Friday, April 28, 2006

Sovanna Phum Fundraiser


Sovanna Phum in danger

Dear Friends,

Sovanna Phum, the only organization presenting professional performances every week is facing a grave funding crisis.

An exceptional 3-day fundraiser (May 4th, 5th and 6th 2006) will happen at 7:30pm in the Sovanna Phum theatre comprising the première of "Sokacha", a new mixed media adaptation of an extract from the Reamker and a sale of shadow puppets at 5% discount. Admission will be by donations of $5 or more.

It is also possible to support Sovanna Phum visiting our Gallery to buy shadow puppets, masks, music instruments made by our artists.

Sovanna Phum hopes to raise $12,450 from this fundraiser, which will cover costs for the next three months while we seek for long-term funding.

To raise funds to cover this short term crisis Sovanna Phum is calling for support from Embassies, local and international Organizations, private sector and everyone who like and believe in Khmer culture, helping the Association to pursue its activities.

What is your donation for?

* $700 pay Sovanna Phum rent for a month
* $400 pay Sovanna Phum roof replacement
* $200 pay Sovanna Phum electricity for one month
* $100 pay colored Sovanna Phum posters for 1 month
* $70 pay Sovanna Phum telephone for one month
* $40 pay one Sovanna Phum artist fees for 4 performances
* $25 contribute to Sovanna Phum artists for volunteer rehearsals for new performances
* $10 participate in Sovanna Phum costume making

For more than 10 years, passion and enthusiasm from both the staff and the artists of Sovanna Phum (120 professional artists, mainly students and graduates from the Royal University of Fine Arts) has led to Sovanna Phum being an internationally known centre for the performing arts and a centre for creation and presentation in Cambodia. Sovanna Phum is also well known to lead some awareness campaigns within development projects.

However, Sovanna Phum depends on funding for individual projects and has no core funding to support the venue.

Sovanna Phum's aims are to enable professional Cambodian artists to make a living from their art, through regular performances; to nurture, preserve and promote the treasures of Khmer culture to local and international audiences; and to organize awareness and prevention campaigns linked to the development of Cambodia (health, education, environment, human rights and democracy) through mobile traditional performances spreading educational messages.

For any further information, to make reservation or to provide us with any other kind of support, please contact:

Delphine Kassem, 012 846 020,

Thank you for your support and for widely passing on this message,

Best regards,

Segolen Guillaumat

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