Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fw: concert de flamenco

Le Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge vous invite au concert de Flamenco
de Ricardo Garcia et Julie Gunn,
le jeudi 9 mars à 18h30, cinéma du CCF de Phnom Penh.
Billets à retirer au CCFavant le 7 mars

Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh
00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail : info@ccf-cambodge.org culturel@ccf-cambodge.org

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Petit Théâtre d'Ombres

Le Centre Culturel Français vous invite au spectacle de Petit Théâtre d'Ombres,
le jeudi 23 février à 18h30, cinéma du CCF 
Centre Culturel Français du Cambodge
218 rue Kéo Chea (184) - Phnom Penh
00 (855) 23 213 124 / 125
e-mail : info@ccf-cambodge.org      culturel@ccf-cambodge.org

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Seams of Change

Clothing and the care of the self in late 19th and 20th century Cambodia

Talk by Ly Daravuth, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Reyum Institute of Arts and Culture
23 February 2006, Thursday
6.30pm - Exhibition opens
7.30pm - Talk by Ly Daravuth

Join us in this talk as Ly Daravuth provides an insight into the Cambodian Memory Bank project which Reyum Institute embarked on in 2002. Daravuth will also discuss about Seams of Change and its relationship with contemporary Cambodia.

Free admission. Please RSVP to nicole@theatreworks.org.sg by 20 February 2006.

Exhibition Hours
24 February – 19 March 2006
12pm – 8pm (Tue – Sat), 12 – 5pm (Sun), Close on Mon
Free admission

Seams of Change focuses on the theme of clothing and the care of the self. It shows what people wore, how they sewed clothes, and how they took care of their bodies more than one hundred years ago, before the arrival of “modern” commodities. The exhibition illuminates a time when people generally turned to their immediate environment for what they needed. The focus is on the clothing of ordinary people rather than on the special clothing of the rich or the royal.

Exhibits at this exhibition will include line drawings of the clothes the Cambodian people wore in the 19th and 20th century, photographs of these clothes as well as the different types of cosmetics used during that period. From the exhibition, we will begin to see the politics and history of Cambodia unfold.

Seams of Change was invited by Ong Keng Sen to be part of The Flying Circus Project (Special Edition 2005, Yokohama) which was presented at the Yokohama International Triennale of Contemporary Art (September – December 2005), in Yokohama, Japan.

About 72-13
72-13 is the new home of TheatreWorks. A converted rice warehouse, the space is flexible enough to be a gallery, a cinema and a theatre. Its primary purpose will be to encourage collaborations, house residencies from creatives around the world and to encourage hybrid creative expressions from young Singaporeans.

TheatreWorks, responding to the needs of the creative scene in Singapore, has consciously created 72-13 to have a wider and a more inclusive agenda. This the the first year of the soft opening of 72-13.

With support from
National Arts Council

Special thanks to
JC Decaux, Kennel, Power 98, Singapore Tourism Board

72-13 Mohamed Sultan Road, Singapore 239007
T: (65) 6737-7213, F: (65) 6737-7013
www.72-13.com , www.theatreworks.org.sg


Monday, February 20, 2006

In Other Territories

is a new exhibition by Sera, most likely the first comic artist to address the Khmer Rouge era via graphic novel.
More at Comics Lifestyle.

Visualising Angkor, Day Three

Visualising Angkor, Day Three


Architectural Advisor Hok Sokol (left), translator Rith (middle) and Animation Teacher Pou Sopheak have an 'animated discusssion' about their locally taught course.

How do you build a house using 'point and click' instead of 'wood and brick'?

crowddaythree03 crowddaythree02 crowddaythree01

More curious students, art fans and animators showed up, and there was a lot of discussion about what 'should' and 'could' happen next. Plenty of curiosity from both foreigners and locals alike.

Alas it's only three days, just to get things moving. We're already discussing plans for another showing in the future.
The exhibition is finished, the animation is just beginning!


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fw: invitation: tour on 26 feb

----- Original Message -----
From: contact at ka-tours
To: contact@ka-tours.org
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 5:08 PM
Subject: invitation: tour on 26 feb

khmer architecture tours

Dear friends and colleagues,
please see below for information on the upcoming tours, morning and afternoon on Sunday 26 Feb 06. Email details for booking places are below.

Also, if you have any interest in a weekend trip to Kampong Som which would include looking at some great buildings, please let us know.

sunday 26 february 06
university buildings in Phnom Penh

We will again visit three remarkable, 1960s education campuses on the Russian Boulevard (the airport road) and be able to compare and contrast each:

1) The Institute of Technology of Cambodia, by Soviet designers (elegant, functional, abstract).
2) The Institute of Foreign Languages by Vann Molyvann (expressive, dynamic, metaphorical) featured in the New York Times magazine last year.
3) The Royal University of Phnom Penh by Leroy and Mondet (courageous, derivative, flawed). 


