Thursday, February 16, 2006

Angry Skies

The Department of Sociology, Center for Community Engagement, Department of Asian
and Asian American Studies and the Center for Asian Pacific American Studies, the
Department of Film and Electronic Arts, and the Cambodian Student Society at
California State University, Long Beach
Proudly present: A Film Premiere
Angry Skies: A Cambodian Journey
Special guest: Dr. Blake Kerr, Writer and Producer
Date: March 17, 2006 (Friday at 6:30 p.m.)
Location: CSULB Campus Psychology Building Lecture Hall Room 150
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(suggested parking lots #4, #5, and #6)
The Angry Skies is a documentary film that follows Dr. Blake Kerr, a New York
physician who travels to Cambodia to investigate one of the worst crimes perpetrated by
a country on its own people, the killing of over 2 million people under Pol Pot’s Khmer
Rouge Revolution. After infiltrating a renegade band of Khmer Rouge soldiers, Dr. Kerr
gains unprecedented access to the living architects of the Khmer Rouge Revolution,
including Nuon Chea, “Brother Number Two.” Interviews with human rights activists,
survivors of Tuol Sleng, and Supreme Court Judges, as well as Pol Pot’s telegraph
operator, child soldiers, Khmer Rouge officers and surgeons reveal how the Khmer
Rouge utilized the hatred from U.S. bombing to rise from 300 soldiers in 1968 before
U.S. bombing, to over 70,000 soldiers in 1973, enough to take over the country. The
Angry Skies offers strong parallels to current U.S. foreign policy and occupation of Iraq.
For more information:
• Prof. Leakhena Nou, Department of Sociology CSULB
o (562) 985-7439
• Dr. Patricia Rozee, Center for Community Engagement Center CSULB
o (562) 985-7324

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