Tuesday, December 26, 2006


ONLY band in town playing Original Khmer Rock Material
Live at the Zeppelin Café [Nº49 street 86]
For a special New Year's Eve Concert
Sunday, December 31st 2006, 9:00 p.m.
contact: vealsre [via] yahoo [dot] fr

Khmer Architecture Tours: Olympic Stadium, University Buildings

Khmer Architecture Tours

Sunday 31 December 06:
Olympic Stadium, Phnom Penh
More details on the website.
Morning tour: Start at 9.00am, end around 11.00am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 3.00pm, end around 5.00pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $5. Children over 12 are welcome.

Saturday 27 January 07:
University Buildings in Phnom Penh
More details on the website. We meet in town and travel by bus.
Morning tour: Start at 8.30am, end around 11.30am.
Afternoon tour: Start at 2.30pm, end around 5.30pm.
The tour is in English; Khmer may also be available - please ask.
Cost: Cambodians: $1. Others: $8. Children over 12 are welcome.

Cyclo tours of central Phnom Penh
Sundays: 14 Jan 07, 11 Feb 07, 11 Mar 07
8.30am start, and aim to return after around 2.5 - 3hrs. 15 adult places are available.
Cost is $10 per person including the cyclo hire and English speaking guides.
Children under 16 are free if they share a cyclo with a parent/carer.

1 This tour will take place normally on the second Sunday of each month.
2 This tour can be arranged to run at different times to suit groups; please ask.

With season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year.

geoffrey pyle
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

visit www.ka-tours.org for tours news and to download the self-guided walking map of central phnom penh

Friday, December 22, 2006

Betty Ford New Years' Gig

Foreign Correspondents Club, New Years' Eve
9pm until late.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006



Bronwyn Burns
Arts Lounge Curator

Hôtel de la Paix presents "One step on a mine, it's all over." the first
international exhibition of Japanese war photographer, Taizo Ichinose, at
The Arts Lounge until 6th February 2007.

In November 1973, Taizo Ichinose was captured and killed by Khmer Rouge
soldiers, not far from the Angkorian temples. His most precious dream had
been to reach Angkor Wat and immortalize it in photography.

At the age of just twenty-four, Taizo left Japan for the first time as a
freelance photojournalist, heading for the war-torn regions of South-east
Asia. During his first visit to Cambodia in early 1972, he was blacklisted
as a photojournalist by the government and forced to leave the country.

He moved on to cover conflicts in Vietnam, only to return to Siem Reap the
following year, under the guise of a boxing teacher, to continue his journey
to Angkor, recording the uprising of the Khmer Rouge against the government
forces under Lon Nol coup.

The photographs and memoirs he left behind depict not only soldiers in
battle, but also the daily life of people and children in villages and towns
that continued despite the war. Now on the thirty-third anniversary of his
death, these rare historical archives of both Cambodia and Vietnam are
exhibited for the first time outside of Japan at The Arts Lounge, initiating
the international acclaim that Taizo deserved.

The Arts Lounge offers an ambient and thought provoking setting, providing
guests and visitors the opportunity to celebrate the spirit of Cambodia,
both past and present, traditional and contemporary. Visitors will take with
them a deeper understanding of Khmer culture and an appreciation of Khmer
heritage within the global context. The Arts Lounge is fast becoming a
cornerstone in Hôtel de la Paix's commitment to respectful tourism and
contribution to the development of the local community. Hôtel de la Paix is
operated by Bed Management Company, Bangkok, which is recognized as a
creative and successful developer of independent boutique hotels and
destination restaurants and bars in Southeast Asia. In Siem Reap, Bed
Management also operates a hospitality training institute at the 18-room
sister hotel, The Shinta Mani.

For reservations contact: book@hoteldelapaixangkor.com or book online at

For media information on current and upcoming exhibitions at the Arts Lounge
please contact Bronwyn Burns at bburns@hoteldelapaixangkor.com

Monday, December 18, 2006

Popil Gallery Holidays

I am leaving for France this Monday for one month.
Gallery will be opened as usual until December Tuesday 26th evening,
then closed from December 27th to January Tuesday 2nd in the morning, day of
opening in 2007.

