Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Séra Workshop

Séra Workshop
Khmer-French comic artist Phouséra ('Séra') Ing will be teaching a Workshop on Comics, aimed at young professionals.

Phnom Penh Dates are April 9 to April 12 - and after a short break, continuing/concluding April 18 - April 20th.

Séra is currently conducting a workshop at Phare Art School in Battambang.

Workshop Application - Khmer[PDF]
Workshop Application - French[PDF]

For the Phnom Penh Workshop, contact:
Responsable de la médiathèque du CCFdu Cambodge
214 rue Keo Chea (184)
Phnom Penh
(855) 012 802 702
muriel [dot] piffeteau [at] ccf-cambodge [dot] org

A Khmer Version of his graphic novel 'Water and Earth' will be available in Khmer shortly.
If you want to bump up the print run, pre-orders are encouraged

Emmanuelle Billier-Gauthier
Responsable du Développement/Development Manager
Centre de Ressources et de Documentation Cambodge Soir
Phnom Penh, Cambodge
ebgauthier [via] gmail [dot] com
00 855 (0)92 91 63 71

Séra Exhibition begins April 4th at Centre Culturel Français, Phnom Penh.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mekong Art and Culture Project - Closing Party

Street 264, No.6

Dear Colleagues!

Following the email of Linda Saphan
I would like to invite you
- following two workshops under the roof of the
Mekong Art and Culture Project - to our

Tomorrow, Wednesday, 29th, 6.30PM

with Thai artists Songchai Buachum and Jakapan Vilasineekul,
Japanese curator Naoko Usuki
and students from RUFA,
who have put together an interesting new exhibition....

Hope to see you all for a drink,
best regards, NICO MESTERHARM

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Freedom From Slavery Campaign

Film and Concert
Host: Mr. Khiev Samphet
Singers: Ms. Khen Sreypov and Mr. Sem Sangvath
Place: Park in front of Wat Botum near Hong Kong Center
Date: March 23, 2007
From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Surfacing at Sala Artspace

Dear All,

I would like to invite you to view the current exhibition "Surfacing" at Sala Artspace online!!

Six emerging Cambodian artists have revealed their unique talents and statements through paintings, drawings and installations. View it in person at Sala Artspace, Mon – Saturday from 8am to 10pm.

How to find us:

339E2 Sisowath Quay

On the riverfront, north of FCC, find the internet shop called MEKONG WEB (in between Cantina and Frizz). Please enter through the internet shop and proceed up the stairs to the top floor—the view is worth it!

If you have trouble please call: 012 506 873

Fw: Surfacing at Sala Artspace

Fw: Surfacing at Sala Artspace

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ouverture / opening cinemekong

si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information ci-dessous, cliquez ici
if you can't see the newsletter click here

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / mars 2007
Site web du CCF :

  Cinémékong 2007  

> du 21 au 25 mars 2007
> Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / esplanade du Vat Bothum / Centre de Ressources Audiovisuelles BOPHANA
> Gratuit



Ce soir, mercredi 21 mars,
ouverture de Cinémékong 2007 :

19h, Au Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge :
Court métrage suisse "l'homme sans ombre" (muet)
"Le couperet ", de Costa Gavras
Bruno Davert est un cadre très supérieur dans une usine de papier. S'étant fait licencier avec quelques centaines de ses collègues pour cause de délocalisation, il est prêt à tout pour retrouver un poste à son niveau, même à tuer ses concurrents.

19h, plein air sur l'esplanade du Vat Bothum :
Court métrage suisse "l'homme sans ombre" (muet)
"Manhunt", thriller cambodgien (Version khmère sous-titré français)
Sova, jeune Khmer, se retrouve accusé d'un meurtre qu'il n'a pas commis. Il décide d'abord de fuir puis de retourner à Phnom Penh pour prouver son innocence. The Manhunt est un thriller palpitant, doublé d'une satire sociale.

Conditions d'accès : Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)
Lieux des projections :
Centre Culturel Français N° 218 rue 184 - Phnom Penh Tél : 023 213 124, Fax : 023 721 382
Esplanade du Vat Bothum : à proximité du Palais Royal
Centre de Ressources Audiovisuelles Bophana : 64 rue 200 - Phnom Penh /

  Cinemekong film festival  

> From March, 21 to March, 25
> French Cultural Center in Cambodia / Wat Bothum / Audiovisual Ressources Center BOPHANA
> Free admitance


This evening , March 21st,
opening of Cinémékong film festival 2007 :

7pm, at the French Cultural Center in Cambodia :
short film from Switzerland "l'homme sans ombre" (non-speaking movie)
"Le couperet ", from Costa Gavras (french language with english subtitles)
Bruno Davert is a top executive at the paper factory where he works. After being fired along with a slew of his colleagues, he is willing to accept almost any job with the same senior status, even if he has to kill for it.

