Saturday, June 30, 2007

Octo is on a mission

Somethin' to do


Thursday, June 28, 2007

EFEO: Conference de Prof. Sachchidanand Sahai: Angkor at the feet of Siva


Lundi 9 juillet 2007 / Monday 9th of July 2007

Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle You are 
cordially invited to attend the informal presentation:

Angkor at the feet of Siva

Prof. Sachchidanand Sahai
Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

The conference will analyse the Khmer civilization in the context of 
Saivism. The sites in Angkor Empire distinguished by foot-prints of 
Siva (Sivapâda) will be presented on the basis of epigraphy and 
Sachchidanand Sahai is an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University where 
he studied Indian and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology. 
Specializing in the Khmer studies at the University of Paris, 
Sorbonne (1965-69) under the supervision of eminent French savant 
George Coedes, Sahai produced a pioneering doctorial thesis, 
published by the EFEO in 1971. Since, he authored many publications. 
The founder editor of the Southeast Asian Review, he has edited and 
published thirty volumes of this journal since 1976. In 1981, he 
founded the International Conference on Thai Studies. Sahai held a 
chair of Southeast Asian Studies at the Magadh University, Bodh Gaya 
(India) and worked as the pro-Vice Chancellor of the university in 
2001. As Research Professor at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the 
Arts, New Delhi (1988-90) he set up the Southeast Asia division of 
the centre.  Recipient of French government scholarship, Fulbright 
post-doctoral Fellowship, Visiting Fellowship at Australian National 
University and Maison de Science de l' Homme (Paris), Sahai is 
currently Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

18 h 30, Lundi 9 juillet 2007, au centre de l'EFEO.
Monday 9th of July 2007, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.

Presentation will be in English - La présentation sera en Anglais

Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap
P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor
Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge
Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 / 760 525. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 
964 226
Email:  /

Fw: Parentals, geeks, extensions, and moving into middle age.


I have a bit of a brain deficiency this week. Nothing new there. Anyway below is what's I've got pegged for this week. Enjoy! And have a very fishy Sunday!

This week:
Notice: Fashion fundraiser at Monsoon has been postponed.

** Wednesday 27th **
- Film at Scandinavia Hotel, 8pm.
"Hearts and Minds" (Peter Davis)

** Thursday 28th **
- Final Talk & Closing Party. Stephane Janin.
7pm, Popil Photo Gallery, #126 St 19. 012992750

** Friday 29th **
- Critical Mass bike ride. Meet 5.15pm at the Independence Monument.

- Documentary: BALI PUNX by Ian White (AUS)
7pm, Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

- thom-thom, a rock-grunge-khmer band
8pm, Gasolina, #56-58 St 57. 012373009.

- Baroque Music from British Isles & Low Countries: De Fesch, Loillet de Gent, Purcell, Handel
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

- Film at French Cultural Centre 023212124
6.30pm "Un long dimanche de fiançailles" (France). Maybe with English subtitles.

** Saturday 30th **
- Films at French Cultural Centre. 023212124
10am "Jeus Interdits" (France) (w/ subtitles)
4pm "Un long dimanche de fiançailles" (France). Maybe with English subtitles.

- Opening: Spirit House. In Takhmao (11km outside Phnom Penh).
4-7pm. Maps and details at, Java Café, Sala Artspace.
7pm. After party at Sala Artspace.

- Documentary: SWIMMING AGAINST THE TIDE by Tom Fawthrop (UK)
7pm @ Meta House. #6 St 264, 012607465.

- Sep Niay and the Art of Khene: Lao & Northern Thai folk music
7pm, Art Café. #184 St 108. 012834517.

** Sunday 1st **
- National Fish Day! This year's festivities with Hun Sen take place in Takeo.

- Games at Gasolina, 4pm. Weekly games afternoon, while relaxing with some drinks in the Garden at Gasolina. Bring your favourite games, ideas, and hopefully we can get some Theatresports going too! (#56-58 St 57)

*** Stuff in Phnom Penh *** (I've moved advance notice to the bottom!)

To unsubscribe send an email to
To subscribe send an email to

Know of anything fun going on in Phnom Penh?
Email me at
Or text at

Credits to:
These excellent sites with what's on guides:
And of course a BIG thank you to everyone who let me know about events!

