Thursday, April 13, 2006

Mohori Show "Our Friends in the Forests"


To whom it may concerned:
At Apsara Arts Association (AAA) is presenting a Mohori Theater "Our Friends in the Forests" a new creation production sponsored by KASUMISOU FOUNDATION and aiming to protect the wild animal species and the forest. This performance will be launched on the Saturday 22nd April 2006 starting 7.00-8.00 pm, on the Earth Day. If this show successful supported, there will may have a tour performance around the Cambodia to where the wildlife species and forest are in threat. The aim of this also does for raising fund and support the tour. The show will take place at AAA theater location at # 71, St. 598 (in Tra Lork Bek block, opposite the Newton Thilay School).
The show basically launches in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
To this regard, I would like to invite you, your colleagues and other LNGOs, INGOs who are working on such purposes. Therefore, please leave some of your colleagues and other NGOs whom you think they are involved or interested. If so, the name, position, & workplace (with address) are actually the neccessary information to be printed out on the invitation.
I hope you could pass this info to others.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Warm Respects,
Wann Sithen
Program Coordinator
APSARA Arts Association
Cellphone: (855)12 979335
or (855)23 990621
# 71, St. 598, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 

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