7pm, at Vat Bothum :
short film from Switzerland "l'homme sans ombre" (non-speaking movie)
"The Manhunt", cambodian thriller (khmer language with french subtitles)
Sova, a Cambodian, is wrongly accused of a murder. He first decides to run away and then comes back to Phnom Penh to prove his innoncence.

Free admitance
French Cultural Center in Cambodia #218 St. 184 - Phnom Penh tel : 023 213 124, Fax : 023 721 382
Audiovisual Ressources Center Bophana : #64 St. 200 - Phnom Penh /


No 218 rue Kéo Chea, BP 827-Phnom Penh-Cambodge
Tel : (855) 023-213 124/125 Fax : (855) 023-721 382
Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à :
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ratanakiri on the Big Screen in Phnom Penh

ICSO- Forest Mountain Voices films will be screened in Phnom Penh on the 23rd and 24th
of March at two separate public events.
1.Freedom Day Celebration
Premiere: Away from home
(Save the Children Australia/ ICSO- Forest Mountain Voicesfilm)
Hun Sen Park, Phnom Penh
Friday March 23rd 6pm-8pm

To commemorate Freedom Day, Save the Children Australia, World Vision and the British Embassy are
staging an outdoor multi-media event for the general public in Hun Sen Park, Phnom Penh. The Save the
Children and ICSO- Forest Mountain Voices co-production Away from home will be premiered and Forest
Mountain Voices film-makers Nong Sam Oeung, Om Hongkiry and actor Yourng Dalin, as well as others
from this Ratanakiri media project will be there to launch the film at this event.
Away from home, funded by Save the Children Australia and the Asian Development Bank, is a docudrama
of one woman's experience of trafficking and prostitution, and one young man's experience of
labour exploitation. Told from the perspective of a young Jarai girl, and a young Kreung man, the story is
conveyed through dramatizations and interviews. This is a film has been specifically produced for
indigenous communities in Ratanakiri and is available in Tampeun, Jarai and Kreung.
2.CineMekong Film Festival
Saturday March 24th 10am
French Cultural Centre
For the first time at Cambodia's premiere annual film event, indigenous films, written directed and
produced by indigenous people, will be screened as part of the program.
Screening at the festival
Community Forests
(5'30'' Dir. Yourng Dalin) Tong Krapoo Village is a Kreung indigenous community that has rallied
together to protect their forests. The village's elders explain in their own words their people's strategies
to preserve the precious natural resources essential for the future of their community.
Lady from La Po
(6'00 Dir. Yourng Dalin) A Tampeun woman talks about land, women and livelihoods in her village in
Yeak Loam Commune. Inn, is a renowned weaver in her community producing the traditional Tampeun
cloth that is sold to the tourists who visit the beautiful Yeak Loam Lake. Inn reflects on the many changes
that have occurred in her community, and the challenges faced by Tampeun people to maintain their
A woman's work in one day
(10' Dir Bech Mom) A Tampeun woman from Loan Village talks us through her everyday life. We see her
work on the land from dawn till dusk to provide basic food, water and shelter for her family. The story of
her daily struggles is an intimate insight into the lives of indigenous women in Ratanakiri.
A lady from Krowla village
(3'05 Dir Kennuth Youen) Deng Sovann, a Kreung woman from Krowla Village, discusses her culture,
livelihood, and her village's reliance on land and forests. Krowla village is a strong community that
values and protects the natural resources and the Kreung traditions which ensure the survival of their
lifestyle for future generations.
Rice field ceremony
(10'00'' Dir. Om Hong Kiry) Every year after harvesting the rice, Tampeun communities celebrate with a
ceremony. The rice field ceremony brings the community together, to make a sacrifice to the spirits of
the rice field for the harvest. Here captured on video for the first time, young indigenous filmmaker Om
Hong Kiry shows his own community preparing and celebrating a ceremony that reflects the uniqueness
of Tampeun culture. It is a document of a traditional belief system for future generations of Tampeun
Forest Mountain Voices is a project developed in 2005 and 2006, as part of Community
Forestry International's indigenous peoples program in Ratanakiri. In January 2007, that
program localized to a new Cambodian NGO, Indigenous Community Support
Organisation (ICSO). ICSO is dedicated to supporting indigenous communities in
protection of their rights and managing their own development.
The Forest Mountain Voices project operates under the guidance of a community advisory
group. The Advisory Group consists of community people from most districts of
Ratanakiri. They guide the FMV indigenous media makers to produce media about
indigenous culture and issues. The current staff of the FMV unit are indigenous Tampuen,
Jarai, Kreung and Phnong.
For more information please contact:
FMV Technical Advisor
Jocelyn Pederick
012 180 2910
FMV Coordinator Sovann Hien




si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information ci-dessous, cliquez ici
if you can't see the newsletter click here


Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / mars 2007
Site web du CCF :



    Cinémékong 2007  

> du 21 au 25 mars 2007
> Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / esplanade du Vat Bothum / Centre de Ressources Audiovisuelles BOPHANA
> Gratuit



Dans le cadre de la semaine de la Francophonie, le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge organise du 21 au 25 mars 2007, la quatrième édition du festival CinéMékong. Cette nouvelle édition mettra l'accent, à la fois sur les nouvelles productions des pays francophones (France, Suisse et Canada) et des pays de la région du Mékong (Cambodge, Thaïlande et Vietnam).

Grande manifestation gratuite, CinéMékong a pour ambition de proposer à un large public tous genres de films ; de la comédie au thriller en passant par le drame social, le film d'animation ou le documentaire. CinéMékong associe pour son quatrième opus la Suisse et le Canada, les deux pays francophones invités cette année. En partenariat avec les ambassades helvétique et canadienne, la programmation met en avant les dernières productions des invités francophones.

Par ailleurs, Cinémékong continue de mettre à l'honneur des films produits dans la région du Mékong, qui sont le reflet de la vivacité du cinéma en Asie du Sud-Est. Dans ce panorama, CinéMékong proposera des nouveautés vietnamiennes et thaïlandaises.

Parallèlement, Bophana , le nouveau Centre de Ressources Audiovisuelles sur le Cambodge s'associe pour la première fois à CinéMékong en présentant des projections thématiques issues de leurs fonds d'archives. Un accent tout particulier sera mis cette année sur le court métrage avec des oeuvres originales, engagées et inédites. Des projections auront lieu tous les soirs du festival. Films français, cambodgiens, suisses ou thaïlandais seront proposés en versions doublées ou sous-titrées en français, khmer ou anglais à la salle de cinéma du CCF et en plein air.

Conditions d'accès : Gratuit (dans la limite des places disponibles)
Lieux des projections :
Centre Culturel Français N° 218 rue 184 - Phnom Penh Tél : 023 213 124, Fax : 023 721 382
Esplanade du Vat Bothum : à proximité du Palais Royal
Centre de Ressources Audiovisuelles Bophana : 64 rue 200 - Phnom Penh /

    Cinemekong film festival  

> From March, 21 to March, 25
> French Cultural Center in Cambodia / Wat Bothum / Audiovisual Ressources Center BOPHANA
> Free admitance


Within the framework of the Week of the francophonie, the French Cultural Centre in Cambodia organizes from march 21st to march 25th 2006 the forth edition of the CineMekong film festival, which presents movies from both South-East Asia and countries of the French speaking area. This year, CineMekong is honored to greet Canada and Switzerland.


No 218 rue Kéo Chea, BP 827-Phnom Penh-Cambodge
Tel : (855) 023-213 124/125 Fax : (855) 023-721 382
Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCF, envoyer un Mel à :
To unsubscribe from this newsgroup, send email to


New Fellowship For SEASSI Undergraduate Students, Extended Application Deadline

The Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute (SEASSI) offers beginning,
intermediate and advanced level instruction in Burmese, Filipino, Hmong,
Indonesian, Khmer, Lao, Thai and Vietnamese. Javanese may be offered
if enrollments are high enough. Advanced level instruction at all
levels is dependent upon sufficient enrollments. In addition, Heritage
language instruction is offered in Filipino, Hmong, Khmer, Lao and
Vietnamese. Heritage students are students who grew up speaking or
understanding one of these languages in their home, but who may not be
able to read, write or speak the language formally.

The deadline for Heritage Fellowships at SEASSI is past, but note that
applications are still being accepted for the new "Undergraduate
Scholars Fellowship," until April 16, 2007.

This scholarship will provide, for 20 undergraduate students studying
Southeast Asian languages, full tuition for SEASSI 2007, up to $200
travel allowance for qualifying students, and a $1,800 living stipend.

If you missed the Heritage Fellowship deadline, or if you otherwise put
off applying for financial reasons, consider taking a shot at this new
fellowship, funded by the Henry Luce Foundation.

Note that the General Application deadline for SEASSI and the Tuition
Fellowship deadline has also been extended until April 16. Award
announcements will be made by May 1. SEASSI takes place this year from
June 18 to August 10.

You can read more about the scholarship (and about applying to SEASSI in
general) here:

And you can read about Heritage language classes at SEASSI in Filipino,
Hmong, Khmer, Lao and Vietnamese here:

Please forward this message to any interested parties. If you do
forward it, please forward the entire message.