*** Advance notice ***

July 29
- City of Ghosts Location tour

Monday, June 25, 2007

@ FCC this June-July

FCC Exhibition

FCC Exhibition


Community Series Forum on City Understanding


Click for PDF file.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Talk at Popil Thursday 28th 7pm

Talk at Popil Thursday 28th 7pm


As many of you know, I am leaving Cambodia in July and will be closing the
Popil PhotoGallery. Before I pack up completely, I would like to invite you
to join me for a Final Talk and Closing Party at the gallery on Thursday
June 28th at 7pm.

I will be featuring my photographic work and my relationship with Cambodia
over the last 17 years, including what brought me here in the first place
and what kept me coming back for more! I will also be presenting the work of
my photography students, my work with pinhole cameras, and sharing with you
how I came to create the Popil PhotoGallery. I hope you will be able to join
me and help me celebrate all these years!

I look forward to seeing you then,

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Archaeological Sites Inventory in Cambodia

Archaeological sites


Nou Hach Journal Annual Awards

A seminar on "A Writer's Identity" organized by the Nou Hach Literary Association will be held at the Buddhist Institute on 30th June 2007, beginning at 7.30am.
This is a free event but registration is required due to limited seating. Please call 023 355 484 to register.

Speakers include Mrs. Keo Chanbo from the United States, Mrs. Penn Setharin from Japan and Mrs. Pech Sangwawann from France. In the afternoon, Greg Cahill's short film" The Golden Voice" about singer Ross Serey Sothea will be shown.

Reflecting the face of a culture

The Arts Lounge, Hotel de la Paix, is pleased to present Reflection an exhibition of ink paintings by Denis Min-Kim, opening on 28 June 2007.

Reflection, Min-Kim's second exhibit in Cambodia, is a series of black ink paintings and sketches that explore the relationship between individuality, history and culture; a concept of personal intrigue for the young French-Khmer artist. "The attitude, manner and position of a person reveal where we come from and where we are going to; we each hold our own heritage," says Min-Kim, who studied at the Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Marseille and has come to Cambodia to explore the nature of cultural diversity through art.

The series of paintings and sketches are based on the observation of people within and responding to their environment. "In every market, every street, every village, people here are eating, working, speaking Khmer culture; a culture that many visitors look for not in the living people but in the stone of an ancient Angkor," suggests Min-Kim.Using photographic images to capture a moment in the lives of his subjects, Min-Kim's work reveres a certain realistic representation that nonetheless submits to the interpretive hand of the artist, creating what he calls "a performance on canvas".

Min-Kim's portraitures are marked by a fascination with the detail of skin, his brush scrutinizing every crease or wrinkle, every mark or inconsistency – the texture of time passing or perhaps the uncertainty of youth. Each canvas depicts a culture that is intimate yet foreign, open to be explored, contemplated and understood as the face of a people steeped in their ancient heritage.

Reflection will be on show until 08 August 2007 at The Arts Lounge. Situated within Hôtel de la Paix, The Arts Lounge is a living space dedicated to the celebration of Cambodia's rich cultural heritage. It represents a commitment to the country's dynamic present and offers a stage for its creative future.

About The Arts Lounge

Connecting international visitors to an experience of local culture, the Hotel de la Paix is proud to present a selection of these sculptures from the 12th of October to the 22nd of November 2006 at the Arts Lounge.

The Arts Lounge offers an ambient and thought provoking setting, providing guests and visitors the opportunity to celebrate the spirit of Cambodia, both past and present, traditional and contemporary. Visitors will take with them a deeper understanding of Khmer culture and an appreciation of Khmer heritage within the global context. The Arts Lounge is fast becoming a cornerstone in Hotel de la Paix's commitment to respectful tourism and contribution to the development of the local community.

The 18-room Shinta Mani Hotel also located in Siem Reap is a sister hotel to de la Piax and both hotels are operated by Bed Management Company of Bangkok, Thailand, which is widely recognized as a creative and successful developer of independent boutique hotels and destination restaurants and bars in Southeast Asia. For reservations contact: or book online at

For media information on current and upcoming exhibitions at the Arts Lounge please contact Bronwyn Burns at bburns [via]

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Fete de la Music
Friday, 22nd of June, from 7PM

INTERFERENCE Ambient Sound Travels and World Music Jamtronix â?" performed live by drummers and percussionists of Sovanna Phum Theatre (Cambodia) and Phnom Penh clarinet player Bun Hong.

