Sunday, February 19, 2006

Fw: invitation: tour on 26 feb

----- Original Message -----
From: contact at ka-tours
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2006 5:08 PM
Subject: invitation: tour on 26 feb

khmer architecture tours

Dear friends and colleagues,
please see below for information on the upcoming tours, morning and afternoon on Sunday 26 Feb 06. Email details for booking places are below.

Also, if you have any interest in a weekend trip to Kampong Som which would include looking at some great buildings, please let us know.

sunday 26 february 06
university buildings in Phnom Penh

We will again visit three remarkable, 1960s education campuses on the Russian Boulevard (the airport road) and be able to compare and contrast each:

1) The Institute of Technology of Cambodia, by Soviet designers (elegant, functional, abstract).
2) The Institute of Foreign Languages by Vann Molyvann (expressive, dynamic, metaphorical) featured in the New York Times magazine last year.
3) The Royal University of Phnom Penh by Leroy and Mondet (courageous, derivative, flawed). 


There will be morning and afternoon tours, guided by architecture students Suon Ratana and Sim Sitho.
Morning tours: Start at 8.30am, return by around 11.45pm
Afternoon tours: Start at 2.30pm, return by around 5.45pm

Transport by private bus. The tours are available in English and Khmer.
Cambodians: $1, Others $8.
As usual, booking is essential. Children over 12 are welcome.

Please reply to this email with your request for places; please don't forget to include names and mobile telephone numbers and which tour you would like, otherwise we can't accept the booking. We will email you back with joining details and contact numbers for the guides.

Hope to see you soon.

(If you wish not to receive info on future tours, please just reply with 'remove' in the subject line)

geoffrey pyle and jane martin
khmer architecture tours
tours of modern architecture in cambodia

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