Saturday, May 26, 2007

Word Up:PNH

Word Up:PNH

poetry + music + performance

invited writers + open mic

Word Up Penh
Great news, poetry and performance lovers!

Word Up:PNH is shaking some action again this Wednesday, 30th of May at Talkin to a Stranger.

Focusing on poetry, music and spoken word performance, Word Up:PNH is open to all interested writers, musicians and performance artistes.

Featuring an eclectic mix of invited literary luminaries combined with an open mic section, Word Up:PNH promises more intellectual stimulation than you can poke a synapse at.

If you are interested in becoming a Word Up:PNH feature artist in any of the lyrical disciplines, call plastic b on 012 695 188, or roll up to Talkin to a Stranger early on Wednesday night to sign up for our open mic session.

May the muse be with you,
Plastic B

wed 30 may * 8pm * free entry

Talkin to a Stranger

No.21 St.294 for more info call plastic b: 012 695 188

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.