Sunday, April 30, 2006

Looking at Angkor

srey  bandol reyum015small

srey  bandol reyum014

Looking at Angkor:
An exhibition and publication of Srey Bandol's drawings

Opening: Friday, May 5th, 2006 at 5 pm
Reyum 47, Street 178, Phnom Penh


Tour invitation; walking map link

Khmer Architecture Tours

Walking Map:
Do your own tour of central Phnom Penh

The first map which covers central Phnom Penh is available, in draft format, for you to download and try out. 

Please go to our site ( to download the front and back pages, print them yourself back-to-back - to save paper - then fold in three for a handy, full-of-info guide to some of the most interesting streets in central Phnom Penh. The map is free for personal use; copying for commercial use only with our permission.

Please note that the map is a 'beta' version, released for testing on the street. Please let us know what you think about it...

Our next step is to link up with selected cyclo drivers who know the route; more on this later. And thanks to Tobias Olsson, now back in Stockholm, for all the foot-slogging and pedal-turning research.


Next guided tours:
Sunday 7 May 06, morning and afternoon:
60s houses and villas in Phnom Penh (Toul Kork)

These will visit three locations:
• The well-known '100 Houses' development, designed by Vann Molyvann and commissioned in the 1965 by the National Bank of Cambodia for its staff; these 100 or so identical houses are a thoughtful reinterpretation of the traditional Khmer house - some are still (just) in their original state.
• A Doctors' House: A remarkable villa of the same period which has an exuberant, three-storey high entrance hall which dominates the design; now a Health Centre.
• The Split House: A family villa - a rich blend of materials, form, light and air which creates a delightful residence.

There will be morning and afternoon tours, guided by architecture students Suon Ratana and Sim Sitho.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm
The tours are available in English and Khmer; please indicate which you prefer.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8.
As usual, booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please contact us by replying to this email ( with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise we can't accept the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers for the guides.

Best wishes
geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

Please reply with 'remove' in the subject if you want to be taken off our email list.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Sovanna Phum Fundraiser


Sovanna Phum in danger

Dear Friends,

Sovanna Phum, the only organization presenting professional performances every week is facing a grave funding crisis.

An exceptional 3-day fundraiser (May 4th, 5th and 6th 2006) will happen at 7:30pm in the Sovanna Phum theatre comprising the première of "Sokacha", a new mixed media adaptation of an extract from the Reamker and a sale of shadow puppets at 5% discount. Admission will be by donations of $5 or more.

It is also possible to support Sovanna Phum visiting our Gallery to buy shadow puppets, masks, music instruments made by our artists.

Sovanna Phum hopes to raise $12,450 from this fundraiser, which will cover costs for the next three months while we seek for long-term funding.

To raise funds to cover this short term crisis Sovanna Phum is calling for support from Embassies, local and international Organizations, private sector and everyone who like and believe in Khmer culture, helping the Association to pursue its activities.

What is your donation for?

* $700 pay Sovanna Phum rent for a month
* $400 pay Sovanna Phum roof replacement
* $200 pay Sovanna Phum electricity for one month
* $100 pay colored Sovanna Phum posters for 1 month
* $70 pay Sovanna Phum telephone for one month
* $40 pay one Sovanna Phum artist fees for 4 performances
* $25 contribute to Sovanna Phum artists for volunteer rehearsals for new performances
* $10 participate in Sovanna Phum costume making

For more than 10 years, passion and enthusiasm from both the staff and the artists of Sovanna Phum (120 professional artists, mainly students and graduates from the Royal University of Fine Arts) has led to Sovanna Phum being an internationally known centre for the performing arts and a centre for creation and presentation in Cambodia. Sovanna Phum is also well known to lead some awareness campaigns within development projects.

However, Sovanna Phum depends on funding for individual projects and has no core funding to support the venue.

Sovanna Phum's aims are to enable professional Cambodian artists to make a living from their art, through regular performances; to nurture, preserve and promote the treasures of Khmer culture to local and international audiences; and to organize awareness and prevention campaigns linked to the development of Cambodia (health, education, environment, human rights and democracy) through mobile traditional performances spreading educational messages.