DJs: Primitive Solo (UK) and Tecnic Team Berlin (Germany) plus â?oRadio Phnom Penhâ?� by Sublime Frequencies (USA).
INTERFERENCE is first and foremost about the exploration of possibilities â?" rather than the confirmation of what is already known or well understood. This can mean radical changes in the way that the sounds and structures of music are conceived and perceived; or it can mean subtle additions to the way music is made, played, and heard - giving old music a new life.

More Infos: 012 â?" 607 465 (english),
012 â?" 717 378 (khmer/english)

Khmer Architecture Tours : update on tours...

Khmer Architecture Tours
promoting modern architecture in Cambodia

Cyclo tour of central Phnom Penh
Sunday 24 June 07, 8.30am
Mix of colonial and 1960s buildings (a few places left).

Sunday 24 June 07, 8.30am
Houses and villas in Toul Kork 
Three types of house including Vann Molyvann's 100 Houses.

Two tours on the same day! More details are on our website; if you would like to book, please include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!

khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia


Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilisation

A l'occasion de la publication du livre / On the recent publication of the book
Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilisation
Vous êtes cordialement invités à sa présentation informelle par ses co-auteurs:
You are cordially invited to attend its informal presentation by its co-authors:

H. Exc. Shri P K Kapur
Deputy Director General, Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA)
Prof. Sachchidanand Sahai
Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.
 « Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilisation » " (White Lotus, Bangkok) offers a new look at the biography of Jayavarman VII, focusing on the ideology of abnegation followed by this Angkorian monarch.  With his well-developed policy of welfare, the king surpassed the contemporary European kings. The monograph shows how Ta Prohm was intricately connected with the royal welfare programs, since its foundation stele describes in details the assistance given to the hospitals from the royal treasury.
The monograph presents the temple of Ta Prohm in the context of Cambodian history, as the first dated temple of the reign of Jayavarman VII (1186), symbolizing the perfect wisdom in Khmer civilization with the mother of the king represented as Prajnaparamita, the mother of the Buddha.
The monastic and spiritual life at the temple has been graphically reconstructed through a closer study of the inscriptions of Ta Prohm.  Impressive annual and daily grants offered by the royal treasury to sustain the spiritual life of the kingdom have been meticulously detailed.
A systematic study of restoration policy has been made in the context of over a hundred years of practical experience at the sites of Angkor.  It has been argued that Ta Prohm can be a useful test case for the refinement of ideology and techniques of restoration based on the criteria of authenticity.  This first monograph-length study of the most enigmatic temple of Angkor complex offers an indispensable reading, both for the visitors, and specialists, interested in unlocking the puzzles of Angkor art.
 Shri Pradeep Kumar Kapur, a career diplomat of the Indian Foreign Service, is well-known for his deep interest in the theory and practice of political, economic and cultural diplomacy. He has worked in diverse areas in the Ministry of External Affairs and in the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He has also made significant contributions in expanding the scope and content of India's external relations during his postings in the Indian Embassies/High Commissions in Spain, Tanzania, France, Nepal and Cambodia. During his tenure as Ambassador of India to Cambodia, Kapur took up the famous, but extremely difficult site for restoration of the Ta Prohm temple monument in Angkor, as a test case of cultural diplomacy between India and Cambodia.
Sachchidanand Sahai is an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University where he studied Indian and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology. Specializing in the Khmer studies at the University of Paris, Sorbonne (1965-69) under the supervision of eminent French savant George Coedes, Sahai produced a pioneering doctorial thesis, published by the EFEO in 1971. Since, he authored many publications. The founder editor of the Southeast Asian Review, he has edited and published thirty volumes of this journal since 1976. In 1981, he founded the International Conference on Thai Studies. Sahai held a chair of Southeast Asian Studies at the Magadh University, Bodh Gaya (India) and worked as the pro-Vice Chancellor of the university in 2001. As Research Professor at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi (1988-90) he set up the Southeast Asia division of the centre.  Recipient of French government scholarship, Fulbright post-doctoral Fellowship, Visiting Fellowship at Australian National University and Maison de Science de l' Homme (Paris), Sahai is currently Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

18 h 30, Lundi 25 juin 2007, au centre de l'EFEO.
Monday 25th of June 2007, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.

