Sunday, June 04, 2006


Southeast Asian Performance for Video Festival
Telekolectif, a Southeast Asian Young Curators Network invites artists who are permanent resident or
citizens of Southeast Asia to submit performance artworks made for video for selection in Performativity.
Selected works will be considered for showcase in and outside of Thailand. Stipulated are the requirements:
Project name: Performativity
Eligible Artists: Citizens / PR of Southeast Asia Countries
Content: Performance artworks made for video,
made in 2006 (Not documentation of
performances or video pieces
meant to be treated as short film pieces)
Work Format: VHS (PAL) / DVD / VCD / Mini DV
Running Time: max. 10 Minutes
Written Synopsis: max. 300 words (In .doc or PDF format)
Artists CV: In .doc or PDF format
Submission: To be received in Bangkok by 31 July 2006
Address: Telekolectif
128 / 94 Soi Term Boon, Bangkhunnon Rd.
Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 THAILAND
Selection of works: Members of Telekolectif will select thE works for exhibition and travel.
Exhibition Date: September 2006 (exact opening dates to be confirmed)
Main Exhibition space: Photography Bar, Bangkok
Fringe Events: Exhibition in public spaces (Mobile Exhibition) in Thailand
Screening partners:
Thailand: Bangkok - Chulalongkorn University, Assumption University, Gallery Ver, Bed Supper Club /
Chiang Mai - Media Art & Design, Chiang Mai University / Singapore: Wunderspaze, 6th Asian Film
Symposium, The Substation / Manila: Round Eye Glass Cafe / Ho Chi Minh City - a little blah blah /
Santa Monica, California, USA: 18th Street Gallery
for further information on participating in this project, please contact:
for further information on this event at a little blah blah, please contact us directly on:
albb opportunities & news

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.