For any further information, to make reservation or to provide us with any other kind of support, please contact:

Delphine Kassem, 012 846 020,

Thank you for your support and for widely passing on this message,

Best regards,

Segolen Guillaumat

Thursday, April 27, 2006

United Khmer Students Culture Show


UCLA United Khmer Students Presents "Untitled" - the 9th annual Culture Show.


Free Admission, April 29, 2006. Doors open 7pm. Show is 7:30-9:30pm

(paging Suon Bun Rith.)


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Comics in Corsica

Fw: photos Bastia

Cambodian comic artists
got their day in the (Mediterranean) sun, as part of exhibition BD À BASTIA.: March 30, 31, April 1 and 2.

Samples from Séra's 2005 workshop were exhibited as a part of the event. (Participants were Tek Tevin, Nhek Sophaleap, Lim Santepheap, Moeu Diyadaravuth, Phal Phouriseth, Chan Nawath, Sovana Sim, Touch Rethy, Kim Samath, and Sang Sok Chamrong.)

(above: Séra rencontre)



Click for event poster, site,or press.
(Cheers to Séra and Pierre for info!)

Tag: comics,

Monday, April 24, 2006

Fw: La Lettre du Mékong n°3

Bonjour à tous!
Voici le 3ème numéro de la Lettre du Mékong.
N'hésitez pas à la diffuser autour de vous, à nous soumettre vos suggestions pour améliorer la formule... Et à nous envoyer vos contributions!...
Bien cordialement,
L'équipe de Cargo de nuit


Fw: Performance at Sovanna Phum

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 28th April 2006
Performance at 7:30pm

Small Shadow Theatre
"Sbaek Touch"
Saturday 29th April 2006

Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Things(s) and Blue Thing(s)

New photo exhibition is coming soon at Popil PhotoGallery.

"Thing(s) and Blue Thing(s) by Erin Gleeson.
An Installation of Polaroid Photographs and Objects.
29 April - 21 May 2006

Opening Party Saturday 29 April, from 3 to 7pm.

#126, street 19
Phnom Penh

Open from Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
Hope to See You There Soon, Stephane.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Childrens' Art Exhibition - Java Café

Every child is a natural artist, and we want to give them an opportunity to
display their work. The first week of May, Java Café will present its first
exhibition for children and by children.

If you would like to add your child's work to the show please submit the
artwork with a completed form.


Deadline extended until APRIL 26.

Report de la rencontre littéraire du 20 avril au C.C.F à une date ultérieure

Report de la rencontre littéraire du 20 avril au C.C.F à une date ultérieure

Madame, Monsieur,

Pour des raisons indépendantes de notre volonté, nous sommes contraints de reporter à une date ultérieure la rencontre littéraire sur le thème du « le livre jeunesse au Cambodge » prévue ce jeudi 20 avril à 18h30.

Nous vous prions de bien vouloir nous en excuser.

Bien cordialement,

Pierre Andricq
Responsable de la Médiathèque-centre d’information
Centre culturel français du Cambodge


si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir d'informations sur le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge, envoyer un mail à cette adresse ayant pour objet "retrait de la liste" à


"Scenes and sounds of my city" - Special Session 2006 UNESCO Young Digital Creators

  International Call for Participation  Special Session 2006 UNESCO Young Digital Creators
<French version below>
"Scenes and sounds of my city" Special Session 2006

The UNESCO DigiArts Team invites young students and teachers to reflect on
the theme of "scenes and sounds of my city" and to send to UNESCO a joint
project proposal in group work that focuses on a specific topic or issue in
relation to their urban environment or their experiences within urban

This project will be realized through a running session of the Scenes and
Sounds of My City web-based learning application, which is designed for
young people (12-18 years old) to collaboratively use creative digital tools
in expressing their visions on urban topics.

Through participation in this session, young people will have opportunities
1. Express their ideas, reflections, viewpoints on their own urban
environment through creative productions using digital media

2. Interact with their young peers from different regions, countries,
cultures 3. Use ICT resources and creative tools and obtain skills of
manipulating different digital and online applications.

