Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sovanna Phum Fundraising Campaign


Sovanna Phum Art Association                                                           

#111 St 360 (corner 105) - Phnom Penh

Tel: 023 987 564 / 221 932




    Date: 20 August 2009



Dear beloved friends and supporters,


I am writing on behalf of all staff and supporters of Sovanna Phum Art Association. Sovanna Phum Art Association aims to revive and promote treasures of Khmer culture to local and international audiences. Since its creation in 1994, large number of artists and collaborators work together to revive the arts of Cambodian dance and shadow puppet theatre. Sovanna Phum's goal is to create a maximum of opportunities for artists to make shows in an independent way, and expose themselves to the diversity of modern audience both in Cambodia and abroad.


This favored place also promotes the knowledge of foreign culture for Khmer artists by meeting foreign artists, and sharing their experience. Sovanna Phum is a space that allows Cambodian people to re-discover their culture, also allow foreigners to discover the rich diversity of Khmer performing arts.


As you may have known, the global financial crisis has profoundly hit Cambodian tourism industry which, in turn, affects the regularity of daily income made from tourists that Sovanna Phum largely relied on.


Besides, the increasing in price of property market, Sovanna Phum Arts Association has also to move her office to a cheaper place. Today, Sovanna Phum faces financial hardship and is unable to afford the new establishment of a new theatre and a small office. (Please see the map of the new office attached).


We write to appeal for financial support for Sovanna Phum to be able to fund itself setting up a new theatre and a small working place during this difficult period. We would like to assure you that we will do what we possibly can to make Sovanna Phum self-sustained when the theatre is ready for operation again.


For the above reason, I strongly hope that your family and you will support Sovanna Phum and rescue this valuable performing art theater from its bankruptcy. Shall you have any queries regarding the issues related to Sovanna Phnum Art Association, please do not hesitate to contact me for more clarification.


Sincerely yours,





Mann Kosal

Director of Sovanna Phum Art Association

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Sovanna Phum Fundraising Campaign
From: "SP Communication" <>
Date: Thu, August 20, 2009 10:46 am

Sovanna Phum Art Association
#111 St 360 (corner 105) - Phnom Penh

Tel: 023 987 564 / 221 932

Date: 20 August 2009

Dear beloved friends and supporters,

I am writing on behalf of all staff and supporters of Sovanna Phum Art
Association. Sovanna Phum Art Association aims to revive and promote
treasures of Khmer culture to local and international audiences. Since its
creation in 1994, large number of artists and collaborators work together
to revive the arts of Cambodian dance and shadow puppet theatre. Sovanna
Phum's goal is to create a maximum of opportunities for artists to make
shows in an independent way, and expose themselves to the diversity of
modern audience both in Cambodia and abroad.

This favored place also promotes the knowledge of foreign culture for
Khmer artists by meeting foreign artists, and sharing their experience.
Sovanna Phum is a space that allows Cambodian people to re-discover their
culture, also allow foreigners to discover the rich diversity of Khmer
performing arts.

As you may have known, the global financial crisis has profoundly hit
Cambodian tourism industry which, in turn, affects the regularity of daily
income made from tourists that Sovanna Phum largely relied on.

Besides, the increasing in price of property market, Sovanna Phum Arts
Association has also to move her office to a cheaper place. Today, Sovanna
Phum faces financial hardship and is unable to afford the new
establishment of a new theatre and a small office. (Please see the map of
the new office attached).

We write to appeal for financial support for Sovanna Phum to be able to
fund itself setting up a new theatre and a small working place during this
difficult period. We would like to assure you that we will do what we
possibly can to make Sovanna Phum self-sustained when the theatre is ready
for operation again.

For the above reason, I strongly hope that your family and you will
support Sovanna Phum and rescue this valuable performing art theater from
its bankruptcy. Shall you have any queries regarding the issues related to
Sovanna Phnum Art Association, please do not hesitate to contact me for
more clarification.

Sincerely yours,

Mann Kosal

Director of Sovanna Phum Art Association

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