Sunday, December 10, 2006

Popil Propaganda

Fw: Popil PhotoGallery Propaganda

Hey There!
First of all I would like to welcome those of you who gave me email recently
and now receive Popil news for the first time. It won't be the last! At
least for a while.

Please let me give you some info about the trip my students and I have made
to Siem Reap recently during the Angkor Photo Festival.
Among the 18 students I have at the gallery, 11 could join and go with me to
Siem Reap from November 24th to 27th, four days, plus three nights in an
ordinary Cambodian guesthouse. Mornings they would usually visit temples as
some of them had never been to Angkor. Afternoons we would spend time
visiting places where Angkor Photo Festival presented exhibitions. Evenings
there would be some more things to see, outside slides shows and also
opening parties to attend in many different places.
On my very own point of view, as a photo teacher, I believe that this trip
to SR was beneficial to the students as it could enrich their culture of
image and photography, show them some strong documentary or art works, give
them an idea about the diversity of work you can see in the field of

I would like to thank people who have supported PhotoClass until now and
made that trip to Siem Reap possible, so special thanks to Jim Mizerski,
Lyno Vuth, David Hall, Sarah Oliveira, Jane Martin, Cheryl Turner and Sandy
Chum for helping the Class. Your supports - plus the monthly participation
of the students - made this all possible.
A very special thank to Nelly from "Bons Voyages" Travel Agency in Phnom
Penh who offered us all the bus tickets to go and come back, that was a
great help!
A special thank to John Mac Dermot Photo Gallery where students have spent
nearly two hours watching, drawing and talking about Peter Steinhauer's
great photo work on Vietnam.
A final special thank to all staff at Angkor Photo Festival for welcoming
our group and most of all for organizing this Photo Festival in Siem Reap

Attached file, you can get a mosaic with a few pixs from this trip in Siem

PhotoClass is now going on, students are on their way to practicing and work
on their personal project. Works will be shown at French Cultural Center in
July 2007. I will let you know about it these next months.

Vandy Rattana's "Looking in my Office" photo show can be seen at Popil until
the end of January, don't miss it. Pop in gallery at lunch time and be
welcome to have a snack on the first floor as Popil Snack is now operating.
Ooooh, that was a long email!

With my Best PhotoGraphic Regards,
Stéphane JANIN

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.