Thursday, June 28, 2007

EFEO: Conference de Prof. Sachchidanand Sahai: Angkor at the feet of Siva


Lundi 9 juillet 2007 / Monday 9th of July 2007

Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle You are 
cordially invited to attend the informal presentation:

Angkor at the feet of Siva

Prof. Sachchidanand Sahai
Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

The conference will analyse the Khmer civilization in the context of 
Saivism. The sites in Angkor Empire distinguished by foot-prints of 
Siva (Sivapâda) will be presented on the basis of epigraphy and 
Sachchidanand Sahai is an alumnus of Banaras Hindu University where 
he studied Indian and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology. 
Specializing in the Khmer studies at the University of Paris, 
Sorbonne (1965-69) under the supervision of eminent French savant 
George Coedes, Sahai produced a pioneering doctorial thesis, 
published by the EFEO in 1971. Since, he authored many publications. 
The founder editor of the Southeast Asian Review, he has edited and 
published thirty volumes of this journal since 1976. In 1981, he 
founded the International Conference on Thai Studies. Sahai held a 
chair of Southeast Asian Studies at the Magadh University, Bodh Gaya 
(India) and worked as the pro-Vice Chancellor of the university in 
2001. As Research Professor at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the 
Arts, New Delhi (1988-90) he set up the Southeast Asia division of 
the centre.  Recipient of French government scholarship, Fulbright 
post-doctoral Fellowship, Visiting Fellowship at Australian National 
University and Maison de Science de l' Homme (Paris), Sahai is 
currently Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Simla.

18 h 30, Lundi 9 juillet 2007, au centre de l'EFEO.
Monday 9th of July 2007, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.

Presentation will be in English - La présentation sera en Anglais

Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap
P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor
Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge
Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630 / 760 525. Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 
964 226
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