Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Khmer Architecture Tours: Olympic Stadium, University Buildings

Khmer Architecture Tours

Sunday 31 December 06:
Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
More details on the website.
Morning tour: Start at 9.00am, end around 11.00am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 3.00pm, end around 5.00pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $5. Children over 12 are welcome.

Saturday 27 January 07:
University Buildings in Phnom Penh
More details on the website. We meet in town and travel by bus.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8. Children over 12 are welcome.

Cyclo tours of central Phnom Penh
Sundays: 14 Jan 07, 11 Feb 07, 11 Mar 07
8.30am start, and aim to return after around 2.5 - 3hrs. 15 adult places are available.
Cost is $10 per person including the cyclo hire and English speaking guides.
Children under 16 are free if they share a cyclo with a parent/carer.

1 This tour will take place normally on the second Sunday of each month.
2 This tour can be arranged to run at different times to suit groups; please ask.

With season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year.

geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

visit www.ka-tours.org for tours news and to download the self-guided walking map of central phnom penh

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