Presentation will be in English - La présentation sera en Anglais
Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap
P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor
Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge
Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 / 760 525. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226
Email: /

fete de la musique / festival of music


  Fête de la musique 2007 gratuit  








Fête de la musique
High Tone - Sapoune Midada - Ouk Sokunkagna - Bun Sak -
Sok Pisey - Khem Bunthai - Chhuon Sovannchhai

Jeudi 21 juin - 18h00
Jardin du Centre Culturel Français
218 rue Kéo Chéa -
Phnom Penh

Concerts franco-khmers
Jeudi 21 juin - 18h30
Rue Oum Khun- Siem Reap

Soirée dans les bars de Phnom Penh
Vendredi 22 juin
Equinox, Elsewhere, Factory Lounge, Riverhouse Lounge, Gasolina, Metahouse, The Memphis, The Miles, Talkin to a stranger, Teukei bar,
Central Café.

Festival de musique classique "Vis à vis"
Du 22 au 25 juin

Hôtel Raffles le Royal - 19h
Phnom Penh

Pour plus d'informations et voir le programe complet de la fête de la musique cliquez ici













Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCf, envoyer un Mel à :
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Saturday, June 16, 2007

ASEAN Business #14

In This Issue:

-Thais play key role in Myanmar economy

-Vietnamese "crazy" for stock market

-US group to build US$30 billion steel plant in Vietnam

-Vietnamese youngsters earn more, spend more

-Korean firms to invest US$3 billion in Indonesian energy sector

-Cambodia plans to double rubber plantation surface

-Thailand to produce more synthetic rubber

-Myanmar foreign trade hits record level

-Myanmar plans sharp increase of biofuel output

-US$7-billion pipeline planned in Malaysia

-Laos signs rubber deal with Vietnam

-Brunei's real estate growth slow

-Singapore manufacturers optimistic


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Fw: Ladders to climb on a roof? No...let's levitate!

Well it seems like quite a few of you did that anti-rain dance for Ally last week, can I now make a request for the opposite? Or maybe even one better, can you all do a snow dance? I've always dreamed of skiing to work. Theatresports wasn't quite the raging success I hoped it might be, but don't be put off, we have some better plans and more enthusiasm for this Sunday! If you're looking for a room - let me know - there are some nice ones out there, including a couple at my house that are soon to become vacant. Drop me a line!

See you out there!

This week:

** Wednesday 13th **
- Lecture and discussion at the REYUM Institute: "Never Marry a Woman With Big Feet"
Prof. Mineke Schipper. 6.30pm, #47 St 178, 023-217-149

Fete de la musique (opening night).
All free, with a total of 13 venues (11 on June 22 alone!)
Tonight: The Pockemon Crew, Chaktomuk Theatre, 7pm.

- Film at Scandinavia Hotel, 8pm.
"Gummo", directed by Harmony Korine

** Thursday 14th **
Refugee Film Week, opening night: "New Year Baby" (Socheata Poeuv, USA)
French Cultural Centre, 6.30pm.

- Screening of the Soap Opera "At the factory gates". Ep 56.
In Khmer, English subtitles. 6pm Bophana AVRC.
Seat bookings to Thanaren Than, 092-605-127

** Friday 15th **
Refugee film week, French Cultural Centre
pm: "Refugee" (Spencer Nakasako, USA) (Khmer version)
6pm: "Blood Diamond" (Edward Zwick, USA)

Thai Classical: The unique sound of the Khim
Art Café, 7pm.

- Cinema at French Cultural Centre.
7pm. "Ali Zaoua, Prince De La Rue." Morocco (English subtitles).

** Saturday 16th **
: Film and video festival, 3-11pm.
Venue "A" - Features, shorts, experimental media: Meta House (#6 St 264)
Venue "B" - Social issue docs and more: SALA Artspace (339E2 Sisowath)
Venue "X" - Details TBA.

Beer tasting challenge @ Monsoon. Sample 10 beers and nibbles for $10.
7pm. Bookings required, 012-247-832

Refugee film week: French Cultural Centre
pm: "Neither Here Nor There" (Kerri Yost, USA)
pm: "Baran"(Majid Majidi, Iran)
7pm: "ZoZo"(Josef Fares, Sweden)

La Musica Rococo: A selection of fine Italian chamber music.
Art Café, 7pm.

** Sunday 17th **
- Cricket at Boeng Keng Kang High School. All welcome, no skill or experience required.
10am, $5 for game and BBQ, St 370 near St 71. Contact Sean 092-259-459.

