption au plus vite de ce texte, également réclamé par la communauté internationale.

Lire la suite...




យុទ្ធនាការប្រមូលស្នាមមេដៃ ដើម្បីប្រឆាំងអំពើ ពុករលួយ


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Saturday, April 26, 2008

"Building the Bridge to Langka"

Building The Bridge To Langka

Dear Friends and Arts Lovers
Our gifted artists are working very hard to put together an exciting show on Saturday and Sunday May 3, 4; "Building the Bridge to Langka" - a scene from the Ramayana reinterpreted through Khmer Circus. 6pm at Chenla Theater. Tickets riel 3,000 and 6,000 available at Amrita Performing Arts and at the door. Info 023 220 424
Don't forget to bring your kids.
See you at the door,
Enjoy, Rith
SUON Bun Rith
AMRITA Performing Arts
#128 G9, Sothearos Blvd.
Sangkat Tonlé Bassac, Khan Chamcarmorn
PO Box 1140, Phnom Penh 12000, Cambodia
Tel. 023-220424
Fax. 023-220425
Cell. 012-410044
Skype. rithsb

Friday, April 25, 2008

In Development: 'Freedom Deal'


FREEDOM DEAL is a new dramatic feature film by award winning
writer-director J Rosette of Camerado (BOOKWARS 2000, SUSAN HERO
2007), in association with High Def Productions of Phnom Penh,
Cambodia, managed by local Cambodian producer Chea Teang.

FREEDOM DEAL revolves around the Cambodian wartime experiences of two
refugees during the US/Vietnam conflict, which spilled over into
neighboring Cambodia following escalation of that war.

Read the treatment intro here (via PDF)
< >

Quick Facts & Attachments

• J Rosette, attached to direct FREEDOM DEAL, is the director and
co-producer of two successful features already (BOOKWARS 2000; SUSAN
HERO 2007) and is a graduate of New York University [Film & TV 91'].

Mr. Rosette has been living and working in Cambodia since 2005,
speaks Khmer, and has been researching the project extensively via
both archival material and field trips to the provinces and
Cambodian-Vietnam border areas-- including a trip to the infamous
COSVN (NVA's "Jungle Pentagon") location in Northeastern

• The original script is being co-written and developed along with
local Cambodian production colleagues, including High Def
Production's Chea Teang, attached as co-producer, and other staff in
Phnom Penh.

• Bob Lewis, founding member of seminal alternative rock band
DEVO—which formed at Kent State University following the student
protests against the US military incursion into Cambodia—is attached
as a music and story consultant.

• Relationships with key production service companies in
neighboring Thailand have been established in anticipation of
potential heavy production service requirements.

• Film production in Cambodia is still fairly new, and few of the
locations or stories intended for FREEDOM DEAL have yet been explored
on film, guaranteeing a unique movie experience.


FREEDOM DEAL: the story of two simple people--an Uncle and a young
girl from the countryside of Cambodia--haplessly caught in the larger,
swirling conflict of the neighboring Vietnam War.

While the USA tears itself apart, two refugees ply their way on foot
through the torn landscapes of Cambodia, towards the distant capital
of Phnom Penh, where lies their hope for freedom.

Along the way, they encounter others who are passing through this
strange and secret war: a US soldier who's drifted from his mission;
enemy armies battling each other on foreign soil; the country witch
with her secret charms; an old prophetic one-legged soldier; and the
bizarre and psychedelic ghosts of the night, the "Arbs"--intent on
quenching their bloodlust as they prey on the victims of modern war.


Uncle Ramy

Sotheary (the little girl)

US President Nixon

US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger

NVA & Viet Cong Soldiers

Khmer Rouge Soldier

US Special Forces Soldier

B52 Airmen Navigator and Pilot

Solders of the US First Cavalry Division

Legless old solder of the Khmer Republic

The Witch of the Countryside

Blood-eating, Flying-Head Ghosts ("Arbs") of the Cambodian

Hippy Students (Kent State University)

Radical Left Wing Students (Kent State University)

Black Students (Jackson State University)


The Cambodian Countryside

Jungle Sanctuaries

B52 Stratofortress (Interior or mockup)

Airbase Interiors & Girly Bars

College Campus Areas

Executive and Defense Department Offices, Washington, D.C.





