Saturday, June 09, 2007

Popil 20% Off Discount Sale! Take advantage of it!

Fw: Popil 20% Off Discount Sale! Take advantage of it!

Hello there!

Popil PhotoGallery is launching the final sale before closing in early July.
During the next four weeks all artwork in the permanent collection is 20%
off on. Come by and see works from John Vink, Mak Remissa, Simon Toffanello,
and Stéphane Janin.

I hope to see you here soon. Also if you stop by you can see my latest show
of pinhole photographs, "The Substance beneath the Visible". Pop in, it will
be a pleasure for me to talk again about it.

Best Regards,

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.