Sunday, May 21, 2006

Halfway house fundraiser

A message from Gaye Miller:
To explain further, I have been travelling to Cambodia for the last six years and have been taking shipping containers full of clothes, toys, medical supplies, students stationery, bicycles etc to supply several orphanages in Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Kampot Province, Cambodia.

There are so many needy people over there it is difficult to know where to begin.
I intend to establish a halfway house later this year with the aim of providing accommodation for orphanage leavers whilst educating and preparing the children to become self sufficient in the world outside the orphanage.
These children have become institutionalised from living in a sheltered and isolated Buddhist environment and are not accustomed to taking responsibility for themselves or making personal decisions. Being used to sleeping in dormitories, they are frightened to sleep alone as they believe in ghosts.
If these children are left to fend for themselves they could end up as beggars, thieves, sex workers, street kids, glue sniffers or even dump scavengers.
Some of the children are trying to combine studying and working. This is a real struggle as the children only earn a pittance which isn't enough to survive on. I've seen children wake at 4am to study by candlelight, before they go off to a full days work.
An additional problem is the perception that to be an orphan, female and perhaps handicapped, makes you inferior and a second class citizen.

The ultimate goal is to give the boys and girls a sense of self worth and the confidence to live an independent life as a useful member of the community, which will be achieved by providing an education in the necessary life skills

As this will be an ongoing commitment, I will be holding an annual fundraiser in the form of a dinner/auction.
The 1st Fundraising Dinner will be held on:
29 July 2006: 7pm to Midnight.
at Camelot Receptions, Corner Dandenong and North Roads, Melbourne, Australia.
Dinner with wine, beer, soft drinks. Traditional Cambodian Dancers. $75.00.
Fundraising Auction prizes include 7 nights accommodation in Thailand.
RSVP by 1 July 2006 to Gaye Miller:
, tel 9795 5055 or Sharon 04 04 04 2906

If you can attend the dinner, donate or bid on auction items or offer any other assistance we will be delighted to hear from you.

For more information on my involvement in Cambodia, my newsletters can be read on click on Cambodia, then click on Gaye Miller.

Thank you.

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