Friday, May 29, 2009

© Yann Arthus-Bertrand

The environment week 2009Affiche

Protect today tomorrow’s life

One week dedicated to the growing awareness: a selection of short and full-length films around the question of the sustainable development and the environment in Cambodia and everywhere else.
One week carried by different partners who have the same objective to explain to the Cambodian population the importance of the environmental protection and to encourage it to adopt daily behavior favorable to the sustainable development.
The edition of the week of the environment 2009 will take place from 1st till 7th June in various places of Phnom Penh: the gardens of Hun Sen, the ITC, the URA, the CCF as well as the Wat Phnom and the Wat Bothum.

The major event: the release of the film of Yann Arthus-Bertrand, HOME

More than a film, HOME will be a world event: for the first time in the history, this full-length film will indeed be shown at the same time in more than 50 countries.
It is the symbolic date of June 5th, 2009, the world day of the environment which was chosen for this simultaneous broadcasting.
The objective of Yann Arthus-Bertrand so is to affect the most possible people, and to convince us that we have a responsibility towards the Earth.


In some decades, the mankind broke a balance of about 4 billion evolutions of the Earth and puts his future in danger. The price to be paid is heavy, but it is too late to be pessimistic: there is hardly 10 years left at the Humanity to become aware of its disproportionate exploitation of the wealth of the Earth and change its mode of consumption.
By offering us the new images of more than 50 countries seen by the sky, by making us share his delight as much as his anxiety, Yann Arthus-Bertrand puts, with this film, the foundations of the building which we have to, all together, reconstruct.

Screenings at the Centre Culturel Français

Monday 1st to Friday 5th June, at 7pm, every day
Monday 1st
Last Wilderness / Cambodian Wildlife Part 1 / Saving Cambodia’s Great lake
Tuesdqy 2nd
Cambodian Wildlife Part 2 / Cambodia’s Forest Stewards
Wednesday 3rd
Forest is Our Life / Cambodian Wildlife Part 3
Thursday 4th
Forest for Our Future / Tackling the Challenge
Friday 5th

Screenings at the Wat Bothum (all the films in khmer)

Friday 5th to Sunday 7th, at 6.30pm, every day
Friday 5th
Home / Cambodia Life 1 / Feed the Bears / Forest is Our Life / After Cuting the Forest
Saturday 6th
Cambodia Life 2 / Prey Long / Tackling the Challenge / Feed the Bears / Saving Cambodia’s Great lake / Yeak Loam Lake / Cardamoms / Cambodia’s Forrest Stewards
Sunday 7th
Cambodia Life 3 / Home / Feed the Bears / Forests for Our Future / Saving Wildlife

more informations

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 street 184 - BP 827

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.