- Theatregames at Gasolina, 4pm. Weekly improvisation fun and games, while relaxing with some drinks in the Garden at Gasolina.
Turn up to watch, to play, to judge, even just to see what it's all about, all are welcome. It's all about making stuff up and having a good time.
I'd love it if you could let me know if you're interested, but feel free to turn up on the day. Queries to me. (#56-58 St 57)

- Cambofest
: Film and video festival, 3-11pm.
Venue "A" - Features, shorts, experimental media: Meta House (#6 St 264)
Venue "B" - Social issue docs and more: SALA Artspace (339E2 Sisowath)
Venue "X" - Details TBA.

** Monday 18th **
Public holiday today for the 71st birthday of Queen Monineath
(Full title: Her Majesty Preah Reach Akka-Mohèsey Norodom Monineath Sihanouk)

Refugee film week, French Cultural Centre
 6pm: "Terror's Children" (Mohammed Naqvi, Sharmeen Obaid, USA)
pm: "The Refugee" (Nigel Barker, US/UK)

** Tuesday 19th **
Refugee film week, French Cultural Centre
pm: "Refugee" (Spencer Nakasako, USA)
.15pm: "In This World" (Michael Winterbottom, UK)

* Wednesday 20th **
Refugee film week, French Cultural Centre
pm: "New Year Baby" (Socheata Poeuv, USA) (Khmer version)
7pm: "New Year Baby" (Socheata Poeuv, USA)

- Film at Scandinavia Hotel, 8pm.
"Even Dwarves Started Small", directed by Werner Herzog

*** Stuff in Phnom Penh *** (I've moved advance notice to the bottom!)

To unsubscribe send an email to
To subscribe send an email to

Know of anything fun going on in Phnom Penh?
Email me at
Or text at

Credits to:
These excellent sites with what's on guides:
And of course a BIG thank you to everyone who let me know about events!

*** Advance notice ***

June 22
- Painting, drawings and installation by Denise Scott, Sala Artspace (exhibition from June 20)
- Party:
PrahokRock @ Rubies

une 22-25
Vis a vis: Classical festival, Raffles Le Royal.

June 23
S & M Party, Pontoon. Say goodbye to Sean & Mariana.

une 24
Architechture tour - houses of Toul Kork

une 25
Presentation on the book "Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilization"

une 29
- Fashion fundraiser @ Monsoon
- City of Ghosts Location tour

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Universal Speakers

Hip Hop Khmer

Tag: ,

Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Going Downe Syndrome

"Tonight, one and only performance of THE GOING DOWNE SYNDROME, a rock opera by Mongoloid at the closing party of The Original - J Rosette and Barry performing as Mongoloid!"

Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilisation

Lundi 25 juin 2007 / Monday 25th of June 2007

A l'occasion de la publication du livre / On the recent publication of the book

Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilisation

Vous êtes cordialement invités à sa présentation informelle par ses co-auteurs:

You are cordially invited to attend its informal presentation by its co-authors:

H. Exc. Shri P K Kapur

Deputy Director General, Indian Council of World Affairs (ICWA)

Prof. Sachchidanand Sahai

Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

 « Ta Prohm: A Glorious Era in Angkor Civilisation » " (White Lotus, Bangkok) offers a new look at the biography of Jayavarman VII, focusing on the ideology of abnegation followed by this Angkorian monarch.  With his well-developed policy of welfare, the king surpassed the contemporary European kings. The monograph shows how Ta Prohm was intricately connected with the royal welfare programs, since its foundation stele describes in details the assistance given to the hospitals from the royal treasury.

The monograph presents the temple of Ta Prohm in the context of Cambodian history, as the first dated temple of the reign of Jayavarman VII (1186), symbolizing the perfect wisdom in Khmer civilization with the mother of the king represented as Prajnaparamita, the mother of the Buddha.

The monastic and spiritual life at the temple has been graphically reconstructed through a closer study of the inscriptions of Ta Prohm.  Impressive annual and daily grants offered by the royal treasury to sustain the spiritual life of the kingdom have been meticulously detailed.

A systematic study of restoration policy has been made in the context of over a hundred years of practical experience at the sites of Angkor.  It has been argued that Ta Prohm can be a useful test case for the refinement of ideology and techniques of restoration based on the criteria of authenticity.  This first monograph-length study of the most enigmatic temple of Angkor complex offers an indispensable reading, both for the visitors, and specialists, interested in unlocking the puzzles of Angkor art.