There will be morning and afternoon tours, guided by architecture students Suon Ratana and Sim Sitho.
Morning tours: Start at 8.30am, return by around 11.45pm
Afternoon tours: Start at 2.30pm, return by around 5.45pm

Transport by private bus. The tours are available in English and Khmer.
Cambodians: $1, Others $8.
As usual, booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please reply to this email with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise we can't accept the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers for the guides.

Hope to see you soon.

(If you wish not to receive info on future tours, please just reply with 'remove' in the subject line)

geoffrey pyle and jane martin
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Visualising Angkor: Day Two: temple talk

Today Tom Chandler profiled the Monash University efforts to digitally model temples and their surroundings. Many questions from our audience, which ranged from monks and students to visual artists who want to learn animation themselves.

Visualising Angkor Day Two

Sunday 19th, 6:30 pm: come by to see Animation Teacher Pou Sopheak and Architectural Advisor Hok Sokol talk about the local Heritage Watch project to model a traditional house. Tom will also be on hand to answer additional questions.

Mebon test print
Above: Vuth and Samphos show one of the many digital prints you can see at Le Popil Photogallery.

It's all over Monday, so come by if you're curious!

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Friday, February 17, 2006

Visualising Angkor Day One: Video Screening

A great mix of people as we introduced the Australian and Cambodian projects.
We all know how the temples look now, but how did they look ages ago? And what kinds of communities surrounded them?
Animation Animation pictures
Monash University Lecturer Tom Chandler giving certificates to local animation students. Animation teacher Pou Sopheak (left) and Architectural Advisor Hok Sokol (right) discuss the house model the class has made.
Animation pictures Animation
Lots of young students as well as architects, archaeologists, aspiring animators and art fans. Translator Rith helps Tom summarize his work 'Virtual Heritage' to our bilingual crowd.

These models allow demonstration of different archaeological ideas, and can be changed to reflect different theories. What we have here are some first steps towards developing more detailed examples.

Profile of Australian project at 'Le Popil' Saturday at 6:30 pm by Tom Chandler.
Profile of local Heritage Watch Class Sunday 6:30 by Pou Sopheak and Hok Sokol.

(Thanks to Vuth and Samphos for their tireless effort, Stefan for his advice and assistance, Tom, Sokol and Sopheak for being good sports and the entire Heritage Watch crew for their assistance. Cheers also Michelle for photo help!)

Tag: ,

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Angry Skies

The Department of Sociology, Center for Community Engagement, Department of Asian
and Asian American Studies and the Center for Asian Pacific American Studies, the
Department of Film and Electronic Arts, and the Cambodian Student Society at
California State University, Long Beach
Proudly present: A Film Premiere
Angry Skies: A Cambodian Journey
Special guest: Dr. Blake Kerr, Writer and Producer
Date: March 17, 2006 (Friday at 6:30 p.m.)
Location: CSULB Campus Psychology Building Lecture Hall Room 150
- http://www.csulb.edu/~camss/map.jpg -
(suggested parking lots #4, #5, and #6)
The Angry Skies is a documentary film that follows Dr. Blake Kerr, a New York
physician who travels to Cambodia to investigate one of the worst crimes perpetrated by
a country on its own people, the killing of over 2 million people under Pol Pot’s Khmer
Rouge Revolution. After infiltrating a renegade band of Khmer Rouge soldiers, Dr. Kerr
gains unprecedented access to the living architects of the Khmer Rouge Revolution,
including Nuon Chea, “Brother Number Two.” Interviews with human rights activists,
survivors of Tuol Sleng, and Supreme Court Judges, as well as Pol Pot’s telegraph
operator, child soldiers, Khmer Rouge officers and surgeons reveal how the Khmer
Rouge utilized the hatred from U.S. bombing to rise from 300 soldiers in 1968 before
U.S. bombing, to over 70,000 soldiers in 1973, enough to take over the country. The
Angry Skies offers strong parallels to current U.S. foreign policy and occupation of Iraq.
For more information:
• Prof. Leakhena Nou, Department of Sociology CSULB
o lnou@csulb.edu (562) 985-7439
• Dr. Patricia Rozee, Center for Community Engagement Center CSULB
o prozee@csulb.edu (562) 985-7324

