Saturday, May 27, 2006

Fw: architecture events 4 and 11 june 06....

khmer architecture tours 

2 events: bassac/theatre tour, and a one-off cyclo trip in the old town...

sunday 4 june 06: 
a morning tour of the Preah Suramarit National Theatre and the Front du Bassac 

The National Theatre building, designed by Vann Molyvann and owned by the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, is still partly in use despite it semi-ruinous state, caused by extensive fire damage to the auditorium in 1994 and subsequent lack of maintenance. The foyer, which is a remarkable play of light and geometry, is still a rehearsal space for the dancers and musicians who perform around the world. The auditorium, which would have seated over 1,000, was remarkable for its flexibility and its removeable rear wall. The future of the building is uncertain but it is likely that it will be demolished soon, perhaps to make way for a shopping centre or TV studio. This may be the last tour we can arrange.

The tour will first take a short walk around the area known as the Front du Bassac, planned in the 1960s to be a 'civic and cultural centre', and hopefully visit the well-known White Building (also in poor condition), before visiting the theatre. 

Sitho and Ratana will lead the tour, which will start at 9.00am and end around 11.00am. Sorry no children, due to the condition of the buildings. Cost is $1 Cambodians, $5 Others. 

Booking is essential, as places are limited. Please email us to request a place and we will send you details of where we start.

We ask that you provide your name and mobile telephone number, otherwise we can't take your booking. Thanks. 


sunday 11 june 06, morning: 
a cyclo tour of central Phnom Penh 

This is a one-off, small group cyclo tour using the Walking Map we recently released and which is available for download from our web site: The TV channel BBC World have expressed interest in filming the tour for a travel programme; thus there will be a camera man and producer on the trip.

The tour will be in the morning and be free; time to be confirmed. Cyclos (and cyclo drivers) will be provided. We will see if we have time to do the whole tour; this is the first time we have done this, so some flexibility is requested. You will have the opportunity to talk to camera about your experience!

Booking is essential, as places are few. Again, please email us to request a place and we will send you details of where/when we start.
We ask that you provide your name and mobile telephone number. Thanks. 

geoffrey pyle and jane martin
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

please advise if you would like to be removed from the email list

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Return

Here is another chance to see the fabulous performance from Epic Arts. "The
Return" will be showing at ISPP on Norodom Boulevard on Saturday June 3rd at
6.30 pm.

the return

The Return is the culmination of a three week project in which Cambodian and
European artists, disabled and non-disabled, have collaborated to create a
performance piece including dance, music and theater. The show features
performances by Cambodia's first professional disabled dancers, with music
recorded by Cambodia's Master musicians. The piece is based loosely around
a Cambodian folk story, Wolf Mountain, and touches on issues of integration.
Epic Arts are the first professional integrated performance group in the sub
region, and are about to begin a tour representing Cambodia in Thailand.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Tonight and tomorrow at CCF

Du champ à l'assiette,
Agriculture et environnement au cambodge,
Jeudi 25 mai, à 18h30, au cinéma du CCF. / Thursday the 25th of May- 6.30pm - French Cultural Center
Le modèle dominant d'agriculture au Cambodge génère pollution de l'air, de l'eau et des sols, contamination des aliments par les pesticides, engrais chimiques et dioxines, dispersion des OGM, et un processus de désertification. Se pose ainsi le réel défi de la sécurité alimentaire tout en préservant l'environnement et la santé du consommateur.
Des alternatives durables existent, mises en œuvre par des opérateurs au Cambodge. Ce programme souhaite vous apporter des clefs de compréhension factuelles sur cet enjeu de société.
1 Film (10-15 mn)
3 Présentations (30 mn)
- CEDAC : pesticides et OGM au Cambodge
- PUAC : produire et commercialiser sans résidus de pesticides
- GERES Cambodge : (1) cuisiner écolo, (2) déchets textiles et dioxines
Questions-réponses animées par Minh Cuong LE QUAN (30 mn)
Mais aussi…
Le week-end du 27 mai : marché bio dans le jardin du CCF.
Rencontre / Meeting
Alain Deloche...
"Comme un éléphant blanc" : Agir à coeur ouvert.
Vendredi 2mai à 18h30, au cinéma du CCF / Friday the 26th of May - at French Cultural Center. 6.30pm
Alain Deloche, chef du pôle cardiovasculaire de l'Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou, Cofondateur de Médecins sans Frontières et de Médecins du Monde, grand ami du Cambodge, viendra présenter au CCF son ouvrage "Comme un éléphant blanc". Témoignage exceptionnel, ce livre est aussi un grand roman d'aventures qui relate les défis inimaginables des pionniers de la chirurgie cardiaque, les progrès fantastiques accomplis au cours de ces dernières décennies, l'angoisse d'un chirurgien qui tient la vie au bout de ses doigts : un ouvrage humain, surprenant, émouvant, parfois drôle, qui nous concerne tous.
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail :

