Sunday, December 10, 2006

Film screening at FCC on Dec 13 Phnom Penh

You are cordially invited to attend the first screening of a new film, "Chang Kheun Pit" (Wanting to See the Truth ), produced by the Open Society Justice Initiative in collaboration with award-winning filmmakers Rob Fruchtman and Lex Fletcher, and the Khmer Institute for Democracy.

The screening will take place on Wednesday December 13, at 6:30 PM at the Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC) . The film lasts 31 minutes -- for those who wish to remain, the screening will be followed by a short question and answer session about the film and outreach strategies for the Extraordinary Chambers.
This will be a casual event open to any who wish to attend. However, a seat can be reserved for you if you RSVP to Tara Urs:, (hand phone) 012-408-623.
The film is intended for a Cambodian audience as an outreach tool. The film will only be shown publicly with English subtitles once, at this event. There will be two more showings in Phnom Penh, in Khmer language only, with official opening ceremonies on December 16 and 17 ( 3:30PM) at the Chenla Theater at the Phnom Penh Cultural Center . All are welcome to attend those screenings as well. Seating will be on a first come first serve basis.The film was developed out of research conducted by the Justice Initiative which found that young Cambodians have difficulty believing their parent's stories about the Democratic Kampuchea regime. Young people commonly report that they cannot believe because they haven't seen the events "with their own eyes." The purpose of the film was to encourage young people to take these stories seriously by showing some of the available "evidence," and introducing them to the Extraordinary Chambers as a source for more information in the future.

The director of the film, Rob Fruchtman, is the winner of a Sundance Film Festival award for his direction of the documentary film "Sister Helen." The cinematographer, Lex Fletcher, is the winner of several Emmy Awards, including an Emmy for an earlier film about Angkor Wat. The producer of the film, Tara Urs, will be on hand to answer questions at the FCC. She has been working on legal issues related to the Extraordinary Chambers since 2003, and has worked on developing outreach strategies related to the Court since June 2005.

Tara Urs
Open Society Justice Initiative
Resident Fellow
The Khmer Institute for Democracy

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