Equinox: Access Night

Located in the pleasant and buzzing street 278 near Top Banana Guesthouse and Setsara Thai restaurant, an old “Bougainvillier” growing on the facade of this old style home, enter trough the lush garden. 
Downstairs, enjoy a game or two on the large pool table or dare to challenge one of the regulars expats on the only original "Bonzini" foosball game in Cambodia. 
Upstairs, switch atmosphere and come in the cocktail bar, on a large balcony, meet new friends at the bar and enjoy the best drinks in town, or sit in the intimate room with a couple a friends to have a nice chat, listening to some cool tunes
The place feature also a permanent exhibition of Isabelle Lesser photos and Sou Mey's paintings. Sou Mey is a young Khmer autodidact artist, who lives and works in the house. Meet him and ask him about his work. 
Sou Mey is also a gifted stylist, and there is now a room full of originally designed clothes and handbags line, sold exclusively in Equinox!
Be advised that the street is lighted at night and the area is quite safe, with its bars, restaurants, hotels and guest-houses
See you there Friday night, starting 8.30 PM. 
DJ Steph and Arno play original “Dance-Floor” Music for your pleasure.  
Bebe and Sou Mey
012 586 139, 092 234 922




Friday, February 10, 2006

Monthly Concert Series February 2006

Foundation for the Advancement of  Western Classical Perfoming Arts presents:
Giovanni Battista Pergolesi  Willibald Gluck    Antonio Vivaldi      
Ensemble Style Galant 
Saturday, 18 February, 7pm Raffles Hotel Le Royal
Advance sales: Ticket US$8.-- at the door US$10.-- Children&Students US$2.-- (only at the door)
  Tickets available at:
 Java Café, Pop Café - da Giorgio Raffles Hotel Le Royal(Cafe Le Phnom)
F.W.C.P.A.Office, No.5 Street 310
   mobile: 012 291 654

Visualising Angkor

Visualising Angkor is an event at Popil Photogallery featuring work from two projects in the field of virtual heritage, both guided by Monash University Lecturer Tom Chandler.

•From Monash Asia Institute (Australia) comes stunning animation and still prints of Angkor era temples (Pre Rup / Eastern Mebon) as well as models of urban areas and villages of the time.
Heritage Watch presents a 3 dimensional rendering of an Angkorean era house created by Royal University of Fine Arts Architecture and Archaeology students from Cambodia's first locally taught 'digital heritage' modelling class.

February 17th, opening 6:00 pm, animation screening at 6:30 pm.

February 18th, 6:30 pm:

Profile of Monash University Project / Question and Answer by Monash University Lecturer Tom Chandler.

February 19th, 6:30 pm:

Profile of Heritage Watch Class / Question and Answer by Architectural Advisor Hok Sokol and Animation Teacher Pou Sopheak.

Translation will be provided for presentations on the 18th and 19th. Animation clips will be available on computer throughout the exhibition.

Popil Photogallery: #126, Street 19, 2nd floor. 10am – 7pm daily. (Closed Mondays.)
Further Information: 012 526 840 / animation@sangsalapak.org.kh


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Opening Party Tonite at Popil PhotoGallery

Tonite at Popil PhotoGallery at 6pm:
Opening party for exhibition of Nam The Trung Bui, vietnamese photographer.
Don't miss this intelligent look on Vietman and its population, leaving
usual cliches
far behind.

This exhibition is part of "2 + 3 + 4", a Vietnamese and Cambodian Artists
Exchange at Java Café & Gallery, Popil PhotoGallery and The Building.

"2 + 3 + 4" is organised by Christine Cibert, Java and Popil, in
with Saklapel association. This event got support from Carnets d'Asie, Red
Apron and
MCD (Media Consulting and Development).

Hope to see you tonite or later, exhibition at Popil will last until March

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
(near the National Museum)
Phnom Penh - Cambodia
contact: 012 992 750

March for Freedom of Expression

Phnom Penh, February 8th, 2005

March for Freedom of Expression and Non-Violence in Cambodia from Phnom Penh
to Oudong, February 11-13, 2006

The Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia (AFEC) invites the media
to report on the "March for Freedom of Expression and
Non-Violence in Cambodia" from Phnom Penh to Oudong from February 11-13,
2006. After the release or return of various Cambodian civil
rights activists this peaceful march shall demonstrate the ongoing need and
support for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia. The
participants will demand that all criminal defamation lawsuits against
activists are dropped immediately and unconditionally. They will call
on the Royal Government and the National Assembly to put on track legal
reforms for the decriminalization of defamation. At the same
time the participants will express their deep conviction that human rights
can only be realized by peaceful means. Therefore, the marchers
are heading to Phnom Oudong where they will participate in the celebration
of "Bon Meak Bochea" on Monday, February 13th. This
commemoration of Buddha's funeral is traditionally linked with the ideas of
peace, tolerance and non-violence (Sanskrit: ahimsa).

Press conference with leading Cambodian human rights activists on February
11th, 2006, 8 o'clock a.m., at Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh start of
the march at 8:30 a.m.

