Friday, August 14, 2009

The last week performance from Sovanna Phum

Dear Valued Art Lover,


Please see the attached file our last week Artistic Performance Program from Sovanna Phum artists.


Maybe this week would be the last performance from Sovanna Phum Art Association. We are moving to the new place soon and will start to build up a new stage which will take time and money. We don’t really know when we can serve you again, next month, next year or just next couples of weeks.


Anyways, we would like to express our heartfelt thank to you who have supported our association so far. We believe that Sovanna Phum will be able to overcome this hardship and continue to welcome audience from every corner of the world.


We will strive to promote and preserve the pieces of rare art of its kind forever and ever.


All the best wishes from Sovanna Phum management, staff and artists.


Sovanna Phum Art Association

 #111 Street 360 (corner 105), Phnom Penh

Tel        : 023 987 564 / 023 221 932

E-mail  :



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