Hey don't forget to make you Christmas presents at gallery!
Feel also free to come have lunch at Popil Snack when gallery is opened.

I will be out of the office until January 23rd, be we can keep in touch by
email of course,

With my Best PhotoGraphic Regards,

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Fw: Upcoming events

Microsoft Office
Dear Friends,

I would like to share with you a few upcoming events:

AsiaLIFE Phnom Penhh - the city's first real English-language lifestyle
magazine - launches at the Pontoon Lounge on Dec. 16 at 8.30pm.
Please come. FREE Tiger beer and Pacharan Sangria.

--Mark Jackson, Managing Editor - AsiaLIFE Phnom Penh

Friday, 22nd December
At SALA ART / Soup Kitchen
339 E2 Sisowath Quay (above Mekong Web)

Art Poker Performance
Featuring Cambodian and international artists
From 6pm
Soup Kitchen serving full menu and bar

Christmas treats and events at Java Café & Gallery
56 E1 Sihanouk Blvd T:023-987-420 or 012-833-512

If you have received this email by mistake or would prefer not to receive
anymore in the future regarding promotions and events, please reply back
Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Exhibitions at Hotel de la Paix

1) “One step on a mine, it’s all over…”, By Taizo Ichinose (1947-1973)
The first international exhibition of Japanese war photographer held abroad
and in Cambodia, with images of Cambodia and Vietnam during the early

In November 1973, Taizo Ichinose was captured and killed by Khmer Rouge
soldiers, not far from the Angkorian temples. His most precious dream had
been to reach Angkor Wat and immortalize it in photography.
At the age of just twenty-four, Taizo left Japan for the first time as
a freelance photojournalist, heading for the war-torn regions of South-east
Asia. During his first visit to Cambodia in early 1972, he was blacklisted
as a photojournalist by the government and forced to leave the country.
He moved on to cover conflicts in Vietnam, only to return to Siem Reap
the following year, under the guise of a boxing teacher, to continue his
journey to Angkor, recording the uprising of the Khmer Rouge against the
government forces under Lon Nol coup.
The photographs and memoirs he left behind depict not only soldiers in
battle, but also the daily life of people and children in villages and towns
that continued despite the war. Now on the thirty-third anniversary of his
death, these rare historical archives of both Cambodia and Vietnam are
exhibited for the first time outside of Japan, initiating the international
acclaim that Taizo deserved.

2) "Legs", by Claude Estebe
" And what makes him wonder, and which makes us wonder with him, is how
much these legs can express: a culture, a society, an ancestral tradition
marching against modern times. Claude Estèbe is an archeologist of
contemporary life".
Some humorous, fresh and colourful series of pictures on Japanese women
legs...No more words, come and discover...

*** For more information :
Christine Cibert, Art Curator :, chcibert@aol.com
Bronwyn Burns : bburns@hoteldelapaixangkor.com, www.hoteldelapaixangkor.com

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Phare Winter Tour

Tournee d'hiver Phare Ponleu Selpak Winter Tour

!! En français ci-dessous !!


Dear partners, Dear friends,
We are happy to invite you at the presentation of our new show on
Thursday, December 14th, 2006 at 8pm under the tent of Phare Ponleu
Selpak (PPS) in Battambang.

Two versions of our new show "Eclipse" will be introduced. The first one
stages 20 artists of theatre, circus and music. The second stages 8 artists
of these 3 disciplines.

Eclipse deals in a human and artistic manner with the AIDS and with
discrimination. It is the fruit of a rich collaboration between
Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA) and PPS. Eclipse will
start to turn in Cambodia in January, 2007.

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely,

Mao Kosal and all team of Phare Ponleu Selpak


Chers partenaires, chers amis,

Nous sommes heureux de vous inviter à la présentation de notre nouvelle
création, "Eclipse", le jeudi 14 décembre 2006 à 20h00 sous le
chapiteau de Phare Ponleu Selpak (PPS) à Battambang.

