Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Human Sciences Happy Hours In PP


Happy Hours !!!

On thursday 17th June , 6PM

Lucie LabbĂ© 

Performing Tradition and Folklore: Dance as a Cultural Practice to Build Cambodian Identity (Preliminary Findings).

Venue: BAITONG RESTAURANT, 7 st 360, near Beung Keng Kang. (www.baitongcambodia.org).

In 2008 Lucie LabbĂ© obtained a Master in Anthropology from Descartes Unversity, Paris, France, through a dissertation focusing on Cambodian dances. She then decided to pursue her research on performing arts and their interaction with the cambodian identity in her upcoming PhD research.

While she was observing how families of refugees in France experienced Cambodian dance, she started to wonder about the place of dance in nowadays Cambodian culture. The research led to deal both with classical and "folk" dance teaching in very contrasting contexts (such as the Royal University of Fine Arts and local NGO schools in Cambodia), while a gaze at some experiences of Cambodian communities in foreign countries proved to be relevant for the comparison.

In this very presentation Lucie will use the results from her former master dissertation to share her preliminary findings and conclusions, as well as the questions and the doubts arising from those first investigations. This will found the base of the next field work she intends to carry on.



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