Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cambodia Support Group

The Cambodia Support Group (CSG)
p r e s e n t s

Hy Chanthavouth
'Hee Chantavoott'
Superb tenor in training
Captivating entertainer
Brilliant college student
Keen humanitarian
A CSG multi-year sponsorship

A foreigner in a Khmer body, says his mother. Like the great American composer George Gershwin, Chanthavouth burst forth from a family without musical (or western-ized) background. He lives for Italian opera, and also sings Broadway, popular, and other music. His thrilling voice and expressive power earn raves and many standing ovations.
Music of King Father Norodom Sihanouk is Chanthavouth's Cambodian specialty. Prince Norodom Sirivudh is working with him to revive other great Khmer songs.
"… to walk on my dream"
The CSG, a Canada-based Charity established in 1983, is sponsoring Chanthavouth within its four-part
focus on raising the quality of Cambodian life: disabled service, women's issues, music (both Khmer and
western), and child-youth protection and schooling.

"Student successes"
Arriving late in 2007,
Chanthavouth found a glorious Canadian welcome with arts excellence, strong social and human-service support, and much more. After a year in high school, he enrolled in a college for English-second-language - and
matched or beat the results of classmates with up to seven years more Eng-lish background.

"Beginnings "
Bounced to many teach-ers in Cambodia, Chanthavouth had uneven studies. Of the teachers here, Mrs. Mari Jinnai, Mr. Yan Bunthan and Mr. Pen Samol gave him a solid found-ation. In Canada, superb tenor Chuck Bisset guides him with brilliant insight.

Chanthavouth first performed at CSG fund-raising events in Cambodia. Fresh off the plane in Canada, he sang to Irish tourists with lost luggage…"like turning on an amplifier!" said one. Just a few hours later he sang at a Senior Citizens' Centre. In barely two weeks he attended three music conventions.

"Humanitarian hero"
hero Chanthavouth credits to CSG his strong social awaken-ing. In Cambodia he was a mentor for disabled, child-safe, women's, and arts projects. In Canada he aids CSG plus seniors, women, and youth at risk. He set up much of the recent Cambodia tour by Canada's Univer-sity of Victoria Choir, and came back to serve as its Goodwill Ambassador.

Leading by example with impassioned ideals, he inspires many people into human support.

"Present and future"
Chanthavouth performs often to great acclaim. He loves to chat with audiences, and an-nounced once in new-to-him English: "This (aria) is about a man writing to his sweetheart before he dies by educa-tion" - meaning execution!

His goal is to sing around the world, showing Cambodia's face of pride and raising funds for people in need.
Plans are for two more years in Canada, then studies in New York. Teacher Chuck Bisset, a seasoned Broadway and opera singer, says Chanthavouth has it all: voice, stage presence, heart, humour, brilliance and determination.

Please support Chanthavouth.
Your gift will help him to carry the
face of Cambodia to world stages.

Your monthly or one-time donations will help him to serve both human-kind and the fine arts world. Some day we may be proud that we gave this young Obama of music a splendid start on his life path. Thank you.

CSG c/o Canadian Co-operation Office
50 St. 334 Boeung Keng Kang 1,
Box ###
Phnom Penh, Cambodia 016-722 021
Foreign Trade Bank account #30400 15622
Main branch, Kramoun SarAvenue
(In Canada: 135 Thompson St. Kimberley BC V1A 1T9
Ph/Fax 250-427-2159 Registered Charity, est. 1983)
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Monthly donation by post-dated cheques
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Now in Year 26, CSG found sponsors across Canada for 204 Khmer refugees in the 1980s. Following the 1991 Peace Accord, the focus turned to aiding Cambodia itself. CSG motives and methods are praised by past Ambassadors and people of Cambodia among others.

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