Deux versions du spectacle "Eclipse" seront présentées. La première met
en scène 20 artistes du théâtre, du cirque et de la musique. La
deuxième met en scène 8 artistes de ces 3 disciplines.

Eclipse traite de façon humaine et artistique du SIDA et de la
discrimination. Il est le fruit d'une riche coopération entre
Philippine Educational Theatre Association (PETA) et PPS.

Eclipse tournera au Cambodge à partir de janvier 2007.

En vous remerciant,

Bien cordialement,

Mao Kosal et toute l'equipe de Phare Ponleu Selpak


The Circus School
Phare Ponleu Selpak
+855 (0)53 95 24 24

Tournee d'hiver Phare Ponleu Selpak Winter Tour


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Film screening at FCC on Dec 13 Phnom Penh

You are cordially invited to attend the first screening of a new film, "Chang Kheun Pit" (Wanting to See the Truth ), produced by the Open Society Justice Initiative in collaboration with award-winning filmmakers Rob Fruchtman and Lex Fletcher, and the Khmer Institute for Democracy.

The screening will take place on Wednesday December 13, at 6:30 PM at the Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC) . The film lasts 31 minutes -- for those who wish to remain, the screening will be followed by a short question and answer session about the film and outreach strategies for the Extraordinary Chambers.
This will be a casual event open to any who wish to attend. However, a seat can be reserved for you if you RSVP to Tara Urs:
tara.urs@gmail.com, (hand phone) 012-408-623.
The film is intended for a Cambodian audience as an outreach tool. The film will only be shown publicly with English subtitles once, at this event. There will be two more showings in Phnom Penh, in Khmer language only, with official opening ceremonies on December 16 and 17 ( 3:30PM) at the Chenla Theater at the Phnom Penh Cultural Center . All are welcome to attend those screenings as well. Seating will be on a first come first serve basis.The film was developed out of research conducted by the Justice Initiative which found that young Cambodians have difficulty believing their parent's stories about the Democratic Kampuchea regime. Young people commonly report that they cannot believe because they haven't seen the events "with their own eyes." The purpose of the film was to encourage young people to take these stories seriously by showing some of the available "evidence," and introducing them to the Extraordinary Chambers as a source for more information in the future.

The director of the film, Rob Fruchtman, is the winner of a Sundance Film Festival award for his direction of the documentary film "Sister Helen." The cinematographer, Lex Fletcher, is the winner of several Emmy Awards, including an Emmy for an earlier film about Angkor Wat. The producer of the film, Tara Urs, will be on hand to answer questions at the FCC. She has been working on legal issues related to the Extraordinary Chambers since 2003, and has worked on developing outreach strategies related to the Court since June 2005.

Tara Urs
Open Society Justice Initiative
Resident Fellow
The Khmer Institute for Democracy

Popil Propaganda

Fw: Popil PhotoGallery Propaganda

Hey There!
First of all I would like to welcome those of you who gave me email recently
and now receive Popil news for the first time. It won't be the last! At
least for a while.

Please let me give you some info about the trip my students and I have made
to Siem Reap recently during the Angkor Photo Festival.
Among the 18 students I have at the gallery, 11 could join and go with me to
Siem Reap from November 24th to 27th, four days, plus three nights in an
ordinary Cambodian guesthouse. Mornings they would usually visit temples as
some of them had never been to Angkor. Afternoons we would spend time
visiting places where Angkor Photo Festival presented exhibitions. Evenings
there would be some more things to see, outside slides shows and also
opening parties to attend in many different places.
On my very own point of view, as a photo teacher, I believe that this trip
to SR was beneficial to the students as it could enrich their culture of
image and photography, show them some strong documentary or art works, give
them an idea about the diversity of work you can see in the field of

