Friday, February 17, 2006

Visualising Angkor Day One: Video Screening

A great mix of people as we introduced the Australian and Cambodian projects.
We all know how the temples look now, but how did they look ages ago? And what kinds of communities surrounded them?
Animation Animation pictures
Monash University Lecturer Tom Chandler giving certificates to local animation students. Animation teacher Pou Sopheak (left) and Architectural Advisor Hok Sokol (right) discuss the house model the class has made.
Animation pictures Animation
Lots of young students as well as architects, archaeologists, aspiring animators and art fans. Translator Rith helps Tom summarize his work 'Virtual Heritage' to our bilingual crowd.

These models allow demonstration of different archaeological ideas, and can be changed to reflect different theories. What we have here are some first steps towards developing more detailed examples.

Profile of Australian project at 'Le Popil' Saturday at 6:30 pm by Tom Chandler.
Profile of local Heritage Watch Class Sunday 6:30 by Pou Sopheak and Hok Sokol.

(Thanks to Vuth and Samphos for their tireless effort, Stefan for his advice and assistance, Tom, Sokol and Sopheak for being good sports and the entire Heritage Watch crew for their assistance. Cheers also Michelle for photo help!)

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