[For an anticipated 2009 Start Date]




Attn: J Rosette / Chea Teang

PO Box 707 12000 Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA

Cambodia 855 012 194 2702

Thailand 66 081 617 9240

SKYPE kingcamerado

If you do not want to receive any more newsletters from Camerado,

To update your preferences and to unsubscribe visit
Forward a Message to your friend

Thursday, April 24, 2008


[courtesy Tim Rann]


Mith Samlanh (Friends in Khmer), a leading organization working with Street Children in Cambodia, will be starting a Flea Market within its compound on St 13 (behind the restaurant) to be held every second Saturday (with the exception of major Khmer holidays), starting on 29th March 2008.  

The purpose of the Flea Market is to generate funds to go toward the purchase of the site and all its facilities. Mith Samlanh has a debt of USD$2.2million to repay to secure this site and keep its vital work close to the children who most need it. 

The Flea Market is an activity that is intended to become a well known, regular event in Phnom Penh, and should capitalize on the growing tourism to Cambodia generally as well as providing a 'family friendly' activity for the resident population of Phnom Penh. Numerous children's activities are planned for the event and should attract and entertain a range of ages, from toddlers to teenagers as well as catering to more adult interests. 

The 'feel' of the Market is intended to be one of a venue for a 'bargain' and prices are aimed to keep it economically accessible to everyone. The starting price for all stalls for the first month is USD$20 per stall, per day, these proceeds will go directly toward Mith Samlanh. The event will be advertised widely and expect considerable community support for this continued event.  

Mith Samlanh is inviting selected producers, artists and NGO's who may have no usual retail venue to sell or market their products to participate in this event and purchase a stall to sell their products to make this an exciting event for the whole community. We will also be strongly encouraging Phnom Penh's population of expats to use this as a venue to sell their household goods prior to departure rather than having garage sales. 

There will be 25 stalls available. All stalls measure 80cm x 180cm and stand at 75cm height. Friends is working to provide awnings and power outlets to stallholders for the event and would be grateful for vendor feedback to improving this event. Promotional material relevant to the product or organization may be displayed/hung.  

Mith Samlanh will be offering a 1 month USD$20 fee (per day) for stalls and will reclassify prices on long-term leases after this time. We will be advising of these new rates in 1 month. Friends reserves the right to accept/refuse vendors. 

If you are interested in securing a stall please indicate on the attached application form you are requiring either power or shade. All stalls are to be paid by cash in advance to the Accountant at Mith Samlanh, Miss Phy, at #215, St.13, Ph: 023 426 748 or mb: 011 855 727. 

If you have any further queries, please contact Penny Tynan, Fundraiser, Land Campaign, by email or phone at the following: 

Mb: 012 333 423



Monday, April 21, 2008

Meta-House April 21 Update

Street 264, #6 - Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Fixed +855- (0)23 – 224 140, Mobil +855- (0) 12- 607 465

Dear Friends and Art Lovers!
This week's program features interesting documentaries, great German cinema and our Sunday feature "Set in Asia". All films start at 7.30PM.

OUR TIP: This Tuesday (from 7PM) we are very happy to welcome Australian filmmaker Ian White, who will screen a selection of his film works and answer your questions.

On-going is Arjay Steven's foto exhibition THE UNIVERAL CHAIR with contributions by young Cambodian artists. Please be our guest -
see you @ Meta, best regards, Nico Mesterharm

TUE, 22/04: SE ASIAN DOCS/FILMS by IAN WHITE (Filmmaker present/Q&A!)

