Saturday, June 23, 2007

Reflecting the face of a culture

The Arts Lounge, Hotel de la Paix, is pleased to present Reflection an exhibition of ink paintings by Denis Min-Kim, opening on 28 June 2007.

Reflection, Min-Kim's second exhibit in Cambodia, is a series of black ink paintings and sketches that explore the relationship between individuality, history and culture; a concept of personal intrigue for the young French-Khmer artist. "The attitude, manner and position of a person reveal where we come from and where we are going to; we each hold our own heritage," says Min-Kim, who studied at the Ecole Supérieure d'Art de Marseille and has come to Cambodia to explore the nature of cultural diversity through art.

The series of paintings and sketches are based on the observation of people within and responding to their environment. "In every market, every street, every village, people here are eating, working, speaking Khmer culture; a culture that many visitors look for not in the living people but in the stone of an ancient Angkor," suggests Min-Kim.Using photographic images to capture a moment in the lives of his subjects, Min-Kim's work reveres a certain realistic representation that nonetheless submits to the interpretive hand of the artist, creating what he calls "a performance on canvas".

Min-Kim's portraitures are marked by a fascination with the detail of skin, his brush scrutinizing every crease or wrinkle, every mark or inconsistency – the texture of time passing or perhaps the uncertainty of youth. Each canvas depicts a culture that is intimate yet foreign, open to be explored, contemplated and understood as the face of a people steeped in their ancient heritage.

Reflection will be on show until 08 August 2007 at The Arts Lounge. Situated within Hôtel de la Paix, The Arts Lounge is a living space dedicated to the celebration of Cambodia's rich cultural heritage. It represents a commitment to the country's dynamic present and offers a stage for its creative future.

About The Arts Lounge

Connecting international visitors to an experience of local culture, the Hotel de la Paix is proud to present a selection of these sculptures from the 12th of October to the 22nd of November 2006 at the Arts Lounge.

The Arts Lounge offers an ambient and thought provoking setting, providing guests and visitors the opportunity to celebrate the spirit of Cambodia, both past and present, traditional and contemporary. Visitors will take with them a deeper understanding of Khmer culture and an appreciation of Khmer heritage within the global context. The Arts Lounge is fast becoming a cornerstone in Hotel de la Paix's commitment to respectful tourism and contribution to the development of the local community.

The 18-room Shinta Mani Hotel also located in Siem Reap is a sister hotel to de la Piax and both hotels are operated by Bed Management Company of Bangkok, Thailand, which is widely recognized as a creative and successful developer of independent boutique hotels and destination restaurants and bars in Southeast Asia. For reservations contact: or book online at

For media information on current and upcoming exhibitions at the Arts Lounge please contact Bronwyn Burns at bburns [via]

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