Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Drawing Room

Invitation Exhibition 1 Feb Rubies

Exhibition "Drawing Room"
Opening- 6pm, 1 February 2008

Artists: Panca Evenblij, Sopheap Pich, Piteak, Ali Sanderson,
Kong Vollak and John Weeks

Drawings may be representational, depicting objects, living beings, or scenes which the artist views, remembers, or imagines. They may be realistic to the point of lifelike resemblance (e.g. traditional portraits), architectural drawing or looser approximations of reality (e.g. sketches), and highly stylized (e.g. cartoons, caricatures), or abstract (e.g. automatic drawing, entoptic graphomania)......
.....and that's what the show is.

For more info please email pancaevenblij [via] gmail.com

Rubies Wine Bar

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