I would like to thank people who have supported PhotoClass until now and
made that trip to Siem Reap possible, so special thanks to Jim Mizerski,
Lyno Vuth, David Hall, Sarah Oliveira, Jane Martin, Cheryl Turner and Sandy
Chum for helping the Class. Your supports - plus the monthly participation
of the students - made this all possible.
A very special thank to Nelly from "Bons Voyages" Travel Agency in Phnom
Penh who offered us all the bus tickets to go and come back, that was a
great help!
A special thank to John Mac Dermot Photo Gallery where students have spent
nearly two hours watching, drawing and talking about Peter Steinhauer's
great photo work on Vietnam.
A final special thank to all staff at Angkor Photo Festival for welcoming
our group and most of all for organizing this Photo Festival in Siem Reap

Attached file, you can get a mosaic with a few pixs from this trip in Siem

PhotoClass is now going on, students are on their way to practicing and work
on their personal project. Works will be shown at French Cultural Center in
July 2007. I will let you know about it these next months.

Vandy Rattana's "Looking in my Office" photo show can be seen at Popil until
the end of January, don't miss it. Pop in gallery at lunch time and be
welcome to have a snack on the first floor as Popil Snack is now operating.
Ooooh, that was a long email!

With my Best PhotoGraphic Regards,
Stéphane JANIN

Stephane Janin
Photographer and Director of the Popil PhotoGallery.

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(855) - 12 992 750


"Celebrating Differences"


Dear Friends,

Handicap International and Epic Arts are proud to present the wonderful
evening "Celebrating Differences"
The event will take place on the 16th December at 7 pm at the Raffles Grand
Hotel D'Angkor Performance House, Siam Reap

Celebrating Differences" will present a fashion show and multiple dance
performances featuring people with and without disabilities.

Free entrance for all

Please forward this to friends who may be interested in joining us at this
exciting and important event.


Saturday, December 09, 2006


Dear friends
I hope this email find you well and hope to see you then (you shall see a little bit more of me from now on!).
This saturday 9 December at 7:30pm, there will be an opening at Gasolina. "Les bonzes" paintings from Rodel.
56-58 street 57, between St 370 and 380 (near Boeung Keng Kang Market)
If you have any question please contact: 012 373 009

Chers amis,
En espérant que vous vous portez bien et dans l'attente de vous voir ce samedi (je sors enfin un peu de ma thèse)
Ce samedi le 9 décembre à 19h30 aura lieu le vernissage a Gasolina: "Les bonzes" peintures de Rodel.
56-58, rue 57 (entre les rues 370 et 380) à côté du marché de Boeung Keng Kang.
Pour plus de renseignement contacter le 012 373 009
Bien à vous


Monday, December 04, 2006

Nuits d’Angkor

Les Nuits d Angkor

Le Centre Culturel Français organise du 14 au 17 décembre la 7ème édition des Nuits d’Angkor, manifestation culturelle franco-cambodgienne.

Au programme : Le Ballet Royal du Cambodge

Le Ballet d’Europe

Les Danseurs des Conservatoires de la Ville de Paris

La Compagnie balinaise Bona Giam Yan

LES NUITS D'ANGKOR du 14 au 17 décembre 2006

à 18h30 (entrée non garantie après 18h)

Temple Angkor Vat, Siem Reap, Cambodge.

Billetterie :

- Pour les spectacles des 14, 15 et 17 décembre :

Billets à 15 US$ et 25 US$ en vente aux CCF de Phnom Penh et de Siem Reap,

du lundi au vendredi (à l’exception des jours fériés) de 8h30 à 17h.

- Pour la soirée spéciale du 16 décembre : prix unique de 25 US$

Informations / achats chez Asian Trails (+855 23 216 555) et Sofitel Phokeethra Royal

Angkor Golf & Spa Resort (+855 63 964 600)

Contacts : Centre Culturel Français de Phnom Penh

Tel : 023 721 383, 213 124/5 Mail : sabrina.durand@ccf-cambodge.org

Annexe de Siem Reap : Tel : 063 963 265 Mail : evelise.bruneau@ccf-cambodge.org

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Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.