Friday, January 04, 2008

Seasons of Migration

Don't miss the KHMER ARTS ENSEMBLE's presentation of Sophiline Cheam Shapiro's breathtaking classical dance SEASONS OF MIGRATION on 1 February at 6:30 PM as part of the French Cultural Center's Les Nuits d'Angkor Festival at Angkor Wat in Siem Reap.
What the press has written about Seasons of Migration:

"Shapiro's journey un­folds like a moving painting." new york times


"Shapiro tells her stories enigmatically through groupings that resemble temple friezes and hesitations in the tranquil, hypnotic flow of steps that seem suspended in time."

village voice


"Â…akin to watching moonlight play across water."

los angeles times
The 1 February program pairs SEASONS OF MIGRATION with Carolyn Carlson's contemporary dance DOWN BY THE RIVER.
Tickets are USD $25 and are available at the French Cultural Center and at various outlets throughout the city.
John Shapiro
Executive Director
Khmer Arts Academy
PO Box 2553
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
P 855-23-425-780
F 855-23-425-781

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