Saturday, May 27, 2006

Fw: architecture events 4 and 11 june 06....

khmer architecture tours 

2 events: bassac/theatre tour, and a one-off cyclo trip in the old town...

sunday 4 june 06: 
a morning tour of the Preah Suramarit National Theatre and the Front du Bassac 

The National Theatre building, designed by Vann Molyvann and owned by the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, is still partly in use despite it semi-ruinous state, caused by extensive fire damage to the auditorium in 1994 and subsequent lack of maintenance. The foyer, which is a remarkable play of light and geometry, is still a rehearsal space for the dancers and musicians who perform around the world. The auditorium, which would have seated over 1,000, was remarkable for its flexibility and its removeable rear wall. The future of the building is uncertain but it is likely that it will be demolished soon, perhaps to make way for a shopping centre or TV studio. This may be the last tour we can arrange.

The tour will first take a short walk around the area known as the Front du Bassac, planned in the 1960s to be a 'civic and cultural centre', and hopefully visit the well-known White Building (also in poor condition), before visiting the theatre. 

Sitho and Ratana will lead the tour, which will start at 9.00am and end around 11.00am. Sorry no children, due to the condition of the buildings. Cost is $1 Cambodians, $5 Others. 

Booking is essential, as places are limited. Please email us to request a place and we will send you details of where we start.

We ask that you provide your name and mobile telephone number, otherwise we can't take your booking. Thanks. 


sunday 11 june 06, morning: 
a cyclo tour of central Phnom Penh 

This is a one-off, small group cyclo tour using the Walking Map we recently released and which is available for download from our web site: The TV channel BBC World have expressed interest in filming the tour for a travel programme; thus there will be a camera man and producer on the trip.

The tour will be in the morning and be free; time to be confirmed. Cyclos (and cyclo drivers) will be provided. We will see if we have time to do the whole tour; this is the first time we have done this, so some flexibility is requested. You will have the opportunity to talk to camera about your experience!

Booking is essential, as places are few. Again, please email us to request a place and we will send you details of where/when we start.
We ask that you provide your name and mobile telephone number. Thanks. 

geoffrey pyle and jane martin
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

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