Thursday, April 24, 2008


[courtesy Tim Rann]


Mith Samlanh (Friends in Khmer), a leading organization working with Street Children in Cambodia, will be starting a Flea Market within its compound on St 13 (behind the restaurant) to be held every second Saturday (with the exception of major Khmer holidays), starting on 29th March 2008.  

The purpose of the Flea Market is to generate funds to go toward the purchase of the site and all its facilities. Mith Samlanh has a debt of USD$2.2million to repay to secure this site and keep its vital work close to the children who most need it. 

The Flea Market is an activity that is intended to become a well known, regular event in Phnom Penh, and should capitalize on the growing tourism to Cambodia generally as well as providing a 'family friendly' activity for the resident population of Phnom Penh. Numerous children's activities are planned for the event and should attract and entertain a range of ages, from toddlers to teenagers as well as catering to more adult interests. 

The 'feel' of the Market is intended to be one of a venue for a 'bargain' and prices are aimed to keep it economically accessible to everyone. The starting price for all stalls for the first month is USD$20 per stall, per day, these proceeds will go directly toward Mith Samlanh. The event will be advertised widely and expect considerable community support for this continued event.  

Mith Samlanh is inviting selected producers, artists and NGO's who may have no usual retail venue to sell or market their products to participate in this event and purchase a stall to sell their products to make this an exciting event for the whole community. We will also be strongly encouraging Phnom Penh's population of expats to use this as a venue to sell their household goods prior to departure rather than having garage sales. 

There will be 25 stalls available. All stalls measure 80cm x 180cm and stand at 75cm height. Friends is working to provide awnings and power outlets to stallholders for the event and would be grateful for vendor feedback to improving this event. Promotional material relevant to the product or organization may be displayed/hung.  

Mith Samlanh will be offering a 1 month USD$20 fee (per day) for stalls and will reclassify prices on long-term leases after this time. We will be advising of these new rates in 1 month. Friends reserves the right to accept/refuse vendors. 

If you are interested in securing a stall please indicate on the attached application form you are requiring either power or shade. All stalls are to be paid by cash in advance to the Accountant at Mith Samlanh, Miss Phy, at #215, St.13, Ph: 023 426 748 or mb: 011 855 727. 

If you have any further queries, please contact Penny Tynan, Fundraiser, Land Campaign, by email or phone at the following: 

Mb: 012 333 423



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