Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Comics in Corsica

Fw: photos Bastia

Cambodian comic artists
got their day in the (Mediterranean) sun, as part of exhibition BD À BASTIA.: March 30, 31, April 1 and 2.

Samples from Séra's 2005 workshop were exhibited as a part of the event. (Participants were Tek Tevin, Nhek Sophaleap, Lim Santepheap, Moeu Diyadaravuth, Phal Phouriseth, Chan Nawath, Sovana Sim, Touch Rethy, Kim Samath, and Sang Sok Chamrong.)

(above: Séra rencontre)



Click for event poster, site,or press.
(Cheers to Séra and Pierre for info!)

Tag: comics,

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