Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The 2008 Festival of Music - Phnom Penh

Press Release

This unique event, celebrated simultaneously by millions of people throughout the world, will take place in Phnom Penh from June 16 through June 21. Every evening during the festival, Khmer and French musicians will invade the premises of the French Cultural Center to share their musical passions and make Phnom Penh dance to their rhythms.

On the program for the festivities are the following:

June 16: Demonstration of six traditional Khmer instruments by the musicians of Sovanna Phum.

June 17: Concert of Arak sacred music, conducted by Yun Khean, professor at the Royal University of Fine Arts.

June 18: Original outdoor screening of Charlie Chaplin's "The Kid," with accompaniment by musicians from the Royal University of Fine Arts.

June 19: Western classical music performed by Cambodian musicians.

June 20: Original musical performance by two French accordionists and Cambodian musicians / To be followed by the Festival of Music in many city bars, well into the night …

June 21: Concert by Cambodian stars, followed by X-Makeena, a French electronic music group, and concluding with "Funk Night" at the Café du Centre…

Dates: from June 16 to June 21, 2008

For more information: French Cultural Center, 218, Street 184, Phnom Penh / www.ccf-cambodge.org

Press contact: Marie de Pibrac, marie.de-pibrac@ccf-cambodge.org/ +855 (0)12 905 128

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