Frank Smith
Heritage Language Facilitator
Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Friday, March 16, 2007

March - April Events


Memento paintings by Denis Min-Kin at Java till April 29

Taizo Ichinose at le Popil Galery till April 9

Café, passé et présent by Tor Vutha at the French Cultural Center till March 31

Warmth and Purple exhibition by Jo Wan til April 6 at Two Fish Gallery



March16, concert at 7pm : Cambodian court dances (Ensemble Royal University of Fine Arts)

Contribution $5 at ART CAFE

March 17, concert at 7pm : Age of Elegance (Baroque Music from France,Italy & Germany ), Uy Tach, Andrea Geiser, Gerhard Anton Isselhardt , Free admission 

March 22, Sopheap Pich's Sculpture at Sala Art Space

March 23, Saturday, 24th: 9.30 am - 4 pm, modern paintingby Songchai Buachum (Thailand)
Silapakorn University Bangkok at Meta House

April 4, "Deux faces" by Sera and artist talk at 6pm at the French Cultural Center


by Naoko Usuki (
Wednesday, 21st - Thursday, 22nd
Monday, 26th - Tuesday, 27th
8.30 am - 4.30 pm
The courses are free of charge.
Including drinks/lunch and a certificate.
Please apply with CV asap.
via or tel. 012 - 607 465
META HOUSE, Street 264, No.6
(south of Wat Botum)

[cheers to Linda for update!]

CINEMEKONG film festival 21-25 March

Au centre culturel francais / At the french cultural center
21/03          19h/7pm "L'homme sans ombre" + "le couperet"
22/03          10h/10am "Le chant du Campagnard"
                   12h30/12:30am "200 riel" + "Je ne suis pas là pour être aimé"
                  15h/3pm CM Suisse + Comme des voleurs
                  17h30/ 5:30pm CM Khmers + L'histoire de Pao
                  20h/8pm CM Khmer + Familia
23/03         10h/10am CM Suisses + Mon frère se marie
                 12h30/12:30am CM Khmer + Mon petit doigt m'a dit
                  15h/3pm Vivre dans la peur
                  17h30/ 5:30pm The pillow talk, Midnight my love
                  20h/8pm CM Khmer + "Je ne suis pas là pour être aimé"

24/03         10h/10am Rêve d'ouvrières + CM khmer
                 12h30/12:30am La mue du crabe + Rivage mélancolique
                  15h/3pm CM Khmer + Cheveux verts + Entre deux
                  17h30/ 5:30pm CM Suisse + Jeune homme
                  20h/8pm L'esquive

25/03          10h/10am The Collector + Travaux on sait quand ...+ 200 riel
                 12h30/12:30am CM khmer + Les triplettes de belleville
                  15h/3pm The pillow talk + The holy man
                  17h30/ 5:30pm CM Suisse + Le couperet
                  20h/8pm CM Suisse + Mon frère se marie

*** (muet/mute)
*** (english subtitle)
Les autres films sont soustritrés en français. The other movies are french subtitled
[cheers to Linda for info]

Prahok Rock

Prahok Rock Party SAT 17


Spean Rajana

Spean Rajana

Rajana Society (Artists Reaching Out)

Spean Rajana literally translates to "The bridge to artistic creation." It was conceived last year of 2005-2006 with intentions of promoting and bringing together Khmer artists to address the issues that are pertinent to the Khmer community. This event supports Khmer arts for empowerment. Art in its many forms seeps from our minds into the reality of our daily lives. Art is used to move, inspire and create. Khmer arts is as unique as Angkor Wat and it still holds dear to the many who understands what art is all about.

The beauty of Khmer culture is complex and yet not well understood. It has been diluted or made to become invisible by the dominant society (American Culture). We have been over shadowed in our existence in America due to the socio-political and economic platforms we came from.

Spean Rajana focuses on addressing issues in the Khmer community such as: Khmer genocide, bicultural identity, deportation and to showcase contemporary Khmer artists. Khmer culture has been demarcated and marginalized for a long period of time since we have been a part of the American Culture. When spoken of Asian cultures, one usually associated such cultures towards the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and rarely includes Southeast Asian cultures. We as a Khmer student organization find that there is a lack of education about our Khmer heritage as it stands today in the US. Our hopes are to make visible and heard our voices so that we are taken into consideration. Our history of genocide and the political destruction caused on our motherland not only affects the people of the past generations, but their blood has also been bleeding from our skin, the people and community living in the US. Most Khmer younger generations that have acculturated to the American culture tend to forget or choose not to remember where their roots came from. Rarely, are there many Khmer kids or youth that take pride in our rich heritage. Most of the Khmer youth that have been accustomed to the American/Western culture soaks themselves in such privilege that they do not want to be a part of their roots. Spean Rajana, is a platform where Khmer students can celebrate our heritage and understand our struggle as a people. It is a cultural arts movement to unite and embrace the Khmer culture & arts. Khmer and Non-Khmer individuals are all welcomed to join us at our 2nd Annual Khmer Arts for Empowerment event @ the OMA Ethnic Cultural Center/Theatre on Sunday the 1st of April, 2007 @ 8pm.