The march will consist of a core group of 50 nominated by member
organizations of the AFEC. The public along the way will be invited to
participate in the march during the whole time or on a part of the way that
is about 50 kilometers totally. All participants will wear Yellow
Ribbons as symbols for the demand for Freedom of Expression. The core group
will wear t-shirts with the same symbol and hold large foam
models of it. The marchers will be accompanied by two ox-carts carrying big
banners with the message of the march. The participants
are invited by the Pagodas of Chetha Udom and Pakdemakor to stay overnight.
Human rights monitors from LICADHO and CCHR will accompany the marchers.

For more information please contact: Mr. Ou, Virak, General Secretary of the
AFEC H/P: 012 404 051

Contact address:
Secretariat of the Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia, c/o
Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), # 42, Street 242, Sangkat
Chak Tomuk, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh ,Cambodia. Phone: (855-23) 991
844, Fax: (855-23) 218 843, E-mail: afec@cchr-cambodia.org

Links for more:

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

soirée "Contes" franco-cambodgienne





Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Popil Job opening

Popil PhotoGallery is looking for a Cambodian national, English speaking
staff to join the only photo gallery in Phnom Penh.

The job description: You will welcome visitors at the gallery, introduce
them to the current photo collection and give them a chance to buy photos.

The job is part-time for the moment: 2 days a week. Some extra days can be
added later depending on your performance.

Working hours: 10am to 7pm.
Interest in art and culture is a must.
Salary to be negociated.

Really excited to work at this gallery? Then contact Stéphane at 012 992

Popil PhotoGallery
#126, street 19
Phnom Penh

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Public Policy Fellowship

Scholarship opportunity here, Khmer Americans take note. Courtesy forwarded message from Sophal Ear:

Announcement                                                                            January 31, 2006

Contact: Christopher Matias
Executive Director


WASHINGTON, DC - - The Public Policy & International Affairs Program (PPIA) invites college juniors to apply for the 2006 PPIA Fellowship Program.  Applications can be found on the PPIA Website at www.ppiaprogram.org/app/.  Each year over 100 students will be selected to become part of this exciting fellowship program that spans from a student's junior year of college to graduate school in public policy, public administration, international affairs or related master's degrees.

The PPIA Fellowship Program provides students with a unique training experience over a seven-week period in graduate level courses.  In addition, the fellowship provides professional development support after their successful completion of the Junior Summer Institute and it provides students with a graduate school scholarship.  This experience will open their eyes to the possibilities that exist in the world of public service, guide them in their decisions about graduate school and expose them to various professional fields in public affairs.  As aptly stated by Steve Bernard Hamilton, a 1999 PPIA Fellow at UC Berkeley JSI:

"PPIA has had a positive impact on my life. It allowed me to explore the complex world of domestic and international policy. More importantly, it helped me obtain a degree that I have been able to parlay into several different interesting and challenging jobs within the national security arena. Additionally, through the program I have made lifelong friends, established a great network and expanded my horizons!"

To apply, applicants must:

       Have an interest in public service
      Be U.S. citizens or Legal Permanent Residents 
      Be a college junior when applying and/or must return to college after the completion of the Junior Summer Institute with at least one full semester or two quarters of coursework remaining
     Submit a completed online application form that includes a personal statement, a current resume, two letters of recommendations, and official transcript(s).


     Fully funded Junior Summer Institute, which includes airfare, room and board, books and $1,000 stipend
     Opportunities for internships
     A minimum of $5,000 from our Consortium Members upon enrollment in their graduate school programs
      A network of over 3000 Fellows/Alumni

The application deadline is Wednesday, March 1st.  The following are start dates for each Junior Summer Institute:

June 10 - July 29, 2006 • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
June 11 - July 30, 2006• University of Maryland, College Park
 June 17 - August 5, 2006 • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
June 18 - August 5, 2006 • University of California, Berkeley
June 15 - August 4, 2006 • Princeton University, New Jersey – Application Closed

For more information, please visit out website at www.ppiaprogram.org/app/ or contact us at ppia@ppiaprogram.org or

The Public Policy & International Affairs Program is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit and non-partisan organization dedicated to creating the next generation of diverse leaders and professional public servants.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006



For beginners and advanced players
Come and give it a go or/and send this email to your friends
10 lessons 40 $ Or 5 $ each lesson

Sovanna Phum theatre
#111 street 360
Info: Connie vanderveen
012 786230

MOWA Ceremony for Women Artists on Feb.2

Saklapel and the Ministry of Women's Affairs
invite you to celebrate the
Ministry of Women's Affairs Permanent Art Collection by Women
Thursday, 2 February
10:30 Tea
11:00 Ceremony Artists present their work to Her Excellency Dr Ing Kantha Pavi.
The artist will be introduced and her work explained in both Khmer
and English languages.
MOWA building
Rue de France/ Street 47
(Main road running north of Wat Phnom roundabout to Japanese Bridge.
Ministry on east side of road between cross streets 80 & 82.)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.