Saturday, May 10, 2008

Pangaea Day

[courtesy Java Arts]
Dear Friends,
I would like to tell you about an amazing world-wide event that is happening this weekend!!  Some of you know about it already...Pangea Day.
"Pangea Day is a global event bringing the world together through film.
Why? In a world where people are often divided by borders, difference, and conflict, it's easy to lose sight of what we all have in common. Pangea Day seeks to overcome that – to help people see themselves in others – through the power of film."
--Mission statement,
It will premiere in our part of the world (Cambodia) at 1am this Saturday night.  You can watch it online as well as on Star World.  If you want to experience this with your friends and neighbors, go to the Gym Bar, #42 St. 178.  They have a great set up and big screen!  But please call to confirm--Randal 012 815 884. The more the better!
I hope you all get the chance to see it!
p.s. for those of you receiving this who don't live in Cambodia, please visit the website to find out when it is showing in your country!

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