At the end of the session, the best projects will be selected and presented
at an international electronic arts festival. A number of young delegates
among the participants will also be invited to this festival to transform
their digital pieces into physical urban installations in public spaces.

How to participate?
The following materials should be submitted to
<>? by 3 May 2006:
? Registration form
? One project proposal per group of participants ? Short introduction of
participants including contact information and photo For more information,
find attached detailed guidelines and the registration form or visit:

UNESCO DigiArts Team <>

<<REGISTRATION_FORM.doc>> <<call for ydc urban_april06.doc>>




"Sc讥s et sons de ma ville" Session sp飩ale 2006

L'鱵ipe de DigiArts de l'UNESCO invite les jeunes de 12 ࠱8 ans et leurs
professeurs ࠰articiper au projet 'Sc讥s et sons de ma ville'. Pour
participer il suffit d'envoyer une proposition de projet de groupe qui se
concentre sur un sujet en particulier li頠 l'environnement urbain.

Ce programme se d鲯ulera dans le cadre d'une session sp飩ale sur une
plateforme web sp飩alement con絥 pour les jeunes. Cette plateforme web
permet d'utiliser des outils cr顴ifs de fa篮 collaborative afin de
partager diff鲥ntes visions d'espaces urbains.

En participant ࠣette session, les jeunes auront l'opportunit麼/DIV>
1. D'exprimer leurs points de vue, id饳 et r馬exions sur leur propre
environnement urbain ࠰artir de cr顴ion audio et visuelle,

2. D'interagir avec d'autres jeunes d'horizons culturels diff鲥nts
(r駩ons, pays, cultures), 3. De maiser des ressources li饳 aux
technologies de l'information et de la communication, des outils de cr顴ion
num鲩que et des applications en ligne.

A la fin de cette session les projets les plus stimulants seront
s鬥ctionn鳠pour 괲e pr鳥nt鳠࠵n festival international d'art
num鲩que. Certains des jeunes participants seront invit鳠࠰r鳥nter leurs
cr顴ions dans le cadre d'une installation dans un espace public.

Comment participer?
Renvoyer par email les documents suivants avant le 3 mai 2006 ࠬ'adresse <> ? Formulaire d'inscription
(en anglais) ? Une proposition de projet (1 par groupe de participants) ?
Une description courte des participants mentionnant les noms, les contacts
et si possible une photo Ci-joints un document qui vous donne plus
d'informations sur le projet et le formulaire d'inscription (uniquement en
anglais) ࠣompl鴥r et ࠲envoyer. Ces documents sont aussi accessibles ༯DIV>
l'adresse suivante:

L'鱵ipe de DigiArts de l'UNESCO <>

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

La Lettre du Mékong n°2

La Lettre du Mékong n°2

French Literary News about mainland Southeast Asia; PDF format.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

L'Arbre Chambak

L’Arbre Chambâk - The Chambâk tree
Srey Bandaul

Opening: French Cultural Centre:
Thursday 27th... 6.30 pm

Srey Bandaul learned to draw in 1986 at the "Site 2" refugee camp, on the Thai-Cambodian border. His teacher, Mrs Véronique de Group (from France) still works with Association Phare Ponleu Selapak in Battambang.

"Chambâk" is the name of a wild tree whose fruits are edible. One can also eat the stone inside

“Chambâk”, is also the name of a little girl who Bandaul was in love with when he was 9. It was his first love and it happened during extremely complicated circumstances and in a time of cruelty, violence and misfortune...

Bandaul lived during this 13 war years with his family, during these years he committed his destiny to the Buddha. The goddess of the earth protected him, she offered him a refuge to sleep, and helped him dodge the bullets.

This exhibition recounts Bandaul's complex and chaotic journey, which is reflected can be found in the letters written with sand and pictures exhibited at the French Cultural Center.


Srey Bandaul a appris le dessin en 1986 au camp “Site 2” à la frontière
avec la Thailande. Son professeur, Mme Véronique de Group, était une
française. Elle travaille encore actuellement à Battambang avec Srey
Bandaul pour l’association Phare Ponleu Sélapak.