Attached are the event flyer and press release. Please support us in making visible our identity as it rests today as well as provide us the platform for our voices to be heard.

Rajana Society Officers, 2006-2007


Thursday, March 15, 2007

La médecine angkorienne sous Jayavarman VII

Vendredi 16 mars 2007 / Friday, 16th of March, 2007

 Vous êtes cordialement invités à la présentation informelle

You are cordially invited to attend the following informal presentation

 La médecine angkorienne sous Jayavarman VII

CHHEM Kieth Rethy

Professeur de Radiologie, d'Anthropologie et d'Anatomie

Chaire de Radiologie et Médecine Nucléaire

Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry

University of Western Ontario, Canada

 Le règne de Jayavarman VII fut marqué par un développement prodigieux du Bouddhisme Vajrayana. Le but de notre conférence est d'analyser l'impact de la religion sur les théories et pratiques médicales à Angkor. Nous discuterons également les réponses religieuse et médicale élabores par Jayavarman VII pour lutter contre les maladies et les épidémies qui sévissaient son royaume. Cette lutte pour protéger et préserver la santé de la population d'Angkor se traduit par la construction d'un réseau d'hôpitaux dissémines dans tout le royaume, accompagné de l'établissement des plusieurs universités monastiques, dont Ta Prohm et Prah Khan, qui détiennent le quasi monopole de la formation des médecins angkoriens.  Le rôle « médical » respectif du Bhaisajyaguru, de la Prajnaparamita et dans une moindre mesure celui d'Avalokitesvara sera également analyse. Enfin le développement phénoménal de la technologie médicale et de la bioarchéologie offre dorénavant un outil de recherche permettant d'analyser les restes osseux humains, dont les résultats pourraient venir compléter l'historiographie médicale déjà très diversifiée. Pourrions nous alors percer les secrets des maladies qui ont affecté l'histoire sociale d'Angkor, comme la lèpre, le cholera ou la malaria ?


(We are sorry for short notice)


La présentation se tiendra à 18 h 30, Vendredi 16 mars 2007, au centre de l'EFEO.

The presentation will take place on Friday, 16th of March, 2007, at 6:30 pm at the EFEO.

La présentation sera en Anglais

Presentation will be in English

Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient (EFEO) Siem Reap

P.O. Box 93 300, Siem Reap - Angkor
Phum Beng Don Pa, Khum Slâ Kram, Siem Reap, Cambodge
Tel: (885) (16) 635 037 / (63) 964 630     Tel/Fax: (855) (63) 964 226
Email:  /

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Sera: Two Faces


Centre Culturel Français, Phnom Penh
[translated from March/April Programme]
sera image

• Wednesday, April 4: Meeting with the author at 18:00
• Opening of Exhibition at 19:00 and author’s dedication at 19:30
• Duration of Exhibition: From April 5 to May 4, 2007

As a comic artist, aficionado of comics, painter, artist and teacher of comics, and a person who is involved with information technology,

“Séra has long been working in diverse areas. In fact, this combination of these is the true nature of Séra’s work. One of Séra’s comics which is ascribed to the artistic experience of his, turns visual narration into information technology in order to learn about multicultural experience. In a dozen books, he already explored numerous narrative and figurative subjects. There is a feeling there are more surprises to come. It is rare that a strip cartoonist becomes a reference. Such is already the case of Sera.
- Phillipe Morin PLG

Born in Cambodia in 1960, Séra has never ceased producing art with reference to the history of his country. Two years after the publication of Water and Earth by Editions Delcourt, Séra is working on his third graphic novel relating to the Khmer Rouge regime to presented by the same publisher: Following Days of Ashes dates back to the events in 1979 during which the Vietnamese troops moved in and invaded the country, and the end of the Pol Pot era.

As such, not only this dual-purpose exhibition will provide an opportunity to unveil some aspects addressed in the above work, and also other work of Sera in large format.

To present this new work of his in Cambodia, Séra is preparing for three public events in Phnom Penh. An additional event of interest for those who are amateur graphic artists or amateur comic artists is the premiere of the graphic novel Water and Earth (licensed from Editions Delcourt) published in Khmer language by Editions du Mékong.

[More information on Khmer Edition and Artists’ Workshop to follow.]