 Shri Pradeep Kumar Kapur, a career diplomat of the Indian Foreign Service, is well-known for his deep interest in the theory and practice of political, economic and cultural diplomacy. He has worked in diverse areas in the Ministry of External Affairs and in the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India. He has also made significant contributions in expanding the scope and content of India's external relations during his postings in the Indian Embassies/High Commissions in Spain, Tanzania, France, Nepal and Cambodia. During his tenure as Ambassador of India to Cambodia, Kapur took up the famous, but extremely difficult site for restoration of the Ta Prohm temple monument in Angkor, as a test case of cultural diplomacy between India and Cambodia.

Sachchidanand Sahai is an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University where he studied Indian and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology. Specializing in the Khmer studies at the University of Paris, Sorbonne (1965-69) under the supervision of eminent French savant George Coedes, Sahai produced a pioneering doctorial thesis, published by the EFEO in 1971. Since, he authored many publications. The founder editor of the Southeast Asian Review, he has edited and published thirty volumes of this journal since 1976. In 1981, he founded the International Conference on Thai Studies. Sahai held a chair of Southeast Asian Studies at the Magadh University, Bodh Gaya (India) and worked as the pro-Vice Chancellor of the university in 2001. As Research Professor at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi (1988-90) he set up the Southeast Asia division of the centre.  Recipient of French government scholarship, Fulbright post-doctoral Fellowship, Visiting Fellowship at Australian National University and Maison de Science de l' Homme (Paris), Sahai is currently Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

18 h 30, Lundi 25 juin 2007, au centre de l'EFEO.

Monday 25th of June 2007, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.

Presentation will be in English - La présentation sera en Anglais


Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap

P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor

Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge

Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 / 760 525. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226

Email: / 

Ka- tours

Khmer Architecture Tours
promoting modern architecture in Cambodia

Cyclo tour of central Phnom Penh
Sunday 10 June 07, 8.30am
Mix of colonial and 1960s buildings.

Sunday 24 June 07, 8.30am
Houses and villas in Toul Kork 
Three types of house including Vann Molyvann's 100 Houses.

More details are on our website; if you would like to book places, please include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like. 
We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers. Thanks!

geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

please don't print this e-mail unless you really have to

Popil 20% Off Discount Sale! Take advantage of it!

Fw: Popil 20% Off Discount Sale! Take advantage of it!

Hello there!

Popil PhotoGallery is launching the final sale before closing in early July.
During the next four weeks all artwork in the permanent collection is 20%
off on. Come by and see works from John Vink, Mak Remissa, Simon Toffanello,
and Stéphane Janin.

I hope to see you here soon. Also if you stop by you can see my latest show
of pinhole photographs, "The Substance beneath the Visible". Pop in, it will
be a pleasure for me to talk again about it.

Best Regards,

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

exposition Rotess Phloeung par Stephane Janin


  "Rotess Phlœung" par Stéphane Janin  
      Vernissage : le jeudi 7 juin / 18h30 / hall d'exposition du CCF
Exposition : du 8 au 30 juin

Phnom Penh, samedi matin, six heures, la gare ferroviaire s'éveille. Sur les quais les vendeurs ne sont pas nombreux. Une vendeuse de soupe de riz, une vendeuse de gâteaux, cigarettes et boissons. Le train se remplit doucement, très doucement. On est loin de l'affluence des années 90 qui remplissait des trains de plus de quinze wagons. Aujourd'hui c'est un train court constitué de trois wagons voyageurs et trois wagons de marchandises. Au bord du quai, Em Sopheap se souvient. Aujourd'hui en retraite l'ancien ouvrier de la gare de Phnom Penh lisse sa petite moustache au fur et à mesure que les souvenirs remontent.