“Chambâk”, c'est le nom d'un arbre sauvage aux fruits comestibles. On
peut également en consommer la pulpe dans le noyau.

“Chambâk”, c’est aussi le nom d'une petite fille dont Bandaul était épris
quand il avait 9 ans. C'était son premier amour et ce, dans une conjoncture
extrêmement difficile où sévissaient la cruauté, les luttes sanglantes
et le malheur... A l’issue du conflit, Chambâk a pu gagner les Etats-Unis.

- Bandaul a vécu ces 13 années de guerre en compagnie de sa famille,
années durant lesquelles il a confié son destin à Bouddha. La déesse
Terre le protégeait, elle lui offrait un coin pour dormir et lui évitait les balles
des affrontements...

- Cette exposition retrace le parcours cahotique et complexe de Bandaul
à l’image des lettres écrites avec du sable et tracées en zig zag sur la
quarantaine de tableaux présentés au CCF.

[More at ]

Tags: Cambodia

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mohori Show "Our Friends in the Forests"


To whom it may concerned:
At Apsara Arts Association (AAA) is presenting a Mohori Theater "Our Friends in the Forests" a new creation production sponsored by KASUMISOU FOUNDATION and aiming to protect the wild animal species and the forest. This performance will be launched on the Saturday 22nd April 2006 starting 7.00-8.00 pm, on the Earth Day. If this show successful supported, there will may have a tour performance around the Cambodia to where the wildlife species and forest are in threat. The aim of this also does for raising fund and support the tour. The show will take place at AAA theater location at # 71, St. 598 (in Tra Lork Bek block, opposite the Newton Thilay School).
The show basically launches in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
To this regard, I would like to invite you, your colleagues and other LNGOs, INGOs who are working on such purposes. Therefore, please leave some of your colleagues and other NGOs whom you think they are involved or interested. If so, the name, position, & workplace (with address) are actually the neccessary information to be printed out on the invitation.
I hope you could pass this info to others.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Warm Respects,
Wann Sithen
Program Coordinator
APSARA Arts Association
Cellphone: (855)12 979335
or (855)23 990621
# 71, St. 598, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

New Art gallery and jazz bar:

'Miles' is located in Street 370, number 17C between 51 and 57, near to the
Apsara tv-antenna.
Live jazz on Fridays and Sundays.
(closed on Mondays and Tuesdays)

Kompong Speu: Trade Fair

"Buy Cambodian Products!" aims to display and sell Cambodia’s quality products especially products by local people of Kampong Speu province to the local and international community. Cambodian products can compete well in today’s competitive global environment.

The trade fair delivers the following messages: Products are made in Cambodia! Buy Products of My Village, Create More Jobs for Cambodians! We offer Competitive Quality and Competitive Price! More Jobs, Better Services! Buy Cambodian, Save Cambodians!

The trade fair objectives -

Promote local production and awareness of domestic products.
Promote local services and awareness of these services.
Expand the market for local producers and service providers of Kampong Speu province

Activities from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM include –

Displays and sales of Cambodian products (goods and services).
Singing and dancing contest
Khmer traditional games
Khmer traditional dancing for Happy New Year

Enjoy Khmer New Year at Ampe Phnom resort, Kampong Speu province to help promote Cambodian Products.

Furhter information, please visit :
Contact:  Sruy Len

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


This Year’s Theme:  “Independent Visions”
Saturday and Sunday, May 20-21, 2006
Pannasastra University of Cambodia
Rooftop Amphitheater Phnom Penh, Cambodia
In addition to the screenings, scheduled events will include panel discussions on Cambodian cinema, a low budget filmmaking workshop, and several filmmaker tributes and retrospectives.
Entry Categories:
Documentary (short or feature)
Fiction            (short or feature)
Entry Fees (non refundable):
Cambodian Entries                                       FREE
Local Expatriate/International Entries      $15 short 
                                                              $25 feature
Works from new Cambodian filmmakers are especially encouraged, although non-Cambodian filmmakers are welcome to enter.
DVD and VHS formats are acceptable.  Works not in the English language must contain English subtitles.
For further information and entry forms, contact:
Dr. Raymond Leos,
Director, Cinema Cambodia Film Festival
Faculty of Communications and Media Arts
Pannasastra University of Cambodia
No. 184, Maha Vithei Preah Norodom
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
012 620 571
Tag: Cambodia

