Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The King's Last Song book launch

Sunday 9th April, 6.30 pm

Foreign Correspondents Club

There is so much to be said about the beauties, history and tragedy of Cambodia that all of us talking together for a week could not say enough.

My novel THE KING'S LAST SONG focuses on two things foreigners think they know about Cambodia - the Angkor era and the catastrophes since 1970. It imagines a life of Jayavarman VII. It also tells the story of two modern Cambodians, a patrimony policeman haunted by his memories of the wars and a young motoboy whose guardians will not talk about Cambodia's recent history.

I'd like to talk for a short while about how I came to write the book and the issues around a Westerner writing it.

Most of all, I'd like to share parts of the novel with you by reading from it to give a flavour of the story, characters and its different tones of voice. So this will be an entertainment as well as talk.

The launch is being held on April 9th at 6:30 PM at the FCC rooftop. I would love you to attend.

I'd like to thank Monument Books, the FCC and the Nou Hach Literary Journal for this opportunity.



Sunday 9th April, 6.30 pm

Foreign Correspondents Club


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