Detailed infos below

TUE, 22/04: SE ASIAN DOCS by IAN WHITE (Filmmaker present / Q & A)
Australian filmmaker Ian White ("Straight Refugeez") is presenting a selection of short docs/films and Public Service Announcements (PSAs) from SE Asia – as well as music videos from Indonesia. 

Eastern Germany in 1990, to protect his fragile mother from a fatal shock after a long coma; a young man must keep her from learning that her beloved nation of East Germany as she knew it has disappeared. (In English, 2003, 121 min)

Dieser pseudo-dokumentarischer Film von Marcus Mittermeier, der sich mit dem Widerspruch zwischen gut gemeinten moralischen Ansprüchen und deren exzessiver Durchsetzung durch Selbstjustiz befasst. Eine intelligente rabenschwarze Komödie, die das moralische Empfinden brüskiert und kontroverse Diskussionen herausfordert. (In German/ in Deutsch, 2004, 89min)

This is the first American film shot in Vietnam by Vietnamese-American filmmaker Tiana. Interweaving personal history and candid interviews with such historic figures as the legendary North Vietnamese Army commander Vo Nguyen Giap and Nobel Price winner Le Duc Tho. The film exemplifies Tiana's mission of healing and reconcilation. (1993, 80 min)

James Gerrand documentary draws on unique propaganda film and archival material from the Khmer Rouge, Vietnam and other sources. This is set against the grim realities of the Kampuchean tragedy. As a continuing theme, the film features exclusive interviews with Prince Sihanouk, who offers explanations for and insights into the role he has played (and still plays) in the fate of his luckless country. (In English, 1986, 78 min)

One of the first post-Taliban films made in Afghanistan, this film by an Iranian director won the Jury Prize at Cannes in 2004.  The film follows Noqreh as she struggles to redefine her role as a woman despite the protestations of her cranky, conservative father.  As Noqreh's father drags her and her sister across the bombed out dustbowl of Kabul in search of her missing brother, it becomes clear that international intervention has done little to solve the country's problems. By Samira Makhmalbaf (2003)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Nouvelles de Ka-set, site web franco-khmer/ News from Ka-set, khmer-french website

Ka-set ( vous souhaite une bonne et heureuse Année du 
Rat, la 2552ième année dans le calendrier bouddhiste.

Site d'information générale sur le Cambodge et les Cambodgiens dans 
le monde, en khmer et en français, remis à jour quotidiennement, Ka-
set prend petit à petit son rythme de croisière.

Parmi les nouvelles fonctionalités du site vous trouverez sous la 
rubrique K7Media une série de reportages audiovisuels donnant un 
complément d'informations aux articles que vous avez pu lire par 
ailleurs sur Ka-set.

Sous peu vous aurez la possibilité de vous inscrire afin de recevoir 
par email un bulletin quotidien reprenant le titre du jour.

Merci d'enregistrer notre adresse email ( afin 
que nos prochains messages n'échouent pas dans vos spams...

Bonne lecture (et faites-nous connaître)!

La rédaction de Ka-set (

Duong Sokha (,
Cheang Bopha (,
Ros Dina (,
Laurent Le Gouanvic (
Stéphanie Gée (
John Vink (


Ka-set ( wishes you a happy and prosperous Year of 
the Rat, the 2552nd year in the buddhist calendar.

A general information website about Cambodia and the Cambodians in 
the world, in Khmer and in French, updated daily, Ka-set is little by 
little finding its pace.

Among the new functionalities you will find under K7Media a series of 
multimedia slideshows giving you complementary information about 
articles you may have read before on Ka-set.

Very soon you will have the possibility to subscribe to a daily 
newsletter which will bring you the day's story title in your email.

Thank you for adding our email address ( into 
you address book so that future mails don't end up as spam...

Enjoy reading us (and spread the word)!

The redaction of Ka-set  (

Duong Sokha (,
Cheang Bopha (,
Ros Dina (,
Laurent Le Gouanvic (
Stéphanie Gée (
John Vink (

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Le journal de Tini Tinou J.2

Le journal de Tini Tinou J.2

La fin de la semaine se précisant, le bouche à oreille fonctionnant toujours aussi bien, les spectacles étant de qualité, le public est au rendez-vous… 1500 personnes environs sont avec nous.

