Saturday, March 01, 2008

Rock-Opera TV K Sunday MARCH 2 8:00pm.

This Sunday, composer Him Sophy's rock opera, commissioned by Cambodian
Living Arts, will be the subject of a 45 minute TV Special. The Special will
feature six songs from the opera in concert form with Ieng Sithul singing
and Sophy conducting. Ten Phnom Penh based musicians will be featured in the
orchestra which includes five traditional musicians playing more than 20
Cambodian instruments, and five rock musicians. Between songs there will be
interviews with the composer and musicians about the opera, their work, and
their trip to Lowell/Boston last April for the preview performances.

Demonstration of selected songs
from the new Cambodian-America Rock Opera
SUNDAY MARCH 2 8:00 p.m on TV K

TV K Special: Producer Nico Mesterharm
Composer and Conductor, Him Sophy
Produced in collaboration with Studio CLA
The rock opera to have it's World Premier in Phnom Penh, November 2008,
produced in association with Amrita Performing Arts,
and John Burt Productions, Executive Producer

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.