Monday, June 15, 2009

FĂȘte de la musique" on the 19th and the 20th of june

The French Cultural Center, in partnership with the Chinese House and the Gazolina

La Magic Potion
Friday 19 June, 7pm
Chinese House (#45 Sisowath Quay)

La Magic Potion offers on uncommon rhythim in Cambodia: the one of the Celtic
traditional music mixed with jazz-rock accents. The opportunity to discover a
festive music and to go on the dance floor....

Mekong Pirates
DJ Aaliyah

Saturday 20 June, 6pm
Gazalina (#56-58, St 57)

Since 2008, the energy of Mekong Piratedynamites the bars of Phnom Penh!
The twelve musicians fo on in making dance Cambodia with their music which
navigates between rock, funk, ska, reggae and Khmer songs. Personal stirring
compositions on which we can't stop ourselves from moving!
They will be followed by DJ Aaliyah's energetic mix which will take us until late....

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