Friday, March 09, 2007

Meta House Update

curated by Promsodun OK
with exciting works from Spain, Thailand, Italy, Turkey, Korea, Latvia, Australia, China, Germany, France....
23rd/24th of March: MADE IN GERMANY with a premium selection from the renowned "Academy of Media Arts" Cologne....
Wednesday 14th of March, 6 PM Opening of the INTERCITY Solo Exhibition by Thai Painter Songchai Buachum (Bangkok)" REALM OF KNOWLEDGE"
Songchai Buachum's work indicates his concept of "life in a city".
Some of his works express his critical ideas describing that life in a modern city is not the bliss. On the other hand, some of his works provide an encouragement for viewers: in the midst of troubled and dull environments, small living things grow beautifully. Songchai's work is not about taking some realistic scenes in our society to be exposed on a canvas, but his ideal images. He is skillful enough to convey these images with reference to various artistic methods. The methods range from drawing on paper to the use of different materials in his works. With these methods, his artworks are striking and charming to look at.
(Jakapan Vilasineekul, Silapakorn University/Mekong Art & Culture Project)
under the umbrella of the
Mekong Art & Culture Project
by Songchai Buachum (Thailand)
Silapakorn University Bangkok
Friday, 16th – Saturday, 17th: 9.30 am - 4 pm
Friday, 23th – Saturday, 24th: 9.30 am - 4 pm
by Naoko Usuki (Japan)
Wednesday, 21st – Thursday, 22nd
Monday, 26th – Tuesday, 27th
from 8.30 am - 4.30 pm
The courses are free of charge.
Including drinks/lunch and a certificate.
Please apply with CV asap.
or tel. 012 - 607 465

Sunday gathering for union leader and human rights defender, Hy Vuthy

Dear friends,

Please join monks, Hy Vuthy's family, union activists and leaders, NGO
workers and friends on Sunday March 11, 9:00 AM for a Buddhist ceremony to
commemorate Hy Vuthy's death at the place where his body was found on
February 24, 2007.

Participants are asked to bring white lotus flowers and wear their blue
kramar to express solidarity for the death of one of our fellow human rights
defender. A map to help you find the exact place is attached with this

All welcome to the Sunday gathering.


Art Café Events March

Friday, 9 March, 7pm                                         
The " Mannheim School "                      
light classic from the 18th century                
David Kemp & Gerhard Anton
Saturday, 10 March, 7pm                             
...on a Cambodian Court            
Mahoori Music                                           
performed by Prof, Yun Theara & friends
Sunday, 11 March, 11am
Musica Veneziana con Cucina, un Brunch diverso   
Baroque Music from Vivaldi & Pergolesi
Trio a Corde Phnom Penh
ART CAFE, No84Eo, Street 108, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,
e-mail: artcafepp [via]  fone 012 834 517

Meta House: New short/art films

Tonite and tomorrow @ META HOUSE, Street 264, No. 6, from 7PM
New short/art films from SAN FRANCISCO ART INSTITUTE (USA)

Founded in 1871, the San Francisco Art Institute has been a leading institution for the advancement of the arts.  Join us for two evenings of short, experimental films and videos curated by Cambodian American filmmaker and dancer Prumsodun Ok.
This show, presenting the school's (and maybe America's) most exciting young artists, will surely offer a definition of
cinema -- what it can be and mean in contemporary society. For more information about Prumsodun Ok please visit: For more information about the San
Francisco Art Institute:

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Java Stufffeaturing six talented young artists: Chea Bunna, Chinn Taingchea, Kong Vollak, Kvay Samnang, Meas Sokhorn and Soumey

Opening: 9 March from 6pm onward.
Sala Artspace 339 Sisowath Quay
(top floor, through Mekong Web)

Tags: ,,


Java Stuff

Thursday at Java Cafe, Phnom Penh: Memento, by Denis Min-Kim. Opening 6-9 pm. Showing until 29 April 2007. Java Cafe 56 31 Sihanouk Boulevard

Tags: ,,

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Opening March 7 at 18:30

Like the past, every person in this contemporary world is working so hard to earn their living. It is such a marvelous thing to take a short break with a cup of coffee, I think.

While casting my eyes at the coffee, my mind is filled up with variety of graphical pictures; that's the real images of the past along with the inscriptions (stories, and Buddha's motto) and the strong beliefs held in the religious myths of the past.

My description will be about the movements in each icon along with the yantra paper spelled with Pali for protections, and golden sheets to bring happiness and prosperity.

In reality, Buddha's motto serves as food to support and control of our daily life, more especially, the burned color and torn paper portrays a series of ongoing past events. I finally came up with a decision to invite Buddhist monks to bless and cast a spell into all the icons to make each of them full of spirits and might.