« Dans les années soixante, le train s'appelait l'Autorail. Il partait le matin de Phnom Penh à 6h20 et arrivait à 10h36 à Battambang après quatre ou cinq arrêts uniquement. ça allait vite, bien plus vite qu'aujourd'hui. Au même moment un autre train faisait le chemin en sens inverse pour rejoindre Phnom Penh. Il y avait du trafic, vraiment. Aujourd'hui, il n'y a plus qu'un train par semaine. »

A six heures cinquante deux, la locomotive entre en gare. Elle s'accroche lourdement aux wagons de marchandises et de voyageurs. Quelques minutes plus tard, le chef de gare donne le signal. Il est six heures cinquante six du matin, le train se met tranquillement en route, indolent et branlant, il lui faudra environ douze heures pour rejoindre Battambang…

Stéphane Janin


Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCf, envoyer un Mel à :
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Avoiding trademarks and building networks. Let's happy.

News from Mitch about things to do in Phnom Penh:
Avoiding trademarks and building networks. Let's happy.

Hi all,

Well the fantastic Ally who was the first in with last week's puzzle (The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover) would like to request something like an anti-rain dance. Sun dance? Moon dance? Maybe even a snow dance.  Anything to fit in with World Environment Day yesterday. Theatregames. The lovely improvisation performance exercise, where you get up an make a fool of yourself in teams. If you're keen, interested, repulsed, or just plain bored on a Sunday afternoon, come down to Gasolina this Sunday afternoon to have a relaxing afternoon, and a few drinks, mingled with a bit of Theatregames. Three parts to this week's subject. A BIG plug next week to anyone who can work out my references for each of them. Or failing that, the first person to work out 2 of them. Or even the person who makes me laugh the most if you have NO idea what I'm talking about.

See you out and about!

This week:

** Wednesday 6th **
- Vegetarian Banquet @ Monsoon, 5 dishes $5.
Bookings to Yvette 012-247-832

- CAMBODIAN JOURNAL by Valentina DuBasky.
Drawings, opening 6pm Java Café. Until July 1st.

- Environmental Film Festival, French Cultural Centre, 6.30pm. All films in Khmer with English subtitles, under 30min each.
Lands of the Lake
3S River Celebration
The Serengeti of Asia
Audience choice

- Film at Scandinavia Hotel, 8pm.
"The Bad Sleep Well", directed by Akira Kirosawa

** Thursday 7th **
Photo exhibition, 6.30pm French Cultural Centre. Until June 30th.

- Screening of the Soap Opera "At the factory gates". Ep 1 & 2.
In Khmer, English subtitles. 6pm Bophana AVRC.
Seat bookings to Thanaren Than, 092-605-127

** Friday 8th **
- Carbon Party at FCC, by GERES. Climate change matters.
Exhibition and various events all day, discount drinks, fun and games from 9pm.
Contact Kimberley Buss 092 821 839

- Mozart and Friends, W.A.Mozart, J.Haydn, K.Stamitz.
Art Café, 7pm.

- Cinema at French Cultural Centre.
7pm. "Ali Zaoua, Prince De La Rue." Morocco (English subtitles).

** Saturday 9th **
- Cinema at the French Cultural Centre.
4pm "En attendant le bonheur" (Mauritania, mostly visual)
7pm "La Petite vendeuse de soleil" (Senegal, English subtitles)

- La Bonne Chanson. French Songs by Faure, Satie & Poulenc
Art Café, 7pm.

** Sunday 10th **
- Theatregames at Gasolina, 4pm. Beginning of weekly improvisation fun and games, while relaxing with some drinks in the Garden at Gasolina.
Turn up to watch, to play, to judge, even just to see what it's all about, all are welcome. It's all about making stuff up and having a good time.
I'd love it if you could let me know if you're interested, but feel free to turn up on the day. Queries to me.

** Monday 11th **
- Quick plug for Shu Hui's aerobics class at the Intercon Mon nights, 6-7pm, $5.
Hi-Low class impact. Contact

Advance notice:

June 13
Lecture and discussion at REYUM: Never Marry a Woman with Big Feet

June 13-25
Fete de la Musique
Pokemon Crew, Chaktomuk Theatre (Wed 13th)

June 14-20
Refugee Film Festival, French Cultural Centre.

June 16-17
Cambofest. Film & Video Festival. @ Meta House, Sala Art Space, plus Mystery venue.

June 17
Cricket at Boeng Keng Kang High School. All welcome. Sean's last game. For real.

June 23
S & M Party, Pontoon. Say goodbye to Sean & Mariana.