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Events at French Cultural Center

Le Centre Culturel Français vous invite :
> A la conférence Du champ à l'assiette, agriculture et environnement au
> cambodge,
Jeudi 25 mai, à 18h30, au cinéma du CCF.
Le modèle dominant d'agriculture au Cambodge génère pollution de l'air, de
l'eau et des sols, contamination des aliments par les pesticides, engrais
chimiques et dioxines, dispersion des OGM, et un processus de
désertification. Se pose ainsi le réel défi de la sécurité alimentaire tout
en préservant l'environnement et la santé du consommateur.


> A la rencontre Alain Deloche " Comme un éléphant blanc " : Agir à cœur
> ouvert,
Vendredi 26 mai à 18h30, au cinéma du CCF.
Alain Deloche, chef du pôle cardiovasculaire de l'Hôpital Européen
Georges-Pompidou, Cofondateur de Médecins sans Frontières et de Médecins du
Monde, grand ami du Cambodge, viendra présenter au CCF son ouvrage "Comme un
éléphant blanc". Témoignage exceptionnel, ce livre est aussi un grand roman
d'aventures qui relate les défis inimaginables des pionniers de la chirurgie
cardiaque, les progrès fantastiques accomplis au cours de ces dernières
décennies, l'angoisse d'un chirurgien qui tient la vie au bout de ses doigts
: un ouvrage humain, surprenant, émouvant, parfois drôle, qui nous concerne

The French Cultural Center is honored to invite you:
> To the Conference Du champ à l'assiette, agriculture et environnement au
> cambodge
Thursday the 25th of May- 6.30pm - at the movie theatre of French Cultural
> To the meeting Alain Deloche " Comme un éléphant blanc " : Agir à cœur
> ouvert,
friday the 26th of May - at French Cultural Center. 6.30pm.

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
Phnom Penh : 218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh - tel : 00 (855) 23 213 124
/ 125
e-mail :

3rd Annual Cinema Cambodia Film Festival

3rd Annual Cinema Cambodia Festival
When: Saturday, May 27, 2006
Where: Pannasastra University, Rooftop Amphitheater
No. 184 Norodom Boulevard (South of Independence Monument)
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Begins 9:30 am, Lunch 12-2, resumes at 2pm.
(cheers to Indieloop and Camerado for info)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Halfway house fundraiser

A message from Gaye Miller:
To explain further, I have been travelling to Cambodia for the last six years and have been taking shipping containers full of clothes, toys, medical supplies, students stationery, bicycles etc to supply several orphanages in Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Kampot Province, Cambodia.

There are so many needy people over there it is difficult to know where to begin.
I intend to establish a halfway house later this year with the aim of providing accommodation for orphanage leavers whilst educating and preparing the children to become self sufficient in the world outside the orphanage.
These children have become institutionalised from living in a sheltered and isolated Buddhist environment and are not accustomed to taking responsibility for themselves or making personal decisions. Being used to sleeping in dormitories, they are frightened to sleep alone as they believe in ghosts.
If these children are left to fend for themselves they could end up as beggars, thieves, sex workers, street kids, glue sniffers or even dump scavengers.
Some of the children are trying to combine studying and working. This is a real struggle as the children only earn a pittance which isn't enough to survive on. I've seen children wake at 4am to study by candlelight, before they go off to a full days work.
An additional problem is the perception that to be an orphan, female and perhaps handicapped, makes you inferior and a second class citizen.

The ultimate goal is to give the boys and girls a sense of self worth and the confidence to live an independent life as a useful member of the community, which will be achieved by providing an education in the necessary life skills

As this will be an ongoing commitment, I will be holding an annual fundraiser in the form of a dinner/auction.
The 1st Fundraising Dinner will be held on:
29 July 2006: 7pm to Midnight.
at Camelot Receptions, Corner Dandenong and North Roads, Melbourne, Australia.
Dinner with wine, beer, soft drinks. Traditional Cambodian Dancers. $75.00.
Fundraising Auction prizes include 7 nights accommodation in Thailand.
RSVP by 1 July 2006 to Gaye Miller:
, tel 9795 5055 or Sharon 04 04 04 2906

If you can attend the dinner, donate or bid on auction items or offer any other assistance we will be delighted to hear from you.