Friday, April 07, 2006

'Good Books' - a TV show about literature

TV Station: TVK
Tuesday morning from 7:10am - 8:00am
Monday afternoon from 5:10pm-6:00pm (re-run)

The first show has already been broadcast on TVK on Tuesday, 4th April, 2006
in the morning, but will be repeated on next Monday 10th April, 2006 from

Please give it a look and tell your friends!
Thanks to the Cambodia Book Sector Federation.


Tags: Cambodia, literature, TV

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sovanna Phum: April

Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 4:20 PM
Subject: Program in performance at Sovanna Phum in April

Performance at 7:30pm

Shadow Puppets, Dance & Masks
Friday 7th & 8th April 2006

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 21st April 2006
Modern Drum Performance
"Street Life"
Saturday 22nd April 2006
"Krom Skor Sovanna Phum"

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 28th April 2006
Small Shadow Theatre
"Sbaek Touch"
Saturday 29th April 2006

Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday, except on Sunday.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The King's Last Song book launch

Sunday 9th April, 6.30 pm

Foreign Correspondents Club

There is so much to be said about the beauties, history and tragedy of Cambodia that all of us talking together for a week could not say enough.

My novel THE KING'S LAST SONG focuses on two things foreigners think they know about Cambodia - the Angkor era and the catastrophes since 1970. It imagines a life of Jayavarman VII. It also tells the story of two modern Cambodians, a patrimony policeman haunted by his memories of the wars and a young motoboy whose guardians will not talk about Cambodia's recent history.

I'd like to talk for a short while about how I came to write the book and the issues around a Westerner writing it.

Most of all, I'd like to share parts of the novel with you by reading from it to give a flavour of the story, characters and its different tones of voice. So this will be an entertainment as well as talk.

The launch is being held on April 9th at 6:30 PM at the FCC rooftop. I would love you to attend.

I'd like to thank Monument Books, the FCC and the Nou Hach Literary Journal for this opportunity.



Sunday 9th April, 6.30 pm

Foreign Correspondents Club


Fw: concert series

Foundation for the Advancement of
Western Classical Perfoming Arts

Monthly Concert Series
April 2006

Soirée musicale à Sans Souci
Court Music of Frederick II. King of Prussia
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
Johann Joachim Quantz
Frederick II. KIng of Prussia

Saturday, 22 April, 7 pm

in the airconditionrd comfort of
Raffles Hotel Le Royal

Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- ( only at the evening box )

Tickets available at:

Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310
Java Café

mobile: 012 834 517 and 012 291 654

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Architecture: where is it going? Discussion

Architecture: where is it going?

Discussion: As a follow-up to four recent lectures by Cambodian architects
on the ideas behind their buildings, there is to be an informal discussion
on the ideas raised in the lectures.
The themes of the discussion will be based on the suggestions from those who
attend the event.
Free, in Khmer/English, open to all
Moderator: LY Daravuth

At the Reyum Institute
47, Street 178, near the National Museum
at 4.00pm to 5.30pm
Thursday 6 April 2006
with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Kunstadter Family

Original Talks information:
Download Discussion Brochure:

Organised by SangSalapak : Building Arts and Reyum Institute of Arts and
Culture  /

Monday, April 03, 2006

Gay Pride parade

(DPA) 2 April 2006

PHNOM PENH - Cambodia's gay and lesbian community celebrated their sexuality
and increasing acceptance by society by holding the nation's third annual
Gay Pride Parade over the weekend.

The flamboyant parade was held on Friday night, but celebrations of the
community's sexuality - once a taboo subject in Cambodia - continued
throughout the weekend.

"This time more people joined the party because Cambodia is opening up and
with it our culture," Cambodian-Canadian organizer David Marshall said.