Time keeps passing but the taste and color of coffee always sticks to my mind. Thus, I hope you all will be enjoying the view of these images.

Duration of Exhibition: March 8 - 31

(courtesy Centre Culturel Français)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mars 2007 Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / mars 2007


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Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / mars 2007
Site web du CCF :


    "Café, passé et présent " par Tor Vutha  

Vernissage : mercredi 7 mars - 18h30 - hall d'exposition du CCF
exposition : du 8 au 31 mars



"Le passé est passé et le présent est arrivé au moment où tout le monde s'adonnait au travail, sans relâche, pour gagner sa vie. Pendant une pause où je prenais une tasse de café, j'ai pensé que le moment m'était propice. J'ai regardé mon café tout en pensant aux différentes images, sans me lasser... La réalité d'antan apparaissait : les lettres (histoires, proverbes bouddhiques) ont émergé pêle-mêle en s'associant à l'influence des croyances religieuses d'époque, dotées de pouvoirs magiques. Sur chaque image, j'ai voulu montrer le mouvement du café avec la feuille magique et les formules ésotériques de protection, la fine lamelle d'or -lesquelles avaient toutes apporté la tranquillité et la gloire- les proverbes bouddhiques qui furent des nourritures pour la vie quotidienne et, plus particulièrement, les graves brûlures exprimées par ces couleurs et le déchiquetage des papiers, qui dénotaient que le temps passe sans arrêt. En dernier lieu, j'ai rêvé d'un bonze, dans une cérémonie, donnant ses bénédictions à tous les dessins, dans le but d'imprimer sur chacun d'entre eux, une âme et une puissance déterminante. Le temps est passé ... la saveur et la couleur du café se trouvent toujours dans ma tête. J'espère que vous prendrez plaisir à regarder mes dessins."

Tor Vutha

Plus d'informations...

    "Café, passé et présent " by Tor Vutha  

Opening: wednesday, march 7 - 6.30pm - French Cultural Center
Exhibition from Thursday, march 8 to Saturday , march 31


"The past passed and the present arrived at the moment when everyone was devoted to work, without slackening, to earn its living. During a pause where I took a coffee cup, I thought that the moment was favourable for me. "
Tor Vutha
More informations (in french)...


No 218 rue Kéo Chea, BP 827-Phnom Penh-Cambodge
Tel : (855) 023-213 124/125 Fax : (855) 023-721 382
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Saturday, March 03, 2007



Portland, Oregon, March 1, 2007-On April 27-28, the Cambodian-American
Community of Oregon (CACO) will hold a public forum to raise awareness
about the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. The two-day forum will take place at Immigrant
and Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) on Friday, April 27, and Portland
State University's Smith Ballroom on Saturday, April 28. The event will
include panel discussions by Khmer Rouge genocide survivors and scholars of
Cambodian history and culture, as well as presentations and performances by
authors, musicians, and community activists.

The Cambodian government and political system was destabilized during the
early 1970s as a result of U.S. bombing during the Vietnam War and other
complex factors. In 1975, Pol Pot came to power, establishing a reign of
terror that resulted in the deaths of approximately 1.7 million people, or a
quarter of the population. Despite widespread acknowledgment that the
leaders of the Khmer Rouge committed crimes against humanity, there has yet
to be an international war crimes tribunal to hold them accountable. The
United Nations and the Cambodian government are scheduled to prosecute
surviving senior Khmer Rouge leaders sometime in 2007. No one knows what
effect this may have on the Cambodian population, though community leaders
hope it will bring a sense of closure and healing to the survivors of the
Khmer Rouge regime, many of whom have suppressed their memories of
starvation, fear, torture, and death for over 25 years.

An estimated 250,000 refugees from Cambodia currently reside in the U.S.,
with approximately 10,000 living in Oregon and SW Washington. CACO
believes it can help community members cope with individual and collective trauma by
openly confronting the past and exploring the effects of the Khmer Rouge
genocide, including post-traumatic stress disorder. CACO plans to utilize
this open public forum to inform and educate the general public about the
long-term effects of genocide. Featured speakers will include Sichan Siv,
former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.; Loung Ung, author of the critically
acclaimed First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers;
Daran Kravanh, internationally renowned musician; Beth Van Schaack, legal
advisor to Documentation Centre of Cambodia; Rath Ben, program manager at
OHSU's Intercultural Psychiatric Program; Alex Hinton, Rutgers University
professor and author of Why Did They Kill? Cambodia in the Shadow of
Genocide; and Leakhena Nou, a sociology professor at California State
University, Long Beach. Local civil rights attorney and author Ronault
(Polo) L.S. Catalani will moderate the event. And Commissioner Sam Adams
will participate in welcoming the forum to Portland.