Le spectacle de la Cie francaise Chabatz d'entrar est à nouveau annulé. Le matériel bloqué aux douanes n'a pu être libéré malgré les efforts de tous. Nos amis se concentrent alors sur les ateliers de bascule qu'ils donnent aux élèves cambodgiens et aux jeunes artistes guinéens. Damien est aussi sollicité pour des conseils de mise en scène. La pilule a été dure à avaler. Les artistes français sont déçus. Mais heureusement, le festival se poursuit et redonne à chacun plaisir et énergie.

La soirée commence donc avec « It is your choice » un spectacle créé par Phare Ponleu Selpak avec des artistes de Battambang et des jeunes bénéficiaires de l'association Korsang Khmer. It is you choice est un spectacle mixant le rock, le hip hop, la danse le théâtre et le cirque. Il nous parle de la galère de la drogue et de la difficulté à s'en sortir.

Encore porté par l'émotion, chacun se dirige vers la grande scène où la samba et la capoeira des Allemands de l'UFA Fabrik empli l'espace…

Retour au chapiteau pour accueillir l'école nationale de cirque de l'Université royale des beaux-arts, un jongleur de Sori Circus School, et les artistes du Vietnam pendant que Brandy et Alcène, un couple de danseurs, jongleurs et acrobates khmero-guinéen investi la petite scène suivi de Agna avec ses rouleaux américains.

La soirée se conclue avec Eclipse, de Phare Ponleu Selpak, dans sa nouvelle mise en scène.

Alors que le public rentre tranquillement, que les artistes et quelques spectateurs se retrouvent au bar, que le restaurant sert les derniers clients, l'équipe de techniciens est déjà sur la mise en place lumière des spectacles prévus pour demain…La nuit est douce.

Le journal de Tini Tinou J.2

Tini Tinou 2008 / Diary 1

Tini Tinou 2008 / Diary 1

Something in the Signs

Oeur Sokuntevy
"Something in the Signs"

Sokuntevy Oeur  @  Java

Most people, superstitious or not have at some stage glanced through the sign predictions at the back of the magazine or newspaper to see what the year has in store for them. Admit it or not?

Cambodian Signs as Oeur Sokuntevy (Tevy) points out are a very large part of Cambodian Society. Business, love, marriages, poverty, fidelity, childbirth and travel for example, all of the important things in ones life, are often stopped in their tracks if the signs are not favorable. Some people believe, some don't believe, and this can change the course of ones life for better or for worse.

Tevy's sculptures might provoke strong reactions. Her works are unique and very distinctive three dimensional sculptures with a great melding of textures, media and cultural references which evoke both traditional belief and the spirit world. Tevy has devised the 12 animals of the Cambodian Signs with a somewhat surrealist aspect to them often giving the impression of a hybrid of man and beast.

Her work made from rattan, coffee, handmade paper, paint and an array of other materials convey a very visceral and fantastical appearance. "Cambodia", she says", is developing but still in a kind of derelict state" , Tevy's work demonstrates this in the colors and materials she uses.

Sokuntevy Oeur  @  Java

The seed of Oeur Sokuntevy's idea for "Something in the Signs" her second exhibition at Java Artspace in the past two years came to her simply by reading books and talking to the Cambodian people, finding out what was important to them. "This subject is something that is very prominent in the lives of Cambodian people so I wanted to explore that and show people my version of the signs."

Tevy, a very modern girl, doesn't go for any highfaluting conceptual theories when it comes to her art, it is instinctive, " I like to keep it simple and experiment. These sculptures basically come from me playing around with different materials creating artworks through trial and error." What might we create if there were no rules?

The year is the year of the Rat, Tevy's year is the Pig….. . .Quick, where's the fortune teller??