For more information on my involvement in Cambodia, my newsletters can be read on click on Cambodia, then click on Gaye Miller.

Thank you.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Monthly Concert Series

Foundation for the Advancement of
Western Classical Perfoming Arts
Monthly Concert Series

May 2006

PHN String Quartet
Carl & Anton Stamitz - Carl Friedrich Abel - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Saturday, 27 May, 7pm
Raffles Hotel Le Royal
Empress Room

Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.--
Children&Students US$2.-- (only at the door)

Tickets available at:

Java Café
Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310

mobile: 012 291 654

Screening at Popil PhotoGallery Wednesday 24th May

Fw: screening at Popil PhotoGallery Wednesday 24th May

Wednesday 24th May, 6pm, you are invited to join a screening at Popil
Stéphane Janin will show photo work done during the 2006 Phnom Penh Arts

You saw the Festival and really liked it! Or maybe you missed! Either way,
join us to share again some great moments of art and culture from the
festival organized for four days in front of the National Museum. Some
artists and organizers of the festival including Jane Martin, Festival
Director, will be available for questions after the screening.
Take care, it is a one time only screening, don’t miss it!

Hope to see you there,

Monday, May 15, 2006

Silk Printing Workshop, Cyanotype Workshop

Fw: Weekend workshops


Sunday, May 14, 2006




Courtesy Silong:
If you're in the Bay go check this out. Especially if you is CAMBODIAN

Asian aRts Improve presents
performed, written & created by Anida Yoeu Esguerra

SomArts Cultural Center
934 Brannan St, San Francisco
Admission: $16 general, $12 students & seniors
Advance Tix: $14 general, $10 students & seniors
For info/reservations: (415) 864-4126 or

**tickets can be purchased online and get them in advance!!!!!

Living Memory/Living Absence is an exploration of memory and exile, and the pain of these experiences within the bodies of genocide survivors. In her multimedia work, Living Memory/Living Absence Cambodian American artist Anida Yoeu Esguerra traces her poetic fears of returning to her birth country after 25 years of absence. The joy she feels immersed in ancient Cambodian traditions clashes with the irreversible legacy of a genocide that lingers in the streets. Esguerra performs poetry with movement inspired by Butoh set against a video backdrop of the sites and sounds of her memories of Cambodia. The show is a journey through a landscape of fragmented old memories and an open ache for Home.

for more details about the show visit --

Discussion at


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Abstracts and Arches

postcard exhib arthouse may 20062

Sculptures, Paintings, Prints by Sasha Constable
May 11 - July 27 2006 @ the Art House, Siem Reap, Cambodia


Performance at Sovanna Phum in May

Performance at 7:30pm

Shadow Puppets, Dance, Music
& Masks Dance
"Preah Koh Bot"Story
Friday 12th & 13th May 2006

Dance, Circus & Shadow Puppets
"Roussey Dek"story
Friday 19th & Saturday 20th May 2006

Khmer Classical & Folk Dance
Friday 26th & Saturday 27th May 2006

Entrance fee: Adults $5, Children $3

Sovanna Phum Theatre
nº111 St360 (Corner 105) - Phnom Penh
Tel: 023 987 564
We have show every Friday & Saturday,
Visit our puppet gallery and gift shop open everyday,
except on Sunday.

Cambodia: Human Rights Delegation for Young Leaders

Global Youth Connect, an international human rights organization, is pleased to announce that we are currently recruiting young leaders (ages 18-25) to participate in a human rights delegation to Cambodia from December 27, 2006 to January 17, 2007.
Human rights delegations are a unique, first-hand opportunity to cross cultural boundaries and learn about the daily reality of human rights as experienced in a complex and increasingly globalized world.
Program Dates:  December 27, 2006 – January 17, 2007
Participants in the delegation will learn more about the historical roots of the conflict, how the current human rights crisis is impacting the development and rebuilding process of Cambodia and to discuss possibilities for a change in the future.  We will connect with young Cambodians who are committed to working for change and peace.  These young human rights leaders will join the delegation in an interactive human rights workshop to build knowledge and skills and discuss ways in which we can work together on collaborative projects.  
Participants will meet with local human rights organizations and international institutions to learn more about the complexity and interconnectedness of human rights concerns in Cambodia.  We will look at different strategies being used by these organizations, the challenges they face in achieving change and their opinions on how we can become more involved in the issues.  Delegation members will also gain practical experience through fieldwork projects with different local Cambodian organizations.
How to Apply
We invite interested young leaders to apply.  We are looking for participants who are between the ages of 18-25, possess U.S. citizenship or residency, or are studying full-time at a U.S. college or university.  Most importantly, applicants should wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of human rights and social justice.
The deadline to receive applications is June 23, 2006 at 5PM EST. 
For more information on the program details, costs, and how to apply, please visit our website:
Best wishes,
Jennifer Kloes
Executive Director
Global Youth Connect
Acting together for compassion, human rights and responsibility

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Cambodian Stories: An Offering of Painting and Dance


Cambodian Stories:
An Offering of Painting and Dance

A collaborative performance between Reyum's Art School students and Eiko &
tours the U.S.