Opening events for the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Forum will take place
6:00-9:00pm Friday, April 27, 2007, at Immigrant and Refugee Community
Organization (IRCO), 10301 NE Glisan Street, Portland, OR 97220. On
Saturday, April 28, 2007, there will be panels of speakers from 10:00am to
6:00pm at the Smith Memorial Student Union Ballroom (SMSU 355), Portland
State University, 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97297. All programs are
free and open to the public. This event is sponsored in part by a grant
from the McKenzie River Gathering (MRG) Foundation. CACO seeks additional
sponsors, community partners, and volunteers. For more information, or to
get involved, contact Kilong Ung at (503) 267-4631 or
kilongung [at] kilongung [dot] com. Also see

Ten Years of Independently Searching for the Truth: 1997-2007

Youk CHHANG, Director
Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam)
P.O. Box 1110
66 Sihanouk Blvd.,
Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA
Tel: +855 23 211 875
+855 23 221 165
Cell:+855 12 905 595
Fax:+855 23 210 358
Email: dccam[at] online [dot] com [dot] kh


Thursday, March 01, 2007

Guest List Only


"Water and Earth" Khmer edition


Au mois de mars, les Editions du Mékong vont sortir la BD de Séra ''La
Terre et le feu", en khmer.
D'un graphisme haut de gamme, cette bande dessinée s'adresse aux plus de
13ans et traite du régime de Pol Pot vu par les yeux d'un enfants.
Le prix à l`unité est de 6$.
Si vous êtes interessés par un pré-achat, je vous saurais gré de me le
faire savoir avant la fin de semaine afin de pouvoir transmettre vos
demandes à la personne responsable, laquelle ne manquera pas de vous

ebgauthier @ gmail [dot] com


Schedule, Phare Ponleu Selpak


Mon 26-Feb-2007
Sat 03-Mar-2007
Sun 04-Mar-2007
Mon 12-Mar-2007
Fri 16-Mar-2007
Sat 24-Mar-2007

Usually 7.00pm, call PharePS on 053 95 24 24 Office Hours to check
All performances happen in our Circus Tent, in Phare, Battambang.

Tini Tinou:
April 7th to 13th, Phare Ponleu Selpak in Battambang.


Celtic Week

si vous ne pouvez pas voir la lettre d'information ci-dessous, cliquez ici
if you can't see the newsletter click here

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge / mars 2007
Site web du CCF :


"Semaine celtique "

Du 2 au 7 mars / Phnom Penh - Siem Reap - Battambang
> Phnom Penh :
- Concert de "Dawad" et "les frères Guichen" : 2 mars, 19h au CCF
- Fest-Noz : 3 mars, 20h30 au Café du Centre
> Siem Reap :
- Concert de "Dawad" et "les frères Guichen" : 5 mars, 19h au CCF
> Battambang :
- Concert de "Dawad" et "les frères Guichen" : 7 mars, 17h au CCF

Du 2 au 7 mars, quatre musiciens professionnels venus tout droit de Bretagne, les duos “Dawad” et “Les Frères Guichen”, se produiront lors de trois concerts de musique celtique à Phnom Penh le vendredi 2 mars, à Siem Reap le lundi 5 mars et à Battambang le vendredi 7 mars. Comme lors de la première édition en février 2005, le clou de la semaine sera la grande soirée dansante (Fest-Noz) le samedi 3 mars dans le jardin du Centre Culturel Français. Cet événement musical est organisé par le Cercle Celtique du Cambodge, en partenariat avec le Centre Culturel Français et l’Association Mith Samlanh-Friends, qui s'occupe des enfants des rues à Phnom Penh et grâce au généreux soutien de l'Ambassade de France. Les concerts, comme le Fest-Noz, seront gratuits. Galettes, crêpes et cidre sont au menu ! Les bénéfices de la buvette seront entièrement versés à l’Association Mith Samlanh-Friends. Venez nombreux!...
Plus d'informations...

"Celtic week "

From 2nd to 7th march / Phnom Penh - Siem reap - Battambang
> Phnom Penh :
- Concert of "Dawad" and "les frères Guichen" : 2nd march, 7.00pm at CCF
- Ceilidh : 3rd march, 8.30pm at the Café du Centre
> Siem Reap :
- Concert of "Dawad" and "les frères Guichen" : 2nd march, 7.00pm at CCF
> Battambang :
- Concert of "Dawad" and "les frères Guichen" : 2nd march, 5.00pm at CCF

More informations (in french)...

No 218 rue Kéo Chea, BP 827-Phnom Penh-Cambodge
Tel : (855) 023-213 124/125 Fax : (855) 023-721 382
Pour ne plus recevoir de nouvelles sur les événements du CCf, envoyer un Mel à :
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.