Friday, February 08, 2008



Dear all,

Debates and Forums on the Khmer Rouge Legacy- Genocide, Justice and
the Khmer Rouge Tribunal organized by META HOUSE in support by the
Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS). META HOUSE Art/Media/Communication
Centre is kindly inviting you to FORUM SESSION:

"CAMBODIA 1979: After the Khmer Rouge Regime was toppled"
Our panel of experts lived in Phnom Penh during the extraordinary
times in the 1980s will discuss 1979 rebuilding a nation from year
zero in spite of a western embargo that prohibited any development

Chantou Boua (Cambodia, Director of PADEK)
Pen Samitthy (Cambodia, Editor of Rasmei Kampuchea)
Youk Chhang (Cambodia, Director of the Documentation center of
Cambodia/ DCCAM)
Chair person/ Moderator Tom Fawthrop (UK based in Thailand:
Writer/Journalist and director of TV documentaries)

This Session will be held on Monday, February 11 2008 at 7 PM at PSIS
Conference Hall No. 18 A, Street 370 & 19 E, Street 380 (Please see
Session programme attached)

This is an independent forum set up to provide fresh insight, new
information and promote a lively debate over Cambodia's recent
tragedy, and how to deal with the darkest chapter in Cambodian
history. The forum will look at all aspects of the ongoing Khmer
Rouge Tribunal ---- from the day that the Pol Pot regime was
overthrown January 7th 1979, right up to present time and the workings
of the KR Tribunal - ( the ECCC.)

Forum Programme:
Monday, 04/02, 7PM: Revival of the Arts after Khmer Rouge
Monday, 11/02, 7PM: Cambodia 1979
Monday, 18/02, 7PM: Paris Peace Agreement and UNTAC (1989-1993)
Monday, 25/02, 7 PM: Cambodia after UNTAC (1990's)
Monday, 03/03, 7 PM: The ECCC - History and structure
Monday, 10/03. 7 PM: People's involvement (since 2003)

Parallel META HOUSE invites you to the EXHIBITION OPENING "Art of
survival - part II: Cambodia as the Unknown" on Tuesday, February 12
2008 at 6 PM within the Khmer Rouge Art project ART OF SURVIVAL, held
in the gallery hall in META HOUSE, near Wat Botum, # 6 Street 264.
(Please see press text attached)

This exhibition is a follow up an intercultural dialogue project with
the German artists Horst Hoheisel and Sebastian Brandt - in
cooperation with the Goethe Institute Bangkok. The two German artists
Mr. Horst Hoheisel ( and Sebastian Brandt went
for an expedition to the unknown Cambodia. What is the present
cultural identity of Cambodian people? In which kind does the gruesome
heritage of the Khmer Rouge effect on their daily life and behavior?


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me

Best regards,

Lydia Parusol
ART manager
012 208 347

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.