Screenings of "At the factory gates":
Thur 7 Ep 1 & 2
Tues 12 Ep 3 & 4
Thurs 14 Ep 5 & 6

*** Stuff in Phnom Penh ***

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Know of anything fun going on in Phnom Penh?
Email me at
Or text at

Credits to:
These excellent sites with what's on guides:
And of course a BIG thank you to everyone who let me know about events!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

art music and films events in cambodia for june

from Linda Saphan:


Opening 7th of June
Showing 8th to 30th of June > French Cultural Centre "Rotess
Plœung" means "train" in Cambodian... Stephane Janin was born in France in 1968. He
has a masters in Cinema and Audiovisual studies and started photographing Cambodia
in 1990.

Exhibition at FCC on climate change matters (dress code : green)
Events all day, pub quizz, Carbon DJ Party at 10pm (funny auction)
Contact : geres cambodia

"Minh Cuong Le Quan" <>,

Opening Friday, June 22
Showing 20 – 27 June > Sala Artspace
Paintings, drawings and installation by Denise Scott.

Paintings and drawings
Opening Thursday, , Hotel De La Paix, Siem Reap

Opening Saturday,  Khmer Arts Academy and Sala Artspace
4 – 7pm Saturday, June 30 ).

From Monday 4th to Wednesday 6th of June
French Cultural Centre Cinema
Organised by « Conservation Internationale », the purpose of the festival is to
communicate to a wide audience, especially young Khmers, the work being done to
promote the sustainability of Cambodia's natural envi-ronment. An award – the Golden
Arowana - will be presented to the most popular film as decided by an audience vote.

From 14th to 20th of June, Cinema of the French Cultural Centre
Organised by The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in collaboration
with the French Embassy in Cambodia and the French Cultural Centre in Cambodia.
This third edition of this festival will features movies, documentaries
made or about refugees.
The purpose of this event is to get the public acquainted with refugee issues.

June 16, 17 Meta House and Sala Artspace
Series of films from international filmmakers to be screened at the two locations on the
weekend of the 16t and 17 of June. Details and schedule to be announced. More
info at, contact: Jason Rosette,

Wednesdays at 8pm > Scandinavia Hotel
JUNE 6th : "THE BAD SLEEP WELL" Directed by Akira Kirosawa
JUNE 13th: "GUMMO" Directed by Harmony Korine
JUNE 20th "EVEN DWARVES STARTED SMALL" Directed by Werner Herzog
JUNE 27th "HEARTS AND MINDS" The academy award winning Viet Nam
documentary Directed by Peter Davis

Sat. 9  June 7:00pm  La Bonne Chanson French Songs by Faure, Satie & Poulenc

From Wednesday 13th to monday 25th of June
13rd of June - Chaktomuk theatre (to confirm): Pokemon Crew, one of the most titled, art café
crew in the world in the battle circuit (hip hop tour-nament). art café
Fri.15 June   7:00pm  Thai classical The unique sound of the Khim, art café
Sat.16 June 7:00pm  La Musica Rococò, A selection of fine  Italien Chamber Music, art café  

21st of June - Street Keo Chea (184) (to confirm): Many Cambodian and French artists
will perform concerts. High Tone, for example, is a French electro band. Their music is
the alchemy of three key elements: 70's dub, electronic music and ethnic music; a dub
sub-merged in the jungle, somewhere between India and Tibet.

Fri.22 June 9:00pm! "Après spectacle" - after show party complete the night with a snack & Mahoori Music
(7:00pm  Vis-à-Vis,  French-German Chamber-Music Festival at Raffles Hotel Le Royal)

22-25 June - Raffles Hotel Le Royal: "Vis à vis" is a classical festival organised in
collaboration with the German embassy in Cambodia and the Foundation for the
Advancement of Western Classical Performing (FAWPC).
Some concerts will take place in many places all over the city. More information will
come soon.

Sat. 23 June 9:00pm ! "Après spectacle" - after show party complete the night with a snack & Lao Music
(7:00pm  Vis-à-Vis,  French-German Chamber-Music Festival at Raffles Hotel Le Royal)

Sun.24 June 9:00pm ! "Après spectacle" - after show party
complete the night with a snack & Classical Dance       (7:00pm  Vis-à-Vis,  French-German Chamber-Music Festival at Raffles Hotel Le Royal)

Fri.29 June 7:00pm Baroque Music from British Isles & Low Countries  De Fesch, Loillet de Gent, Purcell, Handel , art café
Sat.30 June  7:00pm  Sep Niay and the Art of Khene Lao & Northern Thai folk music, art café


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