Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Séra Workshop

Séra Workshop
Khmer-French comic artist Phouséra ('Séra') Ing will be teaching a Workshop on Comics, aimed at young professionals.

Phnom Penh Dates are April 9 to April 12 - and after a short break, continuing/concluding April 18 - April 20th.

Séra is currently conducting a workshop at Phare Art School in Battambang.

Workshop Application - Khmer[PDF]
Workshop Application - French[PDF]

For the Phnom Penh Workshop, contact:
Responsable de la médiathèque du CCFdu Cambodge
214 rue Keo Chea (184)
Phnom Penh
(855) 012 802 702
muriel [dot] piffeteau [at] ccf-cambodge [dot] org

A Khmer Version of his graphic novel 'Water and Earth' will be available in Khmer shortly.
If you want to bump up the print run, pre-orders are encouraged

Emmanuelle Billier-Gauthier
Responsable du Développement/Development Manager
Centre de Ressources et de Documentation Cambodge Soir
Phnom Penh, Cambodge
ebgauthier [via] gmail [dot] com
00 855 (0)92 91 63 71

Séra Exhibition begins April 4th at Centre Culturel Français, Phnom Penh.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.