Friday, April 25, 2008

In Development: 'Freedom Deal'


FREEDOM DEAL is a new dramatic feature film by award winning
writer-director J Rosette of Camerado (BOOKWARS 2000, SUSAN HERO
2007), in association with High Def Productions of Phnom Penh,
Cambodia, managed by local Cambodian producer Chea Teang.

FREEDOM DEAL revolves around the Cambodian wartime experiences of two
refugees during the US/Vietnam conflict, which spilled over into
neighboring Cambodia following escalation of that war.

Read the treatment intro here (via PDF)
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Quick Facts & Attachments

• J Rosette, attached to direct FREEDOM DEAL, is the director and
co-producer of two successful features already (BOOKWARS 2000; SUSAN
HERO 2007) and is a graduate of New York University [Film & TV 91'].

Mr. Rosette has been living and working in Cambodia since 2005,
speaks Khmer, and has been researching the project extensively via
both archival material and field trips to the provinces and
Cambodian-Vietnam border areas-- including a trip to the infamous
COSVN (NVA's "Jungle Pentagon") location in Northeastern

• The original script is being co-written and developed along with
local Cambodian production colleagues, including High Def
Production's Chea Teang, attached as co-producer, and other staff in
Phnom Penh.

• Bob Lewis, founding member of seminal alternative rock band
DEVO—which formed at Kent State University following the student
protests against the US military incursion into Cambodia—is attached
as a music and story consultant.

• Relationships with key production service companies in
neighboring Thailand have been established in anticipation of
potential heavy production service requirements.

• Film production in Cambodia is still fairly new, and few of the
locations or stories intended for FREEDOM DEAL have yet been explored
on film, guaranteeing a unique movie experience.


FREEDOM DEAL: the story of two simple people--an Uncle and a young
girl from the countryside of Cambodia--haplessly caught in the larger,
swirling conflict of the neighboring Vietnam War.

While the USA tears itself apart, two refugees ply their way on foot
through the torn landscapes of Cambodia, towards the distant capital
of Phnom Penh, where lies their hope for freedom.

Along the way, they encounter others who are passing through this
strange and secret war: a US soldier who's drifted from his mission;
enemy armies battling each other on foreign soil; the country witch
with her secret charms; an old prophetic one-legged soldier; and the
bizarre and psychedelic ghosts of the night, the "Arbs"--intent on
quenching their bloodlust as they prey on the victims of modern war.


Uncle Ramy

Sotheary (the little girl)

US President Nixon

US Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger

NVA & Viet Cong Soldiers

Khmer Rouge Soldier

US Special Forces Soldier

B52 Airmen Navigator and Pilot

Solders of the US First Cavalry Division

Legless old solder of the Khmer Republic

The Witch of the Countryside

Blood-eating, Flying-Head Ghosts ("Arbs") of the Cambodian

Hippy Students (Kent State University)

Radical Left Wing Students (Kent State University)

Black Students (Jackson State University)


The Cambodian Countryside

Jungle Sanctuaries

B52 Stratofortress (Interior or mockup)

Airbase Interiors & Girly Bars

College Campus Areas

Executive and Defense Department Offices, Washington, D.C.





[For an anticipated 2009 Start Date]




Attn: J Rosette / Chea Teang

PO Box 707 12000 Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA

Cambodia 855 012 194 2702

Thailand 66 081 617 9240

SKYPE kingcamerado

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