"Cambodia needs something like this because it celebrates the diversity of

Around 400 people attended the parade and party hosted by Marshall's Salt
Lounge bar and sponsored by Population Services International, Family Health
International and the Women's Network for Unity.

Organizers said attendance was up 25 per cent on last year and credited the
increase on a newfound willingness for lesbians and gays to be open about
their sexuality and to campaign for their rights.

"We do this for Cambodians. We help Cambodians get together and get
information on health issues," co-organizer and journalist Robert Turnbull

Sou Thavy, 67, a transexual and former sex worker now working with the Womyn's
Network for Unity, recalled when homosexuality made people outcasts and gays
and lesbians were treated with fear and suspicion.

"People looked down on gays before. Nowadays, many non-government
organizations support us and give us information to help prevent us from
contracting HIV and Aids," she said.

Cambodia has one of the highest infection rates of HIV/Aids in the region.
Organizers of the parade said they hoped to create a strong and visible gay
community that could inspire increased acceptance within Cambodian society.

Seasons of Migration Lecture

Hello All,

I am very pleased to announce the first ever, San
Francisco Art Institute Asian Performance Series.  The
Series aims to provide a context for ancient,
ritualistic mediums in SFAI's contemporary focus.
This is done to spark new modes of exploration and
expression.  Events will culminate in:

Wednesday April 5th, 12 PM, SFAI Quad: Performances by
Koyano Tetsuro (Balinese Masked Dance) and Prumsodun
Ok (Cambodian Classical Dance)

Friday April 21st, 7.30 PM, SFAI Lecture Hall: Lecture
by award-winning choreographer Sophiline Cheam Shapiro
on Cambodian Classical Dance and her work, Seasons of
Migration.  She will be showing HDV footage for a
documentary in progress.  Reception for all artists to

Tuesday April 25th, 7.30 PM, SFAI Quad: Wayang Kulit -
A Balinese Shadow Play.   A performance by Larry Reed
and his organization, Shadowlight.

Friday April 28th, 7.30 PM, SFAI Lecture Hall: A
screening of Larry Reed's film, Shadowmaster.  A film
that explores the artistic traditions of Bali in a
deceptively conventional way.  Q&A to follow after

Here are links to some of the artists:

Sophiline Cheam Shapiro:
Larry Reed:

This event is sponsored by the SFAI Student Union.
All events will be free and open to the public --- the
world is welcome.  Please feel free to tell all of
your friends, bring your family, bring your lovers!

KNOW.  Any questions, contact me!


Saturday, April 01, 2006

Paint Around the Dog

Sopheap Pich / Jack Bauer:

"Painting Around the Dog", ("working around Deyhoy", my Khmer title)

I first met Jack Bauer through a mutual friend from Viena, Austria about
three months ago. He told me he liked Cambodia very much and wanted to
return for a longer stay and possibly produce some art works here. True
to his words, Jack returned to Cambodia and I was more than happy to share
my studio with him.

One morning, I saw my dog, Deyhoy, lying on one of Jack's drawing paper on
the ground. As I tried to get her to move off the paper, Jack said:"No,
she can stay, I'm painting around her." We decided to work on some
collaborations based on my dog and show them
with other works of our own.

About Lake Studio:
I moved into this studio four months ago and have since been working
practically non-stop on my sculptures and drawings and haven't had the
opportunity to really make it into a proper exhibiting space. This is the
first test, it's a little hard to find at first, but I feel good here and
the view and light is great for my kind of work. Please call me at 012
295 011 if you have a hard time finding us.

As this show happens so spontaneousely, we had many limitations... one of
which is that we won't have much wine, so if you like to have wine..
please bring a bottle. If not, come have some beers. And if you come
early, we may catch a very nice sunset on the lake.

Hope to see everybody there!


sculptures - drawings - photographs
April 5 - May 15 2006
Opening Tuesday 4th April 2006
6pm - late
Lake Studio
#24 Street 70 Sankat Srakchok
Khan Daun Penh
Phnom Penh Cambodia
(on Boeng Kak lake, behind French Embassy)
tel: (+855) 012 295 011

Fw: Painting Around The Dog Opening This Coming Tuesday


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.