Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Digital Citizens Meet-Up II

Dear all,

Last month we had a small meet-up at a cafe and talked about mobile Internet, Microsoft expansion in Cambodia, and One Laptop Per Child, among other things. Take a look at this: http://barcampphnompenh.org/archives/7

If you are in town this Sunday (May 4th, 2008), please show up for another informal get-together at T & Coffee (Wi-Fi avaiable). We also have two visitors (Erik Mobrand and Hyejin) from Singapore joining us.

We'll take a look at some of the most popular Web services: Twitter, Fring, Skype, Facebook, Myspace, Flickr, and YouTube.  Why are these Web services taking off worldwide? How users can make the most of any of the service? [Any other topics you'd like to add?]

* When: Sunday (May 4th, 2008) at 2pm
* Location: T & Coffee on Monyvong Boulevard (facing Wat Koh school)

Give me a call or text me if you can't find the venue or will be late (still welcome). You're encouraged to bring your tech-savvy friends along.

Tharum Bun
Musings from Cambodia
Contributing Author

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