Tuesday, March 25, 2008

This Week at Meta-House: March 25 to March 30

Dear Friends and Art lovers,

Please join our events from Friday, March 25 till Sunday March 30. 
Please see below the detailed program and a special announcement.
Best regards, from Meta House team

TUE, 25/03, 7PM:  Artist Special: RICHARD TURNER
WED, 26/03, 7PM: "THOM THOM" Music DVD Launch
THU, 27/03, 7 PM: "BUCKAROO BANZAI" Cult SF Movie
FRI, 28/03, 7 PM: "UXO" and other SE Asian docs by IAN WHITE
SAT, 29/03, 7PM: Double Doc Feature by PETER DEGEN
SUN, 30/03, 7PM: "KWAIDAN" – Classic Feature, set in Asia

Mekong Art & Culture project, until April 08 2008
Open Tuesdays to Sundays, from 6PM


TUE, 25/03
Southern Californian artist Richard Turner teaches studio art and contemporary Asian art at Chapman University where he is also director of the Guggenheim Gallery. At Meta House Mr. Turner will present two short videos and a work-in-progressThe Surrealist Hotel, a project inspired by an imagined collaboration between Vann Molyvann and Max Ernst on the design of tourist hotels for Siem Reap.

WED, 26/03
In November 2006 Cambodia's only indie rock band made a live recording in Battambang at the Arts School PHARE Ponleu Selpak. The performance has been filmed and a selection of 5 songs is the basis of a 2 hours DVD – including music videos by Rithy Panh and KM Lo. People of the different bands and projects will be there to answer all the questions after the screening.

THU, 27/03 7 PM
"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai across the 8th Dimension" 
American science fiction film that has reached cult film status. It was released in a 1984, directed and produced by W. D. Richter and concerns the efforts of the multi-talented Dr. Buckaroo Banzai (Peter Weller), a physicist, neurosurgeon, Samurai, rock musician, Jet Car driver and comic book hero, to save the world by defeating a band of inter-dimensional aliens.

FRI, 28/03 7 PM
UXO (Unexploded Ordinance) Lao
Laos is the most heavily UXO contaminated country in the world.
Over 6 million tones of bombs were dropped between 1965-73. Up to 25 percent failed to explode, lying dormant in farms and villages. 25 years later filmmaker Ian White traveled up the Ho Chi Minh trail as guest of UXO Lao, capturing incredible scenes of people living in areas that have been described as live bombing ranges and UXO Lao staff risking their lives as they disarm 1000kg bombs, rockets, and tones of cluster munitions.

SAT, 29/03
This film portrays the Mekong River in the Lower Mekong Basin through its people who live from the river's abundant natural resources. People not only fish but also plant rice, use the Mekong and its associated tributaries as a means of communication and transportation. Documentary in English language with subtitles for interviews in riparian languages by Peter Degen. (2000, 45 min)

In this documentary fishermen and women describe their lives that depend on fishing. Each year 10 days before full moon in January a big fish migration takes place in the Tonle Sap River. Thousands of people flock to the Tonle Sap from all over the country to by Trey Riel fish or exchange it for rice to make prahoc, the famous Cambodian fermented fish paste. Documentary in English language with subtitles for Khmer interviews by Peter Degen. (2001, 52 min)

SUN, 30/03
This film contains four distinct, separate stories. A high-class horror anthology laced with unforgettable imagery. By Masaki Kobayashi (Japan, 1964, 183 min)

Contemporary Art Exhibition from the Mekong Sub-Region

The Mekong Art & Culture Project with Tadu Contemporary art present this major traveling exhibition – the first artist/curator collaboration in the Mekong sub-region – features 32 art works by 20 artists from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, in varied contemporary media: oil painting, mixed-media, woodcuts, video art, photography and installation.


Wednesday, March 26th 2008, 6:30 PM
 At Sovanna Phum, Street 360 corner 105, # 111
Ticket for foreigners: USS 3

Produced by the Artists in collaboration with Amrita performing Arts
Supported and directed by Bob Ruijzendaal
The Theatre Director from the Netherland who conducted a 3-week workshop with 8 Cambodian dancers and musicians to create and present a work-in-progress.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.