Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Cambodia: Human Rights Delegation for Young Leaders

Global Youth Connect, an international human rights organization, is pleased to announce that we are currently recruiting young leaders (ages 18-25) to participate in a human rights delegation to Cambodia from December 27, 2006 to January 17, 2007.
Human rights delegations are a unique, first-hand opportunity to cross cultural boundaries and learn about the daily reality of human rights as experienced in a complex and increasingly globalized world.
Program Dates:  December 27, 2006 – January 17, 2007
Participants in the delegation will learn more about the historical roots of the conflict, how the current human rights crisis is impacting the development and rebuilding process of Cambodia and to discuss possibilities for a change in the future.  We will connect with young Cambodians who are committed to working for change and peace.  These young human rights leaders will join the delegation in an interactive human rights workshop to build knowledge and skills and discuss ways in which we can work together on collaborative projects.  
Participants will meet with local human rights organizations and international institutions to learn more about the complexity and interconnectedness of human rights concerns in Cambodia.  We will look at different strategies being used by these organizations, the challenges they face in achieving change and their opinions on how we can become more involved in the issues.  Delegation members will also gain practical experience through fieldwork projects with different local Cambodian organizations.
How to Apply
We invite interested young leaders to apply.  We are looking for participants who are between the ages of 18-25, possess U.S. citizenship or residency, or are studying full-time at a U.S. college or university.  Most importantly, applicants should wish to expand their knowledge and understanding of human rights and social justice.
The deadline to receive applications is June 23, 2006 at 5PM EST. 
For more information on the program details, costs, and how to apply, please visit our website:
Best wishes,
Jennifer Kloes
Executive Director
Global Youth Connect
Acting together for compassion, human rights and responsibility

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