Monday, January 14, 2008

Unmarketable Lecture @ Pannasastra

Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing and the Erosion of Integrity

Wednesday, January 16, 5:45 pm
Srey Dim Conference Hall PUC South Campus
No. 184 Norodom Blvd. (South of Independence Monument)

The endless pursuit by corporations of the youth market demands that advertising and marketing experts construct new tactics to attract youthful buyers. This is especially relevant in Cambodia, where youth make up a significant portion of the population. Unfortunately, this means whole social networks, communal economies, and value systems are put in jeopardy. Sometimes, advertising and marketing spin completely out of control, and issues of social justice are trampled in pursuit of profits. Author Anne Elizabeth Moore will present a multimedia lecutre on the ugly underbelly of our globalizing world.

About the Speaker:
A resident of Chicago, noted author, publisher, journalist, and culture/media critic Anne Elizabeth Moore is the author of several books and numerous articles on media, advertising, gender, and culture.

A former editor of the Chicago-based alternative magazine PUNK PLANET, Ms. Moore’s latest book UNMARKETABLE: BRANDALISM, COPYFIGHTING, MOCKETING, AND THE EROSION OF INTEGRITY has won praise from numerous publications around the world, including the Los Angeles Times and The U.K. Guardian. Holder of a Master’s Degree from the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Wisconsin, Ms. Moore has lectured at several major universities in the U.S A., including Columbia College and the University of Illinois.

For further information: call 012 620 571 or email

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