US Tour Schedule and Venues


May 15- May 22, 2006

Asia Society
New York, NY

Performances: May 19, 20, 21

Cinema Cambodia

The Annual Cinema Cambodia Film Festival will be accepting submissions up until May 20th.
The Festival is slated for the following weekend, more information to follow!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Something Blue

Thursday 11 May, you are invited to a talk with American artist Erin Gleeson
to know more about "Thing(s) and Blue Thing(s), the current temporary exhibition of
Popil PhotoGallery, an Installation of Polaroid Photographs and Objects.
Talk in khmer, thursday 11 May at 5pm, talk in english same day at 6.30pm.
Hope to see you soon,

Hé !
Le jeudi 11 mai, vous êtes invités à une rencontre-discussion avec l'artiste
Erin Gleeson, pour en savoir plus sur "Thing(s) and Blue Thing(s),
l'actuelle exposition
temporaire de Popil PhotoGallery.
Discussion en khmer, jeudi 11 mai à 17 heures, discussion en anglais le même
jour à 18h30.
J'espère vous voir bientôt,

#126, street 19
Phnom Penh

Open from Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm.
Ouvert du mardi au samedi, 10 à 19 heures.
contact: 012 992 750

Saturday, May 06, 2006




Friday, May 05, 2006

Elsewhere 2nd Anniversary

Elsewhere Bar-Boutique 2nd Anniversary
Friday 05 05 2006
175 st. 51 (corner 254) Phnom Penh

[Khmer language poster to follow]


Wednesday, May 03, 2006


(Cheers to Linda for precis!)

tues 2 6:30pm
the praying mantis 93 mn austria
A woman leading a double life: between a good housewife and going to race

wed 3 6:30pm
run lola run 81 mn germany
a young girl will try to find money that her boyfriend lost to save
him from being killed

thu 4. 6:30pm
inferno 9 circles of the hell 100mn czech slovakia and cambodia
story of a czech doctor falling in love with a khmer girl and being
separated under the pol pot regime

fri 5 4pm
man bites dog: it happened in your neighborhood 95 min belgium
a camera crew follow a serial killer (black humour had a great review in

fri 6:30pm
a game of love and chance 117 mn france
dialogue from marivaux about an angel passing on the outskirt of paris

sat 6 10am
the valants of samothrace 85mn greece
comedy: soldiers during the 1974 war

sat 6 2pm
caterina in the big city 107 mn italy
caterina moves from village to rome. her vision of life

sat 6 4 pm
kontroll 1 hour 51 mn hungary
life of tickets controlers in budapest subway

sat 6 6pm
tomorrow's weather 94 mn poland
a monk hiding from his wife and the communist regime is discovered and
sent back to his family.

sun 7 10 am
a talking picture 96 mn portugal
a portugal family travel in european union...

sun 7 2pm
hush hush baby 89mn netherlands
a comedy about friends and relatives of a moroccan kid born in holland

sun 7 4pm
the communty 110 mn spain
julia a real estate agent found 300 millon pesetas in a flat of a dead

sun 7 6pm
truth or dare 80mn sweden
life of fanny sabina and nora as they start a new school

mon 8 6:30pm
pride and prejudice 127 mn United Kingdom
Jane Austen novel on the screen, the 5 bennet sisters (will they find
the right husband?)

tues 9 6:30pm
shades of happiness 104 mn finland
comedy about two couples in their mid 40's. thing changes as one of
the partner wants a baby...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Art Buds

To encourage and display the artistic talent of children, Java Cafe
invites you join us for ART BUDS Open House, Sunday, May 7, 4 -6pm
(Drink service only, restaurant service will be limited at that time)

On display this week May 1 - 7, 2006
Artwork by children, displayed at adult-eye-level (it's not too late to
add more...)
Artwork by professional artists at child's-eye-level
Drawing Room--an opportunity for children to draw on the walls!

All are welcome!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.