Tiny Toones Benefit

Stuart Isett says:

Tiny Toones: B Boy Benefit for Cambodia
April 26th 2008, 6pm 'til late
At the Greenwood Collective
8537 Greenwood Ave. NW Seattle WA

Featuring the work of:
World B Boy champs Massive Monkees, legendary Seattle photographer Charles Peterson, immigration activist Many Uch & photographer Stuart Isett.

$5 donation at the door
Photographs for sale
All proceeds benefit The Tiny Toones.

Tiny Toones was born in the Bassac slum area of Phnom Penh, Cambodia and provides free HIV/AIDS, health, drug awareness, performing arts and language education in English and Khmer to underprivileged youth. It also serves as a community center, with an open door policy, where hundreds of children have a positive environment to channel their energy into learning and performing arts. The group was founded by Tuy Sobil, a.k.a. KK, originally from Long Beach, who brought his b boy dance talents to the streets of Cambodia to help the country struggling to rebuild after 30 years of war.

Funds raised from the event will be used to support Tiny Toones as well as purchased a small mini-van so the kids can be driven safely to school, dance performances and rehearsals. A $5 cover will be charged, plus many talented, local photographers will be donating photographs for sale, with proceeds going to the benefit. Donations will also be accepted online and at the event.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bophana April Screenings

Ciné-Samedi    Cine-Saturday

Programme des projections : avril 2008    - ! #" $%"&'( - )**+ Program of Screening: April 2008

Entrée Libre ,-./01234565 7 (&#7 8"95: )Free entry

 ;/-0= &' ( 8># ?@:00

$A/ «B»" (@D2/-)

Samedi 05 avril, à 16h00- Série « Danse » (67 mn)

Saturday 05 April, at 4pm – Serie "Dances" (67 mn)


0/P  (Q R/ ST/-/01BL#" (RTF), U.5VW "?X@), ?Y2/- (Z (BL"#)



Travelling sur la Voie Royale

Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (RTF), 1962, 13mn (Version Française)

Images de making-of du tournage de film de Marcel CAMUS "L'Oiseau de paradis" à Angkor et de la vie autour des temples.

Travelling on the Royal Road

Radiodiffusion Télévision Française (RTF), 1962, 13 min (in French)

Documentary about the shooting of Marcel Camus' film "L'Oiseau de paradis" at the Angkor temples.

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Le nouvel envol des danseuses célestes

Jean-Louis Berdot, 1994, 54mn (Version Khmère)

C'est dans le temple d'Angkor que la danse d'Apsara a pris naissance.

Cette essence de la danse classique cambodgienne fait partie de l'identité nationale.

"Heavenly Maidens" Dance Again

Jean-Louis Berdot, 1994, 53 min, (in Khmer)

It was at the Angkor temples that the Apsara dance was born.

This classical dance is a part of the national identity.

200       -

#64 Street 200 Boeung Riang Phnom Penh – 023 992 174 –

Sovanna Phum April Schedule

Sovanna Phum April


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Cette semaine au CCF Siem Reap - this week in French Cultural Center Siem Reap

Conférence "Artisans d'Angkor" par Lionel Requillart
Vendredi 4 avril, 18h30, CCF
Lionel Réquillart, directeur des Artisans d'Angkor, viendra nous exposer
l'histoire, la vocation, les projets et les rêves de cette entreprise pas
comme les autres...
Lionel Requillart director of "Les Artisans d'Angkor", will outline the
story, the projects, the dreams of a company not like the others.

La nuit latine
Samedi 5 Avril, à partir de 20h, CCF
Musiques et ambiances latines s'invitent au CCF pour une soirée. Dégustez
les tapas du Café, puis préparez-vous à danser sur les rythmes fous venus d'Amériques
du Sud, Espagne...
Latino party at the French Cultural Center starting 8pm !

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Responsable de l'annexe de Siem Reap
418 groupe 12 rue Vat Bo
BP 9315 Siem Reap - Angkor
tel (855)12.